Chapter 78 I Care About You

At this time, Mo Ran also saw Liang Qian walking out with her bicycle, her calm eyes were a little flustered.

Just now I was still thinking about how to tell Liangqian about this matter, who knew that Liangqian came out so early today, and she still hasn't figured out what to say.

The cool morning seems to be filled with the ignorance of the two young people.

Liangqian did not walk up to Mo Ran, but stood at the position where Mo Ran was always waiting, as if implying something.

Looking at Liangqian's actions, Mo Ran certainly knew what she meant, it seemed that she was really angry and stopped walking towards him.

Standing so far away means letting yourself go.

The two of them froze in place, and the man in the guard room was going crazy, screaming in his heart.

up!up!What are you doing in a daze, come on!

Mo Ran also wanted to go, but he hadn't organized his words well, and his previous calmness disappeared.

Taking a deep breath, Mo Ran pushed the bicycle and walked towards Liangqian.

Liangqian pretended not to look at Mo Ran, but she still saw Mo Ran pushing the car over from the corner of her eye, and felt a little nervous.

What is he going to do, will he do those embarrassing things, I will definitely resist appropriately, so as not to let you succeed so easily!
Feeling that Mo Ran had come to her side, Liangqian bit her lip lightly, and pinched the corner of her clothes with her hands. It was still a little cold, but she felt her body was getting hot.

"Yesterday...Did you sleep well yesterday?" Mo Ran asked hesitantly, and only after he finished speaking did he feel really stupid. How could Liangqian sleep well.

Liangqian looked away and said quietly, "I slept well."

Mo Ran actually asked himself if he slept well last night, what does this mean, he must be trying to find out the truth, how could he be fooled.

Am I going to say that you were on your mind when I tossed and turned and didn't sleep for hours last night.

Mo Ran was taken aback after hearing this, actually slept well?

How come, I didn't sleep for a few hours last night at all.

"I also slept pretty well." Mo Ran said with a light cough.

Liangqian: "..."

It doesn't matter to me whether you sleep well or not, he can still sleep, it seems that he doesn't care about me at all!Definitely don't like me anymore!
Did you like that Lin Pengpeng?
Seeing that Liangqian's expression was not very good, Mo Ran started to change the subject again: "Why did you come out so early today? Where are you going?"

As soon as she heard Mo Ran's words, Liangqian became angry. Anyway, she just didn't mention yesterday's incident. Do you think you can get away with it by not talking about it? It's impossible. I still have to ask myself where I am going early in the morning. Of course I want to find you, but I can not say.

"Where else can I go? Go to school." Liangqian said softly.

Hearing that Liangqian woke up early to go to school, Mo Ran felt chills, did she plan to go with her?If today hadn't come early, I'm afraid no one would have been able to wait.

Originally, he wanted to coax Liangqian with nice words, but now it seems that it is a bit useless.

"Liangqian, are you blaming me?"

Liangqian pretended to be surprised: "I blame you? I don't blame you. Anyway, I'm the one who gets angry. Everything you say is right, but I'm wrong anyway."

Listening to this pitiful tone is really distressing.

"Yesterday, my tone was a bit harsh, so don't take it to heart." Mo Ran said apologetically.

Hearing these words, Liangqian's aggrieved mood became much stronger.

"I've taken it to heart, I'm very sad, very sad." Liangqian looked at Mo Ran and said seriously, the grievance in her heart came out again, it's too much for you to scold people for being nice to you.

Seeing that Liangqian's eyes were a little red, Mo Ran's heart sank. She didn't expect that what she said would really hurt Liangqian.

I feel very uncomfortable.

Maybe it was because of Mo Ran's hot head, he suddenly put his arms around Liangqian's waist.

Under Liangqian's unbelievable gaze, Wei Wei took a look.

The man in the guard room suddenly covered his eyes. These two young people hugged each other at the gate. I feel ashamed for you.

That being said, the man observed through his fingers, if there is a kiss at this time, it would be perfect.

At this time, Mo Ran hugged Liang Qian in his arms, but he didn't think too much about it, he just wanted to express his apology with this hug.

However, Liangqian's mind was a little blank. She didn't expect Mo Ran to use this method. As a girl, she couldn't resist this trick at all.

"If you're still angry, hit me to relieve your anger." Mo Ran softly said along Liangqian's beautiful hair.

Liangqian, who was still in a mess at first, immediately raised her small fist and hammered it.


Suddenly a siren sounded, which startled the two young people in the embrace, and hurriedly separated, with a guilty conscience.

A car pulls out of the neighborhood.

After calming down, Mo Ran also had a chill on his back, this is at the gate of the community, if Liangqian's parents saw it, it would be fine.

Fortunately, there was no one here just now, otherwise it would be a bad thing.

Suddenly, Mo Ran looked towards the guard room and found a pair of eyes staring at him, but he quickly looked away with guilt.

"Let's go, there are many people here." Mo Ran said softly.

Liangqian shyly followed Mo Ran like a young daughter-in-law who just passed through the door.

The man in the guard room exhaled slightly, but he didn't show it to him...

Because it was still early, the two pushed their bicycles forward. Although the weather was a bit cold, their hearts were very hot.

"I didn't sleep well last night." Liangqian said lightly.

Mo Ran sighed slightly: "Me too, I can't sleep."

"I got up so early just to block you."

"It seems that I blocked you first." Mo Ran smiled.

Mo Ran's words made Liangqian feel happy, so you care about me so much, you are afraid that I will ignore you, don't you~
After walking a certain distance, Mo Ran said softly: "Actually, I wanted to come to you last night, but I was afraid of being abrupt."

"Last night? Did you come?" Liang Qian asked curiously.

Mo Ran nodded: "Come here, at the gate of the community, I dare not go in."

Liangqian was overjoyed when she heard this, you still know you care about me, and you thought you were only fierce.

"Why did you come to see me?" Liangqian began to feel complacent, after all, Mo Ran was still very nervous about herself, which gave her a little sense of security.

"Uh, it's nothing, I just want to see."

Liangqian snorted softly, Mo Ran really wanted to save face, she was obviously very worried, but she wanted to pretend nothing had happened.

"Look at what?"

"look at you."

"Do you care about me that much?" Liang Qian asked curiously, pressing her every step of the way.

Mo Ran stopped, and Liang Qian looked at Mo Ran suspiciously.

"I didn't realize it before, but after yesterday's incident, I care about you very much." Mo Ran looked at Liang Qian and said sincerely, her eyes also exuded a charming, damn tenderness.

Liangqian was killed by Mo Ran's move, and her pretty face gradually turned red: "I care about you too."

 I caught a cold today and got a headache. It's really uncomfortable. I'm sorry brothers.

(End of this chapter)

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