I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 84 It's a pity for Mo Ran

Chapter 84 It's a pity for Mo Ran (please recommend)

"Then let's change our clothes first, so that we can feel the rehearsal." Lin Pengpeng added at this time.

Liu Yizhe was a little surprised: "There are also costumes and props."

"Of course, you don't need to worry about these things. I'll take care of everything. Come on." Lin Pengpeng showed his leadership ability crazily. Even Hao Lei and others felt this way. Although Lin Pengpeng was arrogant, except Apart from this point, everything else is excellent, including her dress, if it is cooler, it will be even more perfect.

Lin Pengpeng took everyone to a room next to him. It was originally a lounge that had been converted into a temporary dressing room.

The point is, when you walk in the door, you will see several makeup artists waiting.

To be honest, everyone felt that they were about to go on stage, which was too exaggerated, and the makeup artists were all here.

I have to sigh again that Lin Pengpeng's family is rich.

"Squad leader and I come here, you boys are here." Lin Pengpeng took Liangqian's hand to the other side, which made Liangqian at a loss. After all, our relationship is not good enough to hold hands the point.

But Mo Ran and the others frowned, their relationship seems not so good, right?
"Handsome guys, let's change clothes~" Seeing a coquettish man holding an orchid and smiling, Xiao Fan shuddered and hurried to change clothes.

"Student, your soldier uniform is here."

Xiao Fan: "..."

I know I am a soldier!You don't need to remind me!
Mo Ran and the others also began to change their clothes. I have to say that Mo Ran does have a prince fan. The indifferent and deep eyes made the soldier A a little stunned. He felt that if he wore it, he would look more like a king. Instead of a prince!
And when Liu Yizhe and Wang Haibo changed their costumes, Hao Lei almost burst out laughing, this man disguised as a woman is really amazing, if it is paired with post-makeup, he really looks a bit like a woman.

Hao Lei was still laughing at others just now, when he came out dressed as a fairy, Wang Haibo and Liu Yizhe laughed so hard that their makeup almost fell off.

The boy laughed loudly, and the two girls were in a silent battlefield.

At this time Liangqian and Lin Pengpeng are changing clothes.

"Squad leader, why are you embarrassed? Then I'll change first." Lin Pengpeng was not shy, and started changing in front of Liangqian.

Liangqian also seemed to know what Lin Pengpeng meant, comparing her figure, I'm afraid of you.

"Wow, monitor, you have such a good figure, your skin is so white and slippery." Lin Pengpeng touched it as he spoke, sighing incomparably.

Lin Pengpeng's skin is not as fair as Liangqian's, and belongs to the healthy wheat color.

"Oh, I also want to become your dark skin, but it's a pity that no amount of sun exposure will help." Liangqian said helplessly.

"That's okay, I'll take you to Hawaii for a sun tan when I have time, to make sure your skin is the same as mine."

The corner of Liangqian's mouth twitched slightly, so she didn't grin. Last time, Mo Ran said that she liked her for nothing.

"Squad leader, why are you so old? Has he ever touched it?" Lin Pengpeng asked suddenly when Liangqian was thinking about other things.

And Liangqian subconsciously said: "He didn't..." Fortunately, Liangqian noticed it quickly and shut up quickly.

But that's no different than saying it.

Liangqian felt like it was over!How can I be so stupid that Lin Pengpeng tricked me out!
"It's a pity, it's a pity. If I were Mo Ran, I would have invited you to a small hotel." Lin Pengpeng stared at Liangqian up and down. This is not a compliment, but a kind of envy. Touch it.

Liangqian quickly put on her clothes and wiped her temples: "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Tch, there's nothing to cover up. Aren't you a couple?" Lin Pengpeng spread his hands, after a week, he concluded that they must be a couple, but there was no proof.

Liangqian frowned, was she and Mo Ran so obvious?

"We're not a couple."

"Really?" Lin Pengpeng asked seriously.

"No!" Liangqian affirmed.

Lin Pengpeng suddenly smiled and said, "It's fine if you don't. I actually like Mo Ran very much. He is fierce and domineering. It's good that you don't have anything to do with him."

"You!" Liangqian was so angry at Lin Pengpeng, how could she endure Lin Pengpeng's provocation.

"What's wrong with me? You and Mo Ran are not lovers, so I'm not afraid. I can fall in love with whoever I want to fall in love with."

Liangqian knew that Lin Pengpeng was not bragging, she even dared to insult her teacher, who would dare to criticize her if she was in love at school.

In an instant, Liangqian became uneasy.

"Mo Ran is mine, and Mo Ran and I are in a relationship!" Liang Qian said firmly, indicating that you have no chance, and went to play in the mud.

Lin Pengpeng was taken aback for a moment, and then let out a sweet laugh: "Tsk tsk tsk... my monitor, why are you so cute? Is this how you recruited?"

Liangqian's whole body is not well, and she was actually provoked by Lin Pengpeng!Liang Qian wanted to slap herself, how could she be so stupid, Mo Ran would probably scold her for being stupid, for actually telling the secret to her opponent.

I'm going to cry stupidly by myself.

Seeing Liangqian's expression, Lin Pengpeng felt so funny, as if the sky was falling.

I really didn't expect that the tough squad leader would have such a weak side. It seems that Mo Ran is her weakness, and conversely, she is also Mo Ran's weakness.

My mother said that only by knowing the opponent's weaknesses can you win by surprise!
"Squad leader, I'm not interested in meddling in the affairs between you and Mo Ran." Lin Pengpeng held back his mouth, and only you like that boring gourd. Apart from being handsome, he is really useless.

Upon hearing Lin Pengpeng's words, Liang Qian was taken aback, and asked nervously, "Really?"

"Of course it's true, although I don't like all of you very much, but if you get rid of you, it will become boring again."

Liangqian breathed a sigh of relief, but she still persuaded her: "Lin Pengpeng, why are you targeting me? Can't you study hard together?"

Lin Pengpeng put on his shoes, jumped slightly and looked at Liangqian: "Squad leader, I'm not targeting you, I'm targeting all of you." Lin Pengpeng walked out with a confident smile, but the ordinary skirt was Wearing a sense of nobility.

Liangqian sighed softly, she really couldn't understand Lin Pengpeng's thoughts, why did she do this?

The boys had been waiting in the lobby outside, Xiao Fan felt like he was about to burst!
That Lin Pengpeng must have done it on purpose!
What the fuck is a prop!This is clearly real armor, and it weighs twenty or thirty catties on the body. I didn't feel anything at first, but after wearing it for a long time, my whole body is sore.

There is not even a stool in the audience, isn't this a deliberate arrangement!What is that! ! !
This Lin Pengpeng!This goddamn Lin Pengpeng! ! !

Xiao Fan shouted crazily in his heart, wishing he could draw out the sword at his waist and cut this Cinderella down!

At this time Liu Yizhe and Wang Haibo were observing Xiao Fan.

(End of this chapter)

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