Chapter 2 Amazing audition

Hong Chen left Qin Palace.

This is the filming location of the costume drama. Since he wants to play the role of an action movie, he has to find a suitable crew.

Hong Chen saw two group leaders chatting not far away, took out a box of soft Zhonghua cigarettes from his pocket, and greeted them.

Hong Chen and Ning Fei learned a lot during the group performance.

He lacks the tact to survive and behave in society. He is very smart and learns it quickly.

Although he doesn't smoke, he still keeps a pack of cigarettes in his pocket just in case.

Seeing Hong Chen approaching, the two group leaders thought they were looking for a role, so they turned around and ignored Hong Chen. After all, most of the group leaders in Hengdian knew that Hong Chen was blocked by Director Li.

"Don't get me wrong, two big brothers. I don't want a role. I just want to ask if there are any action film crews nearby. I want to see them." Hong Chen handed him a cigarette and asked with a smile.

When the group leader heard that they didn't want a role, they immediately took the cigarettes, lit them and started smoking.

The major crews are looking for group actors for filming in Hengdian, so they have contacts with the group leaders.Group heads can help them find all kinds of group performers, and even some special group performers with relatively high prices are found by them.

"Action movies? Those kinds of movies have high requirements for actors. If you really know how to act, are you still here?" A group leader mocked.

"Young man, action movies are different from other scripts. They are very difficult. You should think carefully." Another group leader said.

"I'm just seeing it, and I don't have much filming anyway." Hong Chen said with a smile.

"There are relatively few modern action scenes in Hengdian, most of them are ancient dramas, but you are very lucky. It just so happens that there is a big crew in Guangxiang Street filming modern dramas. You can go and see them." The group leader waved his hand.

Hengdian has a lot of group performances, and there are all kinds of actors, and they don't bother to talk to these actors.

Hearing this, Hong Chen walked towards Guangxiang Street.

"Guangxiang Street seems to be blocked by the crew. If he goes there, he might not even be able to see the director."

"I guess he wants to start his career with action movies, and he doesn't even see if he can do it. These actors are crazy about being popular every day."

Ridiculous actors are always a private topic among group leaders.

Guangxiang Street is a very Ming Dynasty-style street, and various buildings give people a strong sense of age.

Hong Chen checked the crew's information on the road and found that this is really a big production.

The director Zhang Hai is also well-known internationally, and he is a well-known director in China. The movie he is shooting is called "Battle of Fire", which tells the story of the struggle between two gangs.

The gist of the story is that the protagonist is an ordinary migrant worker who takes revenge on the two gangs because of hatred, and finally kills the villain.

It focuses on action, gunfights and grievances.

"It looks good. The lead actor is Lin Hang. He is one of the few actors with dedication among the popular niche. It seems that the director is very good at choosing roles."

Hong Chen sighed in admiration, he could see that this movie had a great market.

Just don't know if I can get a role in it.

When Hong Chen came to Guangxiang Street, Guangxiang Street had been blocked by the production crew, and the security guards would not let anyone in unless they had the crew's ID.

The outside is full of group performers waiting to act, which is enough to show how fierce the competition in this industry is.

Although Hong Chen now has the blessing of the system, he still needs the stage to prove himself.

He first thought of breaking in, and went in to find the director to act for him.

But this is the most stupid way. With so many extras, there are many clever people who try their best to get close to the director to ask for a role. For such people, the director will never even look at them.

Can only wait for the opportunity.

But the good news is that the director of the film crew, Zhang Hai, is an international director, and the relationship with Director Li, who made things difficult for Hong Chen, is out of his control. Hong Chen can get the qualification to act.

Just at this moment, an assistant from the crew of "Battle in the Fire" came out with the script, and all of a sudden, a group of extras surrounded him.

When the assistant comes out, it's for the extras!
Li Shan is the assistant of the program group, and his face is not good at this moment.

