I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 81 Do you think I'm out of shape?

Chapter 81 Do you think I'm out of shape?
Liangqian, who was robbed of the heroine, was very depressed, which made her feel a little depressed in the morning. The girls seemed to like playing with Lin Pengpeng, and they seemed to have forgotten Lin Pengpeng's aggressive beating behavior yesterday.

And Xiao Fan, relying on the rare PSP game console, mixed with the boys in the class, discussing how to pass the game levels after class.

Now the focus of the class seems to be on Xiao Fan and Lin Pengpeng, and the number one and number two of himself and Mo Ran will be ignored.

"Eat more meat, now is the time to grow your body." At noon, the two sat together to eat, seeing Liangqian eating without a bite, Mo Ran said softly.

Liangqian frowned after hearing this: "Long body? Do you think my figure is not good???"

Moran: "..."

"No, I mean you are still developing."

"You say I'm stunted???"

Mo Ran felt that he was guilty, knowing that she was in a bad mood and committing crimes against the wind, it was really an unknown act.

"Oh..." Liangqian let out a long cry.

"Do you think Lin Pengpeng has a better figure than me, so let me eat more!"

Mo Ran felt that his brain was a bit big: "No."

"Look, you've explained everything. Do you really want to act with her? I knew you didn't like me..."

Well, I owe it to myself, why would I provoke a resentful girl if I have nothing to do.

"Then I won't act as the head office." Mo Ran sighed softly, just this jealous jar, it would be terrible if it was overturned, why didn't I realize that the monitor's jealousy was so strong before.

"No, if you don't act anymore, Lin Pengpeng may decide how to bury me."

Mo Ran just stopped talking. If you play you are angry, if you don't play you will still let you go. How can you be like this? It is simply unreasonable.

"Okay Qianqian, if you play her mother, you still have the advantage."

Hearing Mo Ran call her nickname, Liang Qian's mood improved a little: "I think we need to change the script, if we follow the previous script, it seems boring."

"This is indeed a good idea. Do you have any good ideas?" Mo Ran asked curiously.

There was a weird smile on the corner of Liangqian's mouth, and when she saw it, she knew that Liangqian must have some evil idea, forget it, just let her happy.

As everyone returned to the classroom, Liangqian expressed her thoughts.

Hao Lei and the others must have nothing to say. If Mrs. Mo speaks, just follow through.

Xiao Fan was originally dissatisfied with his passer-by A, but when he heard that he could act without following the script, he instantly had countless ideas.

So now only Lin Pengpeng is left.

If he didn't follow the script, it would definitely be a disadvantage for Lin Pengpeng. After all, the girls in the class were still very envious of being able to act as a couple with Mo Ran.

"Okay, then don't act according to the script." Lin Pengpeng readily agreed. For Lin Pengpeng, he didn't really want to play a couple with Mo Ran, but wanted to play a role that surpassed everyone.

Liangqian thought that Lin Pengpeng would be unwilling, but she didn't expect to agree so readily.

"Then have we re-arranged the script?" Hao Lei asked.

Lin Pengpeng laughed and said: "I think every role is very important, we can add drama to the basics, and then rehearse to see the effect."

Liangqian thinks this idea is good. If Lin Pengpeng doesn't target her like this, maybe she will be a good friend.

The corner of Xiao Fan's mouth evoked a mysterious smile, adding drama to the character, hahaha, it's so fucking interesting!

Everyone is not stupid, and they understand that adding drama is a different kind of contest, and a smell of gunpowder suddenly ignites.

Especially among Mo Ran, Liang Qian, Xiao Fan and Lin Pengpeng.

After school, Liangqian and Mo Ran discussed how to add drama to the role of stepmother, after all stepmother is also considered a villain.

Mo Ran is not very good at screenwriting, so he has to think about it.

While Lin Pengpeng was sitting in the luxury car, he had a new definition of Cinderella in his heart. Whoever said that Cinderella can only be humble, my Cinderella played by Lin Pengpeng has to be like Hua Mulan.

Even in the face of the prince, he openly rejected him.

Thinking of Mo Ran being rejected by him, Lin Pengpeng laughed unconsciously, and finally let out a sigh of relief.

"What? Did something funny happen?" Lin Hong, the mother sitting next to her, asked curiously. She thought her daughter would be messing around like before, but she didn't say anything when she came back yesterday, and she went back to her room to study. It was so weird.

Regarding what his mother said, Lin Pengpeng put away his smile: "It's nothing, I just think it's funny."

Lin Hong sighed softly in her heart, in fact, she also knew why her daughter was angry with him, lacked company, and failed to do many things promised to her daughter, she was too busy.

"By the way, I invite my classmates to play at home on Saturday. There are quite a lot of people." Lin Pengpeng said in a low voice.

Lin Hong's eyes lit up, she was really curious about what happened to her daughter in the past few days, and it was the first time that her daughter even invited her classmates to her home.

"Okay, mom, go get ready."

"Also, the school has a performance on New Year's Day, I signed up, help me prepare props or something."

Lin Hong let out an unbelievable oh, her daughter, a lone wolf, is actually participating in group activities, it's a good thing!Give the head teacher a call later.

"Okay, write down the props for me when you get home, and my mother will take care of it for you."


"By the way, what role are you playing, Peng Peng?"


"Protagonist, it's amazing."

"Nonsense, I must be very good." Lin Pengpeng held back his mouth, speaking as if he was not very good.

Lin Hong smiled lightly, and then asked curiously: "You are so powerful, continue to be your monitor." Her daughter was the monitor when she was in school, but she stopped being a rebellious girl when she was in the third year of junior high school. I hope my daughter can get back together.

"Squad leader, if I think about it, there must be one." Lin Pengpeng said dismissively, and when he found a chance, he took down the squad leader.

Lin Hong smiled and said nothing, her own words were just planting a seed in her daughter's heart, and she would want to be the squad leader even if she didn't say anything.

In a blink of an eye, it was Saturday.

Mo Ran came to Liangqian's house as usual. The plaster cast on her right hand has been removed, and she can now move normally.

"I really didn't expect that Lin Pengpeng also lived in this community." Liangqian who was doing a question suddenly said.

When Lin Pengpeng gave the address on Friday, Liangqian and Xiao Fan were quite surprised, they lived together, but they had never seen each other.

In fact, the Qinghewan community is relatively large, and there is not only one exit and entrance, but there are entrances and exits in the east, west, north, and south.

Liangqian and Mo Ran often go in and out of the east gate. This road does not go to the city center, so there are relatively few vehicles, and it is normal if they do not encounter them.

"Concentrate on the question, or you will make a mistake again." Mo Ran said carefully.

Liangqian pursed her lips: "I want to take a rest."

 Resurrection with full blood, thank you brothers~
(End of this chapter)

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