The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 1 skills, villain interpretation! ?

Chapter 1 skills, villain interpretation! ?
On a June day, the air is filled with a scorching smell.

In Hengdian Film and Television City, outside Qin Palace, group performers gathered in the shadow of the wall, fanning vigorously with palm-leaf fans, trying to get some coolness.

Although they were sweating profusely, for their livelihood, or for the illusory dream of being an actor, they could only patiently wait for the group leader to come to find an actor.

Hong Chen mixed in with the group performances, lowered his head, a bit sullen.

Compared with the group performers around, Hong Chen was exceptionally outstanding, with a good image and a good temperament. It can be said that in the acting industry, God appreciates food.

Moreover, Hong Chen is a graduate of a film and television academy, which can be regarded as an authentic professional background.

He was blessed with unique conditions, but he ruined his job by himself.

Hong Chen made a girlfriend, Li Feifei, at the Film and Television Academy, and Li Feifei is naturally a great beauty if she can study at the Film and Television Academy.At that time, with their outstanding appearance, the two of them started their acting careers as soon as they graduated.

But suddenly one day, Li Feifei told Hong Chen that the director of her film crew was messing with her and wanted to force her to do things she didn't want to do.

Hong Chen was furious when he heard this, and Dang Lian went to find the director to make a theory, but was scolded by the director. Hong Chen was young and energetic, so he beat up the director severely.

After all, he is just a young man who has just graduated from university for a few months, and he is not so smooth in his dealings.

What's more, if his girlfriend is being bullied, of course he has to stand out.

but the result
That director still has some contacts in the entertainment industry, especially in Hengdian, where he is like a local snake.He immediately informed the crew of Hengdian not to give Hong Chen any more roles.

As a result, he, who has an ordinary family, fell into a situation where there was nothing to film.

Then, what shocked him even more was that not long after seeing Hong Chen's situation, Li Feifei worried that she would also be forced to leave the entertainment industry, and chose to break up with him, compromising with the rules of the entertainment industry.

"It's really fucking realistic." Hong Chen wiped his sweat and laughed at himself.

At first he thought it was worthless, but later figured it out.This is the kind of person he was, if his girlfriend was bullied, even if he went back to the past, he would still beat up that director.

This incident was a blow to him, but he was never one to admit defeat.

Where did he fall and where did he get up, so Hong Chen came to Hengdian Film and Television City, planning to start as the youngest extra performer.

It has been more than two months now, and he has only played a few roles similar to the passerby who is at war between the two armies.


Although he is handsome and handsome, there is never a shortage of handsome guys in the entertainment industry. For an actor, connections are more important than appearance.

"Hong Chen, don't be so hard on yourself. With your face, you are already ahead of everyone at the starting line." Beside Hong Chen, a 30-year-old man said with a smile.

This person is Hong Chen's friend, Ning Fei, who has been drifting in Hengdian for more than ten years. He has a basic understanding of the market in this area, so he naturally understands Hong Chen's affairs.

"Director Li won't stare at you all the time. After a while, Director Li's filming is over, and you are still in demand here." Ning Fei comforted with a smile.

Hong Chen nodded and said, "Thanks, but I'm not very reconciled."

"Listen to me, the rules of the entertainment industry are like this. First, you can't offend the director, and second, you can't offend the investors. You have to know, unless you are a wrist or have a big relationship, you should keep your tail tightly."

"Understood." Hong Chen was noncommittal.

Ning Fei chatted with Hong Chen again, and a group leader came to look for actors. Ning Fei had long been familiar with these group leaders, and would find him if there was a suitable role.

Of course, the cost of the performance will be charged proportionally.

However, the group leaders also got the news that Hong Chen could not be hired, so Ning Fei patted Hong Chen on the shoulder, got up and left.

"Phew, I can't blame others. What's more useful than good looks is connections, and what's more useful than connections is acting skills! If I can really achieve proficiency in acting skills, I don't have to take this little fresh meat route." Hong Chen muttered to himself.

"Ding! It is detected that the host's physical condition is normal, do you want to activate the actor system?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in Hong Chen's mind.


A look of astonishment welled up in Hong Chen's expression.

Does this thing really exist?
Xiaobaiwen Hongchen also saw a lot, he just didn't expect that such a thing would fall on his head now.

"Turn on!"

Hong Chen immediately chose to open it.

"Ding! The actor system has been activated and is scanning host information"

"data generation"

"Host: Hong Chen"

"Image: 8 points (full score is 10 points, the highest point in the current entertainment circle is 9.5 points)"

"Acting skills: 4 points (out of 10 points, the highest point in the current entertainment industry is 9 points)"

"Temperament: 5 points (out of 10 points, the highest point in the current entertainment industry is 9 points)"

"Infection: 2 points (out of 10 points, the highest point in the current entertainment industry is 8 points)"

"Lines: 7 points (full score is 10 points, the highest point in the current entertainment circle is 9.5 points)"

A table appeared in Hong Chen's mind, and he could clearly see his own data.

"Not satisfactory." Hong Chen curled his lips.

When he was in the film and television academy, his grades were not outstanding, but his acting skills were only 4 points, which made him a little frustrated.

But the actual situation is like this. He has just graduated, and he doesn't have much actual filming experience.

After all, not everyone is born to be a dramatist.

"Ding! Reward the host with a gift pack for newbies, do you want to use it?"

Newbie gift pack?
Sure enough, if there is a system, there will be a gift package for novices.

Xiaobai Wencheng doesn't lie to me!
Hong Chen immediately chose to use it!

"Ding! The host talent is being strengthened"

Hong Chen only felt a cool feeling pouring into his body.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining the skill: villain deduction."

"When the host plays the introverted villain role, the acting skills, temperament, and appeal are all perfect."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for acquiring the skill: Fighting Technique."

"When the host plays an action show, the fighting skills are perfect."

Hearing the notification tone, Hong Chen curled his lips.

The villain's interpretation is really, really powerful.

But this fighting technique made Hong Chen's eyes shine.

In today's entertainment circle, small fresh meat is rampant, which has caused the action movie market to be sluggish, because there are too few good action actors.

Think about it carefully, except for a few older actors who are still active on the screen, there are almost no new generation action actors.

And now, Hong Chen got such an opportunity.

Although it was June, Hong Chen felt a chill all over his body.

He knew that with this actor system, a legend in the entertainment industry that belonged to him would gradually rise.
 The new book is released, spread flowers~

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  Thank you all.


(End of this chapter)

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