Chapter 82
Seeing Liangqian's pitiful moves, Mo Ran sighed softly, "I know you're all focused on the afternoon rehearsal, so let's stop here today."

"Hey~ You still understand me, Mo Ran." Liang Qian said with a smile, she was no longer depressed, she didn't follow the script, Mo Ran could not like Cinderella, but how about this stepmother?This plot is a bit eye-catching.

"Have you figured out how to act?" Mo Ran asked curiously.

Liangqian said confidently, "Of course I've already thought about it, let me kill Cinderella today!"

"Well, be careful, it's at someone else's house anyway."

"I know, don't worry." Liangqian saw that the time was almost up, so she and Mo Ran were about to go out. Lin Pengpeng treated guests to dinner at noon.

Ye Xueqing told her daughter: "Qianqian, you must be polite when you go to other people's homes."

"Mom, I must be very polite to greet you." Liangqian said with a smile.

Ye Xueqing showed a doting smile.

As soon as the two of them walked out, they saw Xiao Fan who was opposite him also coming out. Xiao Fan's outfit today is a bit handsome, very cool, and there are many holes in the jeans.

Since the relationship was not very good, Xiao Fan just glanced at it, and then walked to the right, his steps were still very fast.

Liangqian held back her mouth and pretended to be cold.

After walking for about ten minutes, I finally arrived at Lin Pengpeng's house!

No, to be precise, it was at the gate of Lin Pengpeng's house.

Liangqian frowned deeply.

"What's the matter?" Mo Ran asked curiously, he didn't expect there to be such a place in the community.

"I heard from my dad that there was a large courtyard villa in the middle of the community. My dad wanted to buy it at the time, but he didn't sell it to the outside world. The developer kept it for himself. I didn't expect it to be Lin Pengpeng's home!" Liangqian finally knew that she actually lived in Lin Pengpeng's property, which was completely incomparable.

Mo Ran looked around. Surrounded by green trees, the environment is elegant. It is indeed different from ordinary villas. Grandpa can live in this kind of big villa and enjoy himself at any time.

But such a house should cost a lot of money.

At this time, Liangqian looked at Mo Ran beside her. Although she was no match for her, Mo Ran was there... Lin Pengpeng did not have a boyfriend like Mo Ran, and finally found a place to win over her.

"Oh, the squad leader is here, why don't you ring the bell? Really, it's not good to stand at the door." The intercom on the wall suddenly rang.

Hearing Lin Pengpeng's proud voice, Liangqian changed her normal routine and said with a light smile, "I was just about to press it. I didn't expect Lin Pengpeng to be so proactive. Are you waiting for me?"

Lin Pengpeng was taken aback, looking at Liangqian on the monitor, why did he suddenly fight back and get enlightened?

It must have been taught by Mo Ran next to him!
In fact, Mo Ran really didn't teach, Mo Ran still doesn't interfere with this kind of girls' affairs, Liangqian's ability can completely handle it, look at it now, she finally showed her power.

Liangqian's ability to show such power suddenly is actually Mo Ran's affirmation. As a girlfriend, of course she must be well-behaved and sensible in front of her boyfriend. How can she show her tough side.

But now that they are familiar, Liang Qian began to show her true nature, saying that I am not a good girl.

"Hahaha, I just glanced at it just now, it's just a coincidence." Lin Pengpeng said with a smile, in fact, he was really hit, and he would glance at it from time to time.

"Isn't the door open yet?"

"Look at my memory, I'm about to catch up with my mother." Lin Pengpeng joked, and opened the door, not forgetting to hurt his mother.

The double iron doors opened slowly, and the two walked inside. I have to say, this kind of mansion is luxurious.

The towering old trees are planted on both sides of the driveway, and there are small paths paved with cobblestones in the grove, where you can take a walk or something.

From the gate to the house, the two walked for 5 minutes.

As soon as I saw it, I saw a circular rockery fountain with a diameter of at least 20 meters. It would look better if the lights were turned on at night.

And not far from the two of them, it was a five-story European-style building, and there was even a steeple, which looked like a castle.

Originally, Liangqian didn't believe that there were so many servants in Lin Pengpeng's family, but now she believed it, even if there were twenty.

In fact, when Xiao Fan came here just now, he felt the same way, and suddenly realized that his only advantage of being rich was not Lin Pengpeng's opponent.

"Brother Mo, sister-in-law Mo, you are finally here, come in quickly, there are so many delicious foods." Hao Lei came out suddenly, with an unknown liquid still remaining at the corner of his mouth.

Liangqian's eyes were fixed: "I bought you for the delicious food, your brother Mo's heart aches."

Mo Ran sighed softly in his heart, actually using himself as an excuse, I don't feel heartbroken.

Hao Lei chuckled: "Although my stomach is temporarily surrendered, my heart still belongs to Brother Mo."

Liangqian couldn't help laughing coquettishly after hearing this, and followed Hao Lei into the huge mansion.

As soon as I walked in, I saw an uncle in his 60s, but he was very well dressed, still in a tuxedo.

"You two are classmates of Miss. The slippers are ready, you can sit here and change your shoes."

Mo Ran felt a lot. I thought that Liangqian's family was already very rich, but when I came to Lin Pengpeng's family, I realized that there is no upper limit to being rich.

The two said thank you.

"Uncle Fu, I'm here to greet them." At this time Lin Pengpeng came from the side.

Not to mention, today's Lin Pengpeng's dress is a bit nice. If Liangqian is a gentle hibiscus, then Lin Pengpeng is a hot rose, or the kind with thorns.

Today she was wearing a pair of short jeans. Although they were not as big as a palm, they were still very bold. No girls in school wore them like this.

And the long fair legs are really well displayed.

Coupled with the tight short sleeves that exposed the navel, these boys who are just ignorant can be fascinated. It is estimated that some boys will not be able to sleep at night tonight, so they will ask Miss Wu for help.

On the other hand, Liangqian dresses very warmly, but it is very cold outside, unlike the heating in the house, so Liangqian's style is completely different from Lin Pengpeng.

But as a boy, Lin Pengpeng's attire is better than Liangqian's today.

"Squad leader, don't be polite to me today, eat and play whatever you want." Lin Pengpeng said with a big smile.

Liangqian also smiled and replied, "Then I won't be polite."

"Come in, we're going to have dinner soon, and we're waiting for you, monitor." Lin Pengpeng said with a smile, especially the last sentence monitor, which seemed to have a different meaning.

Seeing Lin Pengpeng leaving, Liangqian snorted angrily, and suddenly found that Mo Ran was still staring at others, and instantly became angry. Boys are all the same, and they all like girls to dress like this.

"Does it look good?!" Liangqian asked in a deep voice.

Mo Ran paused, and said solemnly: "It's not good-looking."


(End of this chapter)

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