Chapter 13 The thugs in suits
In the evening, director Zhang Hai called him.

"Hong Chen, I have seen the hot search, and I am also responsible for this matter. The trailer should show more clips of you, so that everyone can see your acting skills, and it won't be like this now."

"It's okay, director, it's all trivial." Hong Chen said with a light smile.

"It's good if you can figure it out. This is a common thing in the entertainment industry. There are many films to be released on National Day, and the competitors are thinking of ways to discredit them, but they didn't expect to use this method this time. It's so fucking despicable." .” Zhang Hai cursed.

Zhang Hai has the title of "studio tyrant" and his temper is a bit grumpy, but Hong Chen's performance has always been very good, so he has never seen Zhang Hai get angry.

Zhang Hai has a true temperament, otherwise he wouldn't have called Hong Chen to comfort him.

"Hong Chen, from another perspective, this is not necessarily a bad thing." Zhang Hai said again.

Hong Chen is very smart, he naturally knows what Zhang Hai means.

This hot search incident made Hong Chen, who was originally unpopular, suddenly appear in the public's sight. Although his name is not very good, he is popular after all.

As long as Hong Chen's acting skills conquer everyone later, then his popularity will be much more than if there were no trending events.

Things in the entertainment industry are sometimes like a spring, the harder it is pressed, the higher it bounces.

This is also why sometimes artists will take the initiative to stir up gossip, and change their ways to make hot searches, just to maintain popularity.Afterwards, self-directed and self-acted clarification will gain a lot of fans.

"Director, I know what you mean, don't worry, I won't be disturbed too much."

"That's good."

After the phone call with Zhang Hai ended, Hong Chen's mood improved a lot.

At this time, he saw that Mu Qingxue had sent him a few wechat messages, also talking about the trending things, so he had better come forward to clarify.

The popular traffic Xiaohua cared, Hong Chen smiled and chatted with Mu Qingxue.

Mu Qingxue is a very nice person, with a beautiful heart and a kind heart, so it is no wonder that she has achieved such an achievement today.

However, Hong Chen's current situation is indeed not good.

As an actor, when faced with such negative news, he needs the power of public relations behind him.

Hong Chen didn't have such a hole card yet, but he didn't care about this incident.

He believes that there are two most important things for an actor: character and acting skills.

As long as an actor's character is guaranteed and he really has acting skills, things like hot searches and trolls are at most heresy.

The next day, Hong Chen went to the crew to continue filming.

Seeing him coming, Wu Zhan joked, "You can do it, you got on the trending list without making a sound."

Hong Chen said helplessly: "I don't know which navy I offended, these people don't even think about it, if I really have such a big relationship, why don't I even have a manager now?"

Wu Zhan laughed, he is straightforward, and after getting along with him during this period of time, he naturally knew that Hong Chen could not be the kind of person in the comments on Weibo.

"Don't pay attention to those people, just act well." Wu Zhan comforted.

Hong Chen nodded, expressing that he didn't care too much.


Everyone in the crew knew about Hong Chen's hot searches, but they were filming with Hong Chen during this time, so they knew Hong Chen's character.

Today's play is very important, and it can be said to be a big climax of this movie.

That is the scene of prison riots, prison guards and prisoners fighting.

For this scene, director Zheng Rui discussed with the crew for many days.Because he wanted to shoot a long shot, a long shot of a prison riot.

In other words, guards and inmates have to show scenes of rioting all the time.

Among them, there are two story lines.

One is the scene where the characters played by Wu Zhan and Tom Jia fight because of a misunderstanding, and the two fight.

The other line is the warden played by Hong Chen, who is worried about the accidents of the women and children hiding in the prison who sell human organs, and goes to the prison to capture the "raw materials" for these organ trades.

The amount of work involved in this shooting is very large, so everyone in the film crew cheered up.

Shooting begins!
The prison door suddenly opened, and the prisoners came out with stunned faces.They couldn't believe it at first, but then burst into appalling cheers!
They are free!
Then, the riots started, the alarm bells rang loudly, and the prison guards began to maintain order.

The character played by Wu Zhan is also in prison. He has a mobile phone in his hand, but there is no signal in the prison. He needs to find a signal to pass the message out.

Jia Tom played a prison guard. The sheriff told him that this place must not be exposed, so Jia Tom chased Wu Zhan.

The news of the riot was transmitted to the warden Hong Chen as soon as possible.

Hong Chen was wearing a suit, expressionless, and rushed to the prison immediately.

The prison guard opened the outermost iron door of the prison, and Hong Chen walked in with a cold face.

There was no exaggerated expression on his face, but there was a clearly visible viciousness.

Like a god of evil!
All the warehouses where women and children were held were opened, and all the "materials" of his private organ trading were gone!

The prison guard played by Jia Tom is an ordinary prison guard. He is standing outside the warehouse. He just saw women and children running out of the prison with a dazed look on his face.

How could there be women and children in this prison?
Then, the warden played by Hong Chen passed by him.

When passing by Jia Tom, Hong Chen turned his head and glanced at Jia Tom.

This glance, cold, ruthless, and domineering, perfectly showed the warden's condescension!

This is a threat, a temptation, a suspicion!
If Jia Tom dares to take care of this matter, he doesn't mind letting this prison guard disappear forever.

Hong Chen continued to walk forward.

In the entire prison, there are either prisoners wearing prison uniforms or prison guards wearing Thai prison guard clothes. He is the only one in a suit, which is particularly eye-catching.

As soon as he entered the prison, he came up with a roundabout kick, kicking the two thugs away.

Looking at the scene of the riot, his face changed, and he said to the captain of the prison guard beside him, "If something happens to my people, I will let you stay in this prison for the rest of your life!"

Then, alone, he jumped up the corridor on the second floor and started looking for someone.

The chief of the prison guard also hurriedly used the walkie-talkie to contact his subordinates to suppress the riot. After all, he has been with the warden for so many years and knows that the warden will keep his word!

The two sides of the corridor are full of prisoners, and they are rushing towards Hongchen in the center.

They are rioting prisoners, and they want to kill the warden!

I saw Hong Chen throwing an iron fist with his hand, and then pushing with both palms, his figure was elegant, his movements were dazzling and beautiful, and the prisoners on both sides kept wailing and fell from the second floor.

Domineering!So smooth!
Hong Chen's actions stunned the director behind the camera.

They designed the movements, but Hong Chen's performance far exceeded their designs.

Compared with the thugs in the prison, this is the real thug!

Suit thugs!

There is no one who dares to mess with it!
His actions and demeanor are to tell everyone: I have the final say on this prison!
Then, I saw Hong Chen holding the iron railing of the cell, pulling it hard, and actually jumped onto the top of the prison, turned around and landed in the air, and knocked all the prisoners around with his fists.

When all this was done, he straightened his tie.

This action was added temporarily by him.

It's not because he designed it this way on purpose, but because he has integrated into the role of the warden at this moment, and he feels that his clothes are messed up and need to be tidied up.

Off camera, director Zheng Rui was shocked by Hong Chen's move.

This move revealed the warden's elegant temperament once again!

Then Hong Chen jumped into the cell, knocked down a few more prisoners, found the child he was looking for, and dragged the child towards the warehouse.

The whole play is considered over.

In this regard, director Zheng Rui has only one sigh:
This is the most exciting show I have ever seen, hearty!

(End of this chapter)

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