I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 83 Occasionally I Like 1

Chapter 83 Occasionally I Like It

Mo Ran whispered: "Qianqian, don't dress like her in the future, do you know?"

"Isn't that what you boys like?" Liangqian pouted, her eyes were straightened, if you want to see it, just say it, I'll show you the clothes.

"I don't like it." Mo Ran said affirmatively.

Liangqian sighed softly: "At first, I thought, someday my parents are not at home, I will wear it for you to see."

"It's okay to like it once in a while."

Liangqian: "..."

If there were not so many classmates around, Mo Ran would definitely be hammered to the ground, a duplicity boy!

He was not angry with Lin Pengpeng, but was angry with Mo Ran.

Walking into the room, a strong Chinese style greets you. Mahogany furniture is standard, and there are even many famous paintings hanging on the walls. The vase in the corner is actually blue and white porcelain.

The students were impressed by the arrogance of Lin Pengpeng's family, they are too rich.

"Actually, the furniture is just like that. I even broke a few vases last year." Lin Pengpeng, who was walking around with Liangqian, spread his hands and smiled, showing off wildly.

Compared with Haoheng, Liangqian is indeed no match.

Seeing that Liangqian didn't speak, Lin Pengpeng was like a peacock, twittering.

Pass through the first floor and come to the large garden behind, where four or five chefs are cooking ingredients.

There are all kinds of delicacies on the long table, and the students like these desserts very much.

"These are all great chefs from the provincial capital. No matter what you say, they will do it." Lin Pengpeng introduced.

Seeing that even Xiao Fan is eating, facing the temptation of delicious food, it seems that they can temporarily put aside their grievances.

"Twelve, is it delicious?" Lin Pengpeng suddenly shouted at Xiao Fan.

The corner of Xiao Fan's mouth twitched, and he said calmly, "That's the smell."

"Then don't eat it, don't beat your teeth with my rough food."

"Don't worry, my teeth are very good." Xiao Fan cut his teeth, and if you don't eat for nothing, you will go bankrupt first!
In fact, a lot of students in the class came today, at least half of them came.

"Students, there will be delicious food later, so don't get too full." Lin Pengpeng yelled at the crowd, and the students were very generous and cheered.

"Brother Mo, try this cake quickly. It's so crispy and melts in your mouth. I've never eaten such a good cake." Hao Lei walked over holding a triangular cake.

Mo Ran subconsciously caught it, but felt that Liangqian beside her was beginning to emit a grudge.

It seems to be saying, Moran!You actually eat the enemy's food in front of me!We agreed to advance and retreat together!
"Squad leader, come and try a piece." Lin Pengpeng brought a piece of cake himself.

Liangqian was caught off guard by Lin Pengpeng's trick.

I accepted it, in the eyes of the students, it seemed that I appreciated it, but if I didn't answer it, then I must say that I, the monitor, didn't give face, besides, it was still in someone else's house.

Helpless, Liangqian could only take the cake.

When Mo Ran and Liang Qian took a sip, they had the same thought in their hearts.

Really smooth.

Mo Ran had never eaten this kind of cake.

Liangqian had eaten it before, but it was in a big city. There is no cake shop like this in Qingyang City, so they couldn't make it.

At this time, Fu Bo came over respectfully: "Miss, lunch is ready, you can start the meal."

"Students, let's go in for dinner. There is still something to eat in the afternoon. If you can't finish eating, you can pack it up and go home."

The students crazily praised Lin Pengpeng's grandeur, and Liangqian let out a little breath.

"Mo Ran, am I worse than Lin Pengpeng?" Liang Qian suddenly asked Mo Ran who was beside her, looking a little unconfident.

"I don't think you are worse than her. Girls who are not confident will find confidence by showing off their wealth." Mo Ran said softly, and Xiao Fan who was walking beside heard it, and felt that Mo Ran's words made sense.

Liangqian adjusted her mentality a little, and she was filled with fighting spirit immediately. As long as Mo Ran stood by her side, she would have endless strength.

When the students came to the restaurant, they were shocked!
The dining table is very long, at least 15 meters long, and there are cutlery and cutlery on the table. This scene has only been seen on TV.

"Students, let's eat western food for lunch today, it's different." Lin Pengpeng sat at the head, showing his status.

And Liangqian actually chose to sit opposite Lin Pengpeng, with a distance of more than ten meters between them, but the two eyes seemed to rub sparks in the air.

As Lin Pengpeng stood up and clapped his hands, the servants walked out with the dishes.

Lin Pengpeng introduced: "Students, this is the starter of foie gras, which is just an appetizer. I hope you like it."

"Lin Pengpeng, you are so polite, we are all embarrassed."

"Yeah, I didn't expect Lin Pengpeng to be so kind to us."

"It's nothing to say, it's really great."

Classmates, you said something to each other, which made Lin Pengpeng smile bigger and bigger.

Liangqian and Xiao Fan snorted coldly in their hearts, how can you be so arrogant without money.

After the first course, the soup was quickly served.

"Everyone, this is Italian vegetable soup." Lin Pengpeng introduced with a smile.

However, Mo Ran said that this western food is not used to it, and the taste is a bit weird.

Soon the third dish came, side dish.

The fourth course is the main course, and the students feel full. It turns out that there are so many western dishes.

After the main course, there are vegetables, followed by desserts, followed by coffee.

One lunch, the students' stomachs were all up, and they said they couldn't eat any more, they were too full.

Under Lin Pengpeng's arrangement, the students played computer games, sang songs, or played games with PS2. Anyway, all the students were arranged clearly.

Hao Lei and the others also want to play games, but they have to rehearse this afternoon. Compared with playing games, today's rehearsal seems to be more interesting.

Led by Lin Pengpeng, a group of people came to the second floor.

The second floor is a monolithic banquet hall, with a medium-sized stage in focus.

"How is the environment here?" Lin Pengpeng walked to the stage and said to Mo Ran and others.

So arrogant, everyone has nothing to say.

Liangqian clapped her hands and smiled, "It's getting late, we should rehearse well."

"The squad leader is right. I wonder if everyone has thought about their roles?" Lin Pengpeng asked with a smile.

Xiao Fan sneered.

Lin Pengpeng smiled and said: "It seems that Twelve has his own ideas, and I am looking forward to your performance."

Xiao Fan said lightly: "Is it possible to think of anything?"

"Of course, it's fine as long as it's logical." Lin Pengpeng seemed to have become the monitor, and began to help Liangqian speak.

Xiao Fan laughed and said nothing after hearing this, saying that I already have a plan for you.

Mo Ran sighed softly in his heart, a good rehearsal looks like a fight, but Mo Ran is also very curious about what kind of plot everyone will change Cinderella into.

 Thank you brothers for your rewards and recommendation tickets, please ask~
(End of this chapter)

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