I can't be angry with you at the same table

Chapter 85 A Different Cinderella

Chapter 85 A Different Cinderella (Please recommend)
Liu Yizhe said softly: "Hai Bo, look at Xiao Fan, his legs are shaking."

Wang Haibo adjusted his glasses: "It's true."

"He doesn't know how to sit and rest."

Wang Haibo said seriously: "Our noble student Xiao Fan, how could he make such a humble move."

At this moment, the door finally opened, and Lin Pengpeng walked out wearing a plain skirt and a golden wig, and an exotic aura rushed over.

The boy was instantly attracted, even Xiao Fan who was going to kill Lin Pengpeng just now couldn't draw his sword.

Lin Pengpeng walked up to the boys and turned around slightly: "How about it, does it look like Cinderella?"

A pleasant fragrance immediately emanated from Lin Pengpeng's body, it was a double kill, and Hao Lei couldn't stand it anymore.

Fortunately, Xiao Fan came to his senses and was almost bewildered by this evildoer.

"Cinderella is not as dark as you."

Xiao Fan's words were like a sharp sword, he slashed Lin Pengpeng, and he retaliated fiercely.

Especially when Lin Pengpeng's face changed color, Xiao Fan instantly felt that the armor on his body was as light as a feather, and the unhappiness just now disappeared.

Mo Ran and others admired Xiao Fan very much. The ancients said that cannibals have soft mouths, but this guy cannibals without spit out bones.

Everyone felt that Xiao Fan had won this round, and this sentence pierced Lin Pengpeng's body like a sharp sword.

Lin Pengpeng took a deep breath, and a smile appeared on his tense smiling face. For some reason, everyone felt that Xiao Fan would be deeply revenged.

"Twelve, I've eaten so much, I haven't blocked your mouth yet." Lin Pengpeng said with a smile. If he knew he was so arrogant, he would put laxatives in Xiao Fan's food. So easy to take off.

So there can only be one outcome.

Lin Pengpeng scolded himself as an idiot, thinking of such a good idea now, he shouldn't have compassion for this Xiao Fan.

"Do you want to gag me so quickly? Huh."

Lin Pengpeng wanted to throw a stool at Xiao Fan again.

But at this time Liangqian walked out of the room, and everyone looked over.

If she was a young Liangqian before, then now she is a mature Liangqian, and she is fully embodying the big picture.

"Go and change a set, this one is not suitable." Mo Ran said in a deep voice.

Lin Pengpeng asked suspiciously: "Why is it not suitable? This is specially customized according to the role of stepmother."

"This is a high school performance, not a theater performance, so I changed it." Mo Ran was very upset with a straight face.

Liangqian let out an oh, and hurried back to change.

Lin Pengpeng was speechless, looked at Mo Ran and said, "Why are you so stingy, don't you just show a little bit?"

"Show it off if you have the ability." Mo Ran was upset when he thought about it, and let Liangqian wear such a sexy dress, her shoulders were all exposed.

Lin Pengpeng cut, followed into the dressing room.

Following Liangqian went to change clothes again, this was a pain for Xiao Fan, the excitement just faded away, the soreness came again, I wanted to pee, but this thing is too difficult to take off, finish it quickly, I won’t be able to kill him next week Yes, even if you want to come, bring your own clothes.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, Liangqian and Lin Pengpeng finally came out.

Mo Ran glanced at it, and this time she could still accept it, but Liangqian couldn't accept it herself.

The one she wore just now was off-the-shoulder, but still pretty, but this black one is more reminiscent of a vicious stepmother.

"This is not bad." Mo Ran said softly.

Liangqian rolled her eyes angrily, because you have a lot of things to do, and you are jealous even if you show your shoulders.

"Okay, okay, it's getting late, let's rehearse it first and try the effect." Lin Pengpeng clapped his little hands and shouted, just like the chief director of the set.

Liangqian walked up to Mo Ran holding her skirt and whispered, "Your is ugly too." After speaking, she walked to the side, not giving Mo Ran a chance to retort.

In fact, Mo Ran is ugly, it's just Liangqian's little revenge, but Liangqian's eyes are cast on Mo Ran from time to time, and she secretly thinks that Mo Ran is so handsome, and by the way, she also wants to praise her good vision, so she should act first.

At this time Liangqian finally stood up and said to everyone: "Although we have added a lot of character characteristics, we added them on top of the basics, so the first scene is the father-daughter scene between Ding Liang and Lin Pengpeng."

Xiao Fan, who was wearing armor in the audience, really wanted to replace Ding Liang and play Lin Pengpeng's Lao Tzu.

As the two came to the stage, Liangqian began to narrate.

"A long time ago, there was a lovely girl named Alice. Her mother died, and her father loved her very much, but he was also dying."

Everyone: "..."

Ding Liang was in a bad mood. He knew he was going to die, but he didn't expect that he would die so early at the beginning.

Mrs. Mo, you are too cruel.

Xiao Fan heaved a sigh of relief, luckily he didn't become a father, otherwise he would fail at the beginning and act like a fart.

Mo Ran also secretly thought that Liangqian could play, she was soft and weak in front of him, and she was not ambiguous at all when she threatened her.

Lin Pengpeng on the stage didn't panic, since the squad leader started to change, he had to respond accordingly.

A gift appeared in Ding Liang's hand, at this moment Hanhan said: "Dear daughter, this gift is for you, do you like it?"

"Father, I like it very much." Lin Pengpeng's performance was really good, everyone nodded silently.

But Xiao Fan suddenly trembled all over!

Even if he was going to die, he wanted to replace Ding Liang by saying "Dad!"

"My dear daughter, may you be happy forever. Before I die, I found you a stepmother."

Everyone: "..."

What kind of father is this, even if he wants to die, he still wants to find a woman.

"Dear father, today I heard that the stepmother was driven away by a carriage on the way here."

Everyone: "..."

Lin Pengpeng is really good, he didn't even plan to let Liangqian appear on the stage, and directly announced that she had died, which was cruel enough.

Of course Ding Liang did not allow this to happen: "My dear daughter, it is your stepmother's younger sister who was driven out by the carriage."

Everyone: "..."

This unknown sister is really miserable.

"Dear dad, that's what happened. I will bury you with the stepmother's sister."

Ding Liang: "..."

This is just the beginning of the play, and two people died, which shows how tragic this Cinderella scene is.

After Ding Liang left the stage, Liangqian took the stage with her two daughters, Liu Yizhe and Wang Haibo.

"Helen, Jenny, look at the beautiful house." Liangqian's acting skills are indeed quite good, the kind of stepmother who comes from the inside out.

Liu Yizhe said Jiao Didi at this time: "Wow, there are so many fruits, there are mangoes, lychees, and big bananas. Who eats such big bananas."

"Wow, there are a lot of new clothes here, take a look~" Wang Haibo was even more amazing, he almost made Xiao Fan puke, the boys who took off their glasses were all flirtatious.

(End of this chapter)

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