I found a few special extras, but the director was not satisfied. Now it is so easy to find martial arts stars. I thought it was the era of Hong Kong movies, and actors were willing to work hard?

Li Shan picked up the loudspeaker, looked at the group performers, and shouted: "I'm looking for ten special group performers, who must have martial arts skills, and they will perform scenes of being beaten. The appearance fee is 600. Is there anyone?"

600, which is quite high among the appearance fees of group performances. For a while, people raised their hands and shouted: "I'll come, I'll come!"

"You, act one." Li Shan pointed to one of the strong men and asked him to act.

The man immediately performed a scene of being knocked down to the ground with a left hook. His body hit the ground straight and made a "boom" sound, which hurt even when he heard it.

In order to get the role, the extras also worked hard.

Li Shan frowned, waved his hand, "Go in."

Hearing this, the man smiled happily, stood up and patted the dirt, nodded and bowed: "Thank you, thank you leader." Then he walked into the crew, and everyone else looked envious.

Afterwards, Li Shan watched a few group performances, all of which were exaggerated, and he didn't have any foundation in martial arts, so they were all passed.

"You, you come." At this moment, Li Shan pointed to Hong Chen.

He found that Hong Chen was a handsome young man, and he regretted it a little. After all, in the ranks of action movies, Xiao Xianrou's performance is often particularly poor.

Hong Chen finally waited for this opportunity, a gleam flashed in the depths of his eyes.

"I'm playing a villain." Hong Chen said something first.

Li Shan frowned. What annoyed him the most was that extras would add scenes to him, and you would be beaten when you were asked to act in the scene of being beaten. There are so many roles.

But then, he froze.

Because at the next moment, Hong Chen's aura suddenly changed, he looked calm one second before, and then his eyes became vicious.

Li Shan was shocked by Hong Chen's aura.

In his eyes, Hong Chen exuded a fearsome aura all over his body, this kind of aura can't really be shown after he has been the boss for a few years.

Especially Hong Chen's eyes. At this moment, Hong Chen was staring at Li Shan. Li Shan felt his heart tremble, and his body tensed up unconsciously.

It felt like being targeted by a poisonous snake!
Afterwards, Hong Chen began to perform without physical objects. He imagined that there was an enemy fighting him on the opposite side, and he danced vigorously with both fists.

Every movement is vigorous and powerful, and every attack and defense is full of explosive beauty.

Martial arts turned out to be orthodox martial arts!

And they are all highly difficult martial arts skills!
Li Shan was dumbfounded, and the other extras were shocked.

Hong Chen looked so young, he didn't expect to have real kung fu.

Even if you have kung fu, your acting ability is so outstanding.

Hong Chen's every move is completely the image of a vicious villain boss!
Hong Chen performed to his heart's content, and he found that when he started to perform, that strange feeling wandered in his body, and he could easily perform what he wanted to perform.

Like a fish in water.

Villain interpretation: When playing a villain, full marks for acting skills, full marks for temperament, and full marks for appeal
Fighting skills: full marks for fighting skills.

After that, Hong Chen acted out the scene of being defeated by the character, fell to the ground after a fight, and stared at the air with dark eyes, counting it as the end.

This passage made the other group performers couldn't help applauding.

Li Shan also came back to his senses, and hurriedly said: "Very good, very good, go in quickly, go in quickly."

Afterwards, Li Shan stopped recruiting extra performers, turned around and returned to the crew with the script.

Li Shan believes that there is finally a candidate for the role that the director has been dissatisfied with.

 Cough cough, I came to the front to say something.

  First of all, thank you for your support, and welcome your criticism and correction.

  The main purpose I said in the introduction, show off your acting skills, gain popularity, fight your brains, and gain fame and fortune.

  In the part of Biao's acting skills, some descriptive techniques are used. It will be refreshing if it is substituted in, but it will feel awkward if it is not substituted, and it varies from person to person.

  By the way, thank you all.

(End of this chapter)

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