The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 10 Playing against each other!Bullies and killers!

Chapter 10 Playing against each other!Bullies and killers!
The audition was simple and divided into two acts.

In the first scene, the actor stares at the accompanying person for about 5 seconds, then passes by the accompanying person, and then turns his head to look at the accompanying person.

In this scene, the actor is required to act viciously and domineeringly. It depends on whether the actor's temperament fits the role of the warden.

The second act is to say the lines, to the boss who saved his life in the play, the test is the actor's skills.

But now the situation has changed, because the accompanying person is Chen Dongxing.

An actor with a sinister face who has played many villains.

The first act is for the actors to perform the feeling of a condescending killer, so they must completely suppress the opponent in terms of momentum.

Just looking at it makes the other party terrified.

But facing Chen Dongxing, how many people can overwhelm him in momentum?
Chen Dongxing is a real underworld member. He grew up in an environment of fighting and killing, and he has a vicious aura.

Now, the seemingly gentle Hong Chen wants to play against him?

The crew mourned for Hong Chen silently.

"Start!" Director Zheng Rui shouted.

For a while, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

At this moment, Hong Chen's smile disappeared, his expression turned cold instantly, and his eyes were like two sharp swords, making it impossible to look at him!
In an instant, Hong Chen's temperament changed drastically!

In the last second, he was still a sunny and smiling boy, but in this second, he has become a cold and cruel killer!
Director Zheng Rui was stunned, and the astonishment in his eyes grew more and more.

In a trance, he had an illusion.

Just now, he saw Hong Chen and Chen Dongxing standing face to face, as if he was watching a rabbit face a jackal.

But after Hong Chen's performance started, this feeling changed.

A jackal is still a jackal, but a rabbit has become a tiger!

The tiger is looking down on the jackal!
This feeling is particularly obvious.

Chen Dongxing's heart skipped a beat.

In his eyes just now, Hong Chen was just an ordinary boy, but at this moment, Hong Chen's expression is very similar to his real boss.

Yes, it was his boss, only his boss had shown such a creepy expression.

If it wasn't for Hong Chen's kind smile before, seeing Hong Chen with such an expression, Chen Dongxing would have wondered if he was the son of some gangster!

It's not really ruthless, I can't act out this feeling!

Chen Dongxing felt that these few seconds passed very slowly, and he regretted being the accompanying actor.

Hong Chen stared at Chen Dongxing coldly, and then, step by step, walked towards him.

Chen Dongxing felt pressure coming to his face.

Like a ferocious beast, slowly approaching its prey.

Chen Dongxing swallowed unconsciously.

Hong Chen walked to Chen Dongxing's side, and squinted at Chen Dongxing.

This glance made Chen Dongxing's body tremble suddenly, and he felt a chill rushing up from the soles of his feet.

Killing intent!He felt a killing intent!
Having been in the underworld for so many years, his perception of this feeling is definitely not wrong!
At that moment just now, Hong Chen actually wanted to kill him?

Chen Dongxing felt a little difficult to breathe, and his forehead was already covered with cold sweat.

"Director, how's it going?" At this moment, Hong Chen stopped performing, and in an instant, the huge mountain-like pressure in the room disappeared.

Director Zheng Rui has not recovered yet.

When Zhang Hai told him that Hong Chen's acting skills were outstanding, he didn't understand the extent of Zhang Hai's "excellent".

Now that he saw Hong Chen's performance with his own eyes, he couldn't be more shocked.


Hong Chen's demeanor, movements, momentum, and eyes are all full marks.

It was exactly the performance he'd been hoping to see, and even better than he'd imagined.

Chen Dongxing on the side breathed a sigh of relief, and his tense body relaxed.

The feeling that Hong Chen gave him just now was very terrifying.

It was as if he had done something important wrong and had to face his boss.

It was only at this time that Chen Dongxing realized that Hong Chen's acting skills far surpassed his own.As for the role of the warden, he must be out of play.

But he is also a straightforward person, he greeted director Zheng Rui, then turned and left.

"The episode just now was very good." After Chen Dongxing left, Zheng Rui praised with a smile.

The other two casting directors were also very satisfied.

"Director, what about the second paragraph?"

"No need, I've seen your performance, and there's nothing wrong with it. Besides, you are recommended by director Zhang Hai, so this role is yours." Zheng Rui said with a smile.

"Thank you director." Hong Chen also laughed.

"Is your agent or assistant here? Let's discuss signing the contract in a while." Zheng Rui wanted to quickly decide on the roles. After all, after all the roles were decided, the filming of this drama could start.

For a movie, the preparation work in the early stage is very troublesome, the sooner it is finished, the better.

"Director, I don't have an agent yet, just talk to me directly." Hong Chen said with a calm smile.

"Well, I know a few entertainment companies, do you need to recommend them to you? They must be rushing to ask for you." Zheng Rui said again.

"Thank you director, I don't think about it for the time being." Hong Chen replied politely.

Then, Hong Chen and Zheng Rui discussed the contract.

This matter is generally done by the agent, who will ask the crew for the remuneration according to the status of the artist in hand, the length of the shooting time, etc. Talking about the remuneration is an important indicator to consider the ability of an agent.

Hong Chen is not good at these, and he has no coffee position now.

But Zheng Rui knew that Hong Chen had already filmed "Battery", and he really wanted to sign Hong Chen, so he offered 300 million yuan.

Hong Chen readily agreed.

In fact, this salary is not high for this role.

Hong Chen didn't care about that much.

The main duty of an actor is to act. If the salary is satisfactory and the script is satisfactory, then he will act.

He didn't want to spend all that time negotiating, maybe he could ask for a little more pay, but it wasn't necessary.

The crew of "Slaying the Wolf 2" is still in the casting stage, and it will be about a week after the official start of filming.

And according to the plan, Hong Chen's scenes were filmed in Thailand.

In other words, Hong Chen needs to go to Thailand with the crew.

He was very excited.

It's the first time to go abroad to film.

This experience is indeed exciting.

He came out of the film crew and had a week of rest, so he planned to relax.

The sun was warming outside, and he looked ahead.

That is the road he will take in the future, a road to the center of the entertainment circle.

This road is bright and beautiful, with countless lights flashing on it, fluorescent sticks flashing around, and fans screaming and shouting everywhere.

This path looks full of beauty.

However, when he leaned out and looked to the side of the road, what he saw was a bottomless abyss.

Fall and be smashed to pieces.

But with the blessing of the actor system, Hong Chen is full of confidence in his future.

 I have received the short message from the signing site, and the status can be changed after sending the contract in a few days. You can invest quickly and make a small profit.

  In addition, seedlings need to be cared for, so the support of recommendation tickets and collections is very much needed, and the author also needs these motivations to improve code words.

  thank you all!


(End of this chapter)

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