Chapter 3 This character is you!
Kwong Heung Street, the scene of the crew.

Director Zhang Hai was lying on the director's chair with a gloomy expression.

The big director was angry, so the others naturally didn't dare to say anything, they kept silent for fear of offending the grumpy big director.

The works directed by Zhang Hai are well-known because of Zhang Hai's high requirements for performances.

A good work needs hard work, especially the hard work of the director.

Now there is a very strange phenomenon in the entertainment industry, that is, some directors with no skills, who don't even know the basics, get the script, spend money to hire a few traffic stars, and then find one or two assistant directors who can film, and then directly Start shooting.

The things that are photographed are not in accordance with the rules, but if there is traffic, it can make money.

Zhang Hai is not such a person.

Zhang Hai is very angry now, because a little fresh meat who was supposed to join the filming crew, after reading the requirements of the contract, disliked the hard work of filming, so he just stopped coming and went to another filming crew for a romantic film.

For Xiao Xianrou, it is not hard to make a romance film, and he can also act with beautiful actresses and attract many brain-dead fans. Naturally, it is a better choice.

And Zhang Hai's action movies are very tiring, hard work, and sometimes get injured. For Xiao Xianrou, it is hell!
In the script of "Battering the Fire", this character is the son of one of the gang leaders. He is a beast in clothes. When he smiles, the spring breeze blows his face, and when he is ruthless, he looks like a smiling tiger, which makes people shudder.

But this character and the hero fell in love with the heroine at the same time. The two expressed their love in different ways, but in the end the heroine chose the hero. This character dueled with the hero and was killed by the hero.

Some are tragic, some are extreme, and because of this, it is more difficult to interpret.

"Director Zhang, Director Zhang." Li Shan ran up to Zhang Hai anxiously, with a slight smile on his face.

The other members of the crew saw that someone dared to bother the director at this time, and they all looked over curiously.

"Is there something wrong?" Zhang Hai was worrying, when he heard Li Shan's voice, he raised his head and glanced at Li Shan.

"Director Zhang, I found an actor who is very suitable for the role of Yin Shan. He expresses the feeling of a gentle scum to the fullest, and he knows martial arts. He is a real practitioner!" Li Shan looked a little excited.

Zhang Hai frowned.

In the crew, it is a taboo to ask the director to recommend actors.

The role has a dedicated casting director, or the investor will designate a specific role, such as the first female lead and the second female lead.Now an assistant recommending a role is obviously taking advantage of others.

Seeing Zhang Hai's expression, Li Shan knew that he had misunderstood, and hurriedly said, "Director Zhang, I'm not that kind of person, and I don't know this person. I just found out. In this way, take a look. If you are not satisfied, I will let you Where does he come and go. You can rest assured that you will be satisfied!"

Li Shan was full of confidence. After all, he had seen Hong Chen's acting skills just now and knew Hong Chen's ability.

There was a hint of curiosity in Zhang Hai's expression. After all, there must be some reason why Li Shan didn't have the guts to force actors for him.

"Call him over, let me take a look." Zhang Hai said calmly.

The other members of the crew also looked over curiously.

For the role of Yinshan, several well-known fresh meats tried it, but Zhang Hai was not satisfied.

Now, Li Shan randomly recruits someone and says he wants to play this role?
Everyone thinks that Li Shan is wrong.

Li Shan waved his hand at Hong Chen, "Come here, the director wants to see you."

Seeing this scene, Hong Chen naturally hurried over and stood in front of Zhang Hai.

Zhang Hai took a look at Hong Chen, slightly disappointed.Although Hong Chen's appearance and temperament are very good, but this is an action movie, and the requirements for appearance are not high, but real skills.

Hong Chen didn't have that restrained villainous temperament.

"You can show the director the part just now." Li Shan said expectantly from the side.

Zhang Haimo remained silent, he no longer had any hope in his heart, he just looked up at Hong Chen.

Hong Chen nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll start."

With that said, Hong Chen began to perform, and that feeling of being at home again appeared.

The villain's interpretation: full marks for acting, full marks for temperament, and full marks for appeal.

Hong Chen's expression changed, and his entire face was expressionless, but for some reason, it revealed a coldness that made people palpitate and fear.

It's the eyes!
The hardest thing about acting is the eyes, because the eyes are the most expressive!

In Hong Chen's eyes, the innocence and clarity disappeared, and slowly, a hint of supercilious madness emerged.

Zhang Hai was stunned, he sat up straight from the recliner unconsciously, watching Hong Chen's performance.

Because Zhang Hai found that at this moment, Hong Chen exuded a restrained villain temperament from the inside out.

Like a poisonous snake lurking in the dark, although there is no exaggerated expression, but between the brows, it gives people a cold and rampant feeling.

Zhang Hai's pupils dilated slightly.

He is an international director, and he has seen many actors of all kinds.

There are very few people who can perform an image with just one expression.

Especially the introverted villain is even more difficult to play.

Nowadays, the audience thinks that acting skills are good, and they think that the more exaggerated the performance, the better the acting skills. Therefore, some actors especially like to play villains with a bit of madness.

But Zhang Hai knows that introverted characters are the most difficult to play!

And the current Hong Chen gives people the feeling of being restrained.

Like the sea, the surface is calm and calm, but the undercurrent is actually surging!

"Director Zhang, do you want to perform some moves here? I can't do it well." At this moment, Hong Chen stopped the performance, looking at the small space around him, and asked with a smile.

As soon as his performance stopped, the restraint and madness unique to the villain disappeared without a trace.

Hong Chen's position was surrounded by crew props, which made it difficult to perform fighting, so he stopped to ask.

But just those expressions just now are enough.

Zhang Hai has always been dissatisfied with this role, what are those actors lacking?
It's that vibe.

Temperament is to a certain extent more important than acting skills. After all, acting classes will tell you what expressions to use in which situations. Graduates of the Film and Television Academy have formed a specific muscle memory.

But the temperament is difficult to express.

But Hong Chen can.

"Don't fight, read these lines to me." Zhang Hai waved his hand to signal Hong Chen not to perform fighting, but handed out the script in his hand, and drew a few lines for Hong Chen to read.

It is the line of the character Yinshan.

Hong Chen just glanced at the script, and put the script aside for about 30 seconds.

His line skills are very deep, and it is not difficult to recite a few lines of the character in a specific scene.

Then, Hong Chen started performing again.

All of a sudden, a restrained and vicious villain reappeared.

His lines, although there is no direct threat, but it is a deep fear.

Zhang Hai was overwhelmed by Hong Chen's performance, and his face became more and more happy.

Hong Chen fully expressed that feeling.

Confidence, conspiracy, sarcasm, indifference, and ruthlessness.

"You ask me what's my name?" Hong Chen lowered his head slightly, raised his eyes, and the mocking smile at the corner of his mouth grew stronger, outlining a condescending villain image.

Then, he said in a confident and rampant tone:
"Young Master of the Ax Gang, Yinshan!"

This line was full of arrogance and arrogance, and everyone present felt chills when they heard it!
This is the aura a villain should have!
This acting is simply explosive!
The great director Zhang Hai was also taken aback for a moment, then suddenly clapped his hands and said:

"Okay, very good, this role is you!"

 Ask for votes, everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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