Chapter 11 Unpretentious elegance!
Time flies by, and Hong Chen has been on the set of "Slaying the Wolf 2" during this time.

He likes the actors in the crew very much. The leading actor is Wu Zhan, a real tough guy with a straightforward personality.

And at the end of the play, the actor who played his immediate boss, President Gu, is an ever-changing actor, and has been engaged in charity for many years, donating to hundreds of schools.

He is Hong Chen's role model.

Hong Chen is very happy to be able to cooperate with these two people.

There were not many scenes in HK, and not long after the crew moved to Thailand, Hong Chen's role began.

The plot of "Slaying the Wolf 2" is very clear. Simply put, it is divided into three lines.

The villain is the boss of a criminal group that sells human organs across the country. The warden played by Hong Chen is the boss's subordinate, and it can be said that he is the most important subordinate. His role is to ensure the normal operation of the behind-the-scenes transactions.

The protagonist played by Wu Zhan is to catch the villain boss and sneak into the criminal group to investigate the case.

Another line is the jailer played by Thai kung fu superstar Jia Tom, who later fought against criminal groups to save his daughter.

Hong Chen's first scene was when he showed up in the prison to inspect the human trafficking business.

In this play, Hong Chen is dressed in a decent black suit, white shirt, and dark tie.

This is his signature.

An elegant warden.

"Every group is in place, ready to start!" The voice of the field manager sounded.

Hong Chen was wearing a suit and tidied up his clothes.

He read the script carefully and knew how to interpret the role.

This character is also a well-dressed beast and a gentle scum, but it is different from the previous Yin Shan.

The role of the warden has a more temperament than Yin Shan.

This temperament is called elegance!
"Second paragraph, third scene, action!" The voice of the field manager sounded, and the shooting began!
Hong Chen walked forward, and a moving camera in front of him moved back to take pictures of his face.

"The most rare thing about this role is the elegance of the performance!"

Hong Chen thought to himself.

For action movies, literary drama is more difficult than martial arts!
The fluctuations in the eyes and subtle expressions will reflect the characteristics of the characters.In this script, the warden has relatively few lines, and what is often needed is his eyes and expressions.

If you want to perform this role, you must integrate with the role.

So far, Hong Chen has performed very well!

Hong Chen, in a neat suit, walked to the deepest part of the prison—the door of a warehouse, led by his two younger brothers.

The brothers opened the door and walked in. The camera turned to shoot the scene in the warehouse.

The warehouse is full of various medical equipment, there are several unconscious women and children, and a little boy is awake, staring at the visitor with horror.

They are the raw material for the organ trade.

The warehouse was dirty and messy, filled with the smell of formalin and blood, and an inexplicable stench.

Hong Chen didn't go into the warehouse, but stood outside. He frowned slightly, then took out a white handkerchief and covered his mouth and nose.

In the warehouse, the younger brothers were doing horrible experiments on organ trading, and he stood outside and watched.

In this scene, people can clearly see that this is an elegant and cruel villain!
The warehouse is hell, here is a factory for selling organs, full of darkness!
And Hong Chen is a demon who doesn't change at all.

"Crack!" The director stopped, expressing his satisfaction with this scene.

Hong Chen stopped performing and laughed.

"Very good, Hong Chen, this scene is very good!" Director Zheng Rui applauded.

Then the crew began to arrange the next scene, after all, the time for filming is extremely precious.

For the next ten days, Hong Chen has been filming on the set of "Slaying the Wolf 2".

His performance also amazed the two leading actors Wu Zhan and Principal Gu, especially his martial arts movements are even more standard.

Lean yet explosively aesthetic.

There is a scene of a prison riot. He appeared on the stage. As soon as he came up, he flew into the air and kicked two prisoners, and then landed gracefully.

This one has very high requirements for the actors' movements.

And when Hong Chen was filming this one, he chose not to hang on to Wia!

You know, to kick two people flying in the air, the height of the jump must be at least the chest position of the person.

It is very difficult to not hang on to Wia!

Zheng Rui listened to Hong Chen's request and started filming.

Two extra actors dressed as thugs walked towards Hong Chen fiercely.

This scene was just a scene, and the two actors went up to get beaten.A fight scene in an action movie is originally composed of several short shots.

Hong Chen, in a straight suit, leaped into the air, spun 180 degrees in the air, and kicked the chests of the two thugs with both feet.

The two thugs fell to the ground.

Then, Hong Chen fell to the ground gracefully, his movements flowing.

Zheng Rui was dumbfounded.

Hong Chen really played the role of the warden to life!
Elegant without surprise, ruthless with smooth flow of water!
This is the warden in his heart!
(End of this chapter)

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