The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 12 Rookie actor making headlines?

Chapter 12 Rookie actor making headlines?
After filming this one, the members of the crew applauded one after another.

"Hong Chen, the action is really cool!" Wu Zhan said with a hearty smile.

"Haha, Brother Xie Zhan, I need to learn more from you." After this period of filming, Hong Chen and Wu Zhan shared similar interests and became much closer.

"Come on, you kid just talk about it." Wu Zhan laughed and admired Hong Chen's acting skills.

After all, there are too few actors who are so young and so capable in the entertainment industry.

Wu Zhan has always made his debut in action movies, occasionally appearing in a few comedies.

He is a well-known tough guy in the Chinese film market.

He plans to be a director in the later stage and shoot by himself, which can be regarded as fulfilling his dream. Therefore, he is also looking for actors.

Hong Chen met his standards very well.

"Brother Zhan, I'll treat you after today's filming." Hong Chen smiled again.

"No problem, I will definitely drink you down again this time!"

On the other side, inland.

The filming of "Battle in the Fire" has been completed and approved, and today is the day when the trailer is officially released.

Some time ago, Hong Chen also went back to the crew of "Battery in the Fire", shot a few more shots, and ate the crew's wrap-up meal.

It's his first movie and he takes it seriously.

The trailer mainly released clips of Ning Hang, Mu Qingxue, and Sun Xing. After all, the three of them are big bowls with their own traffic.

Hong Chen didn't have many roles, only a scene of fighting with Lin Hangyu, the action was cool, but his acting skills could not be highlighted.

But Hong Chen's appearance also caused a moderate disturbance.

"Who is this handsome little brother? How can he act with Ning Hang and Mu Qingxue?"

"Related households, it is estimated that some big company wants to support it."

"I've never seen him act."

"This guy is very powerful, the first scene is Zhang Hai's scene."

When fans look at idols, the first thing they see is their looks.

Hong Chen looks good, so after the trailer was broadcast, there were also some good-looking fans clamoring for him to give birth to monkeys and so on.

Li Feifei also noticed the promotional video of "Battery Fighter".

This is the opportunity she's been waiting for.

Intentionally or not, she let Li Mushan see this promotional video.

Li Mushan was the director Hong Chen beat up, his reputation wasn't very good, he specialized in making bad movies to make money, but it had something to do with him being unstoppable.

Li Mushan is a real villain, and he will take revenge.Li Feifei knew this very well.

At that time, Hong Chen beat him up, and he also found someone to beat Hong Chen up, and used his connections to block Hong Chen.

At that time, he mocked Hong Chen arrogantly: "I will make you unable to hold your head up for the rest of your life."

But now, Hong Chen appeared in the trailer of the great director Zhang Hai?

Li Mushan's expression darkened.

"Your ex-boyfriend is quite capable." Li Mushan said to Li Feifei with a half-hearted smile.

Li Feifei immediately said: "I guess it's just bad luck to be spotted by Zhang Hai. He has no real skills at all, and his acting skills are just like that."

Then, Li Feifei deliberately pretended to sigh, and said: "However, if people climb the line of Zhang Hai, they will probably develop in the future."

Li Feifei knew that the worst shortcoming of a man was that he wanted face.Especially since Hong Chen is her ex-boyfriend, and Li Mushan had a feud with Hong Chen.

Li Mushan will definitely not let Hong Chen become popular in the entertainment industry.

"Prosperous? Just him?" Li Mushan snorted coldly. He thought for a while, and immediately made a call.

"Hey, Xiao Liu, right? Use your navy power to help me hack people"

Li Feifei on the side saw him making a phone call, showing an imperceptible sneer.

People in the entertainment industry are most afraid of negative news.

As long as there is such a tendency, or there are melons to eat, the crowd watching will not care whether it is true or not.

After all, for some people, it's cool to take the moral high ground and lash out at others.

These negative news often destroy a person.

And more importantly, actors with negative news will be boycotted by the audience, so other directors will not ask Hong Chen to make movies again!

What Li Feifei wants is to keep Hong Chen from being famous!

Ever since, all kinds of news came all over the Internet.

"It turned out that he was able to play this role because of this reason!"

"Shocked! The unknown transaction behind a certain little fresh meat!"

"Little fresh meat is in power, and bad money drives out good money. Look at the current state of the entertainment industry from a certain character in the trailer of "Battery Fighter"."

"A small fresh meat has a huge relationship, and the international director Zhang Hai has to succumb."

""Battery Storm" was well-made, but it was ruined by this man"

These articles roughly mean that Hong Chen relied on his relationship, either betraying his appearance, currying favor with the director, or being appointed by investors, anyway, he played the role of Yinshan through improper means.

In addition, the audience has never seen Hong Chen act in other plays, and now he is directly the third male lead in Zhang Hai's movie.

These contents are highly credible.

As a result, public opinions criticizing and insulting Hong Chen flooded in.

The intrigue in the entertainment circle revealed the tip of the iceberg.

Hong Chen was far away in Thailand, and when he saw the news, he just frowned.

In this regard, he just commented blankly:

Because he knew that as long as "Battle of Fire" was officially broadcast, these rumors would be nothing more than jokes.

In the face of real strength, the navy can only be regarded as crooked.

It was only less than half a day after the trailer of "Battery Fighting" was released, and Hong Chen's news became a trending search.

Director Zhang Hai never thought that after the trailer of "Battery Fighting" was broadcast, Hong Chen was the most searched.

Of course, the popularity is not great, and it is only around No.12 on the Weibo hot search list.

#浴火恒前 Crew New Actors Cause Controversy#
Seeing this title, Hong Chen smiled helplessly.

He clicked in and took a look, and they basically criticized him.

Among them are several well-known entertainment gossip bloggers, who use this method to cheat traffic and accumulate fans.

There is a big V called "Entertain Your Brother Wang", who criticized Hong Chen for "buying investors, parachuting the crew, and driving away the old actors".

There are quite a few comments below, many of which are saying that Xiao Xianrou is a cancer in the film industry, or resisting Hong Chen.

In a short period of time, the number of people discussing this topic has exceeded 20, and it is still growing.

For this, Hong Chen was also full of admiration.

There is no evidence, and these people can pull out so many things.It can be seen that the water in the entertainment industry is really deep.

Hong Chen was in a good state of mind, and he was not disturbed by these factors.

Moreover, most of the hot search list is used by the navy to hype the stars.

For example, the number one hot search right now is that Cai XX has a high fever and insists on acting.

Not many people care about authenticity.

"It seems that I offended some people." Hong Chen's expression was indifferent, and he didn't feel much emotion.

"However, let's wait and see, this is just the beginning."

(End of this chapter)

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