The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 14 National Day premiere, here we come!

Chapter 14 National Day premiere, here we come!
The scene of the prison riot took a long time because there were so many sub-shots that needed to be shot.

Hong Chen's scene is over, and the rest is to shoot the fight scene between Wu Zhan and Jia Tom, and the scene where the prison guards suppress the prisoners.

The scene of this scene is very large.

Being able to play the role of the warden in it, Hong Chen also found it very enjoyable.

"It's been hard work everyone, take a good rest!"

It was almost 9 o'clock in the evening after filming, and Zheng Rui yelled out to thank everyone.

He is very satisfied with this fight scene. Judging from the clips that have been shot so far, this movie may have a much higher box office than he expected.

After filming for a whole day, everyone was tired, so we had dinner and went to bed early.

Hong Chen returned to the room.

He called up the system data, and his current favorability turned out to be -120000.
Negative 12.

Bad reviews.

But radiating to such a large area of ​​the entertainment industry, 12 can only be regarded as a small number.

"Just be yourself." Hong Chen thought to himself.

After that, he quietly filmed in the crew of "Slaying the Wolf 2".

The hot searches about him came and went quickly, and gradually the favorability returned to around minus 6.

Before the National Day came, the water army set off another wave of climax, and various posts appeared again.

The negative impact of this kind of post is very large, good people participate in it to watch the fun and criticize Hong Chen; passers-by think who this little fresh meat is, is this hype?Ruin his popularity.

Tomorrow is National Day.

During the National Day file, four big movies competed on the same stage.

Judging from the current reviews and the predictions of various professional film critics, "Battery Fire" has the lowest evaluation, ranking at the bottom, and the box office is estimated to be around 5 million.

You know, now is the era when all people are pursuing spiritual life, and the box office of a better movie can exceed 10 billion, and the box office of 5 million is already considered low.

Li Feifei was browsing Hong Chen's trending searches every day. Many times, she would apply for one or two trumpets to play the rhythm and muddy the water.

Back-to-back black, frontal black, rhythmic, all kinds of methods are used.

No one would have thought that the person she cheated on was her boyfriend a few months ago.

Because Hong Chen blocked her way, she must not let Hong Chen become popular.

Judging from the current reviews, the evaluation of "Battery Fighter" is not good.Li Feifei is very satisfied with this.

The great director Zhang Hai was affected by Hong Chen, so it was naturally impossible for other directors to hire Hong Chen.

"The movie will be released tomorrow, so nervous!"

On the other side, Hong Chen looked at the WeChat message sent by Mu Qingxue on his phone and smiled.

"What are you afraid of, you are the goddess of the people, isn't this kind of scene very easy?" Hong Chen returned.

"Hahahaha, I am looking forward to your performance!"

Seeing this news, Hong Chen took a deep breath and returned:
"I am looking forward too!"

The moon sets and the sun rises.

The national day of national jubilation is finally here!
This is a big festival in China, second only to the Spring Festival in popularity. After all, there are 7 days of statutory holidays for this festival!
Life is already very difficult, and the function of holidays is to adjust people's tired body and mind.

As a result, people have stepped out of their homes to travel, party, play, and relax to their heart's content.

Among the many entertainment items, watching movies is the most popular and has the largest audience.

At Qianda Cinema, a dating couple is voting.

"I'm sorry, the tickets for "Predecessor 5", "Huaxia Train Conductor" and "Journey to the West: The Domineering Monk Falls in Love with Me" are all sold out, and now there are still vacant seats for "The Battle of Fire" and "The Pink Hairdryer Monster" , do you think you need it?"

The conductor at the counter explained kindly.

"It's all your fault. You didn't buy tickets in advance even though it was the National Day. Now you watch, all the good movies are sold out." The girl complained, looking very reluctant.

"It's okay, "Battle in the Fire" is Zhang Hai's movie, and the production of a great director will definitely not be bad." The boy had no choice but to explain, although he didn't believe it.

"You decide." The girl didn't want to say any more. She had seen the controversy of "Battery Fighter" some time ago, and she still resisted this movie in her heart.

Although the boy was a little helpless, he still bought two tickets for "Battle in the Fire".

Because it was the first day of the National Day, the movie "Battery in the Fire" was also a full house.

The young couple sat in the auditorium, looking at the big screen boredly, planning to waste two hours.

At the beginning of the movie, the opening credits are the logos of the major sponsoring companies, and there are no special features.

Suddenly, the camera went dark, and the light was slightly oppressive.

In the darkness, there were a few gasps, and then the camera zoomed in, revealing two coolies covered in blood.

"There is a saying that kills people to pay their lives, and debts to pay back money."

Hong Chen's voice appeared, the voice contained laziness, self-confidence, viciousness and a touch of disdain. In an instant, everyone in the cinema cheered up.

This line is domineering enough!People can't help but want to know who the person who said this is!
Then, the camera pulled up to reveal Hong Chen's face.

A gentle scum with a faint smile!
That smile, that look in the eyes made the audience feel suffocated.

Youdao is not afraid of bad villains, but afraid of handsome villains!

This shot is so handsome, some girls' eyes are full of light.

The couple was also attracted by the plot for a moment, and they were engrossed in watching the movie.

Zhang Hai's directing skills are superb, and the film's screen, layout, lighting, and the beauty and texture of the action are all just right.

The growth of the main character.

The simplicity of the heroine.

The sadness of Yinshan.

All strung together.

The emotional line is very clear, the story line is very clear, and the most exciting thing is the fight!
This is an action movie, fighting is the core.

The fighting in this movie is very exciting, and people can't help but resound the box office myth "Kung Fu".

Of course, this movie is far inferior to "Kung Fu", but as long as it is somewhat similar, it is enough to be called a masterpiece.

"It's so handsome!" The boy in the couple praised the action scene of Hong Chen and Ning Hang fighting in the rain.

"It's so handsome!" The girl looked at the handsome faces of Hong Chen and Ning Hang, showing nympho.

The audience was overwhelmed by Hong Chen's acting skills, this Yinshan, he acted so well!

When it should be ruthless, it is ruthless, when it should be domineering, it should be domineering, and when it should be tender, it should be tender.

When Yin Shan died, it was accompanied by the film's slightly sad background music, which actually made some audience cry.

The audience watched this movie attentively. There was no peeing in the whole movie, which made people feel hearty!

Time passed very quickly, and the audience hadn't enjoyed watching it yet, and the one-hour and 40-minute movie ended like this.

"Happy, it's so beautiful!" The boy lay on the back of the chair and heaved a sigh of relief.

When watching a wonderful movie, the adrenaline in the body will soar, so after watching the movie, there will be a feeling of fatigue, and the more wonderful the movie, the stronger this feeling.

"Yeah, I didn't expect it to be really good-looking! This little brother who plays Yinshan is so handsome, and his acting skills are really good." The girl was also full of praise.

She originally came to see Ning Hang, but ended up falling into Hong Chen's trap.

Other audiences felt similarly to them, and they all thought it was a good movie, especially Hong Chen, whose acting skills exploded and conquered the audience.

Afterwards, the girls began to check in and post to Moments:
""Battle in the Fire" is really super good-looking, and the villain in it is so handsome, believe me, I will never regret it after watching it!"

There are also three emoticons full of love at the back.

"The villain, the little fresh meat who got into the crew with his relationship?"

Someone in her circle of friends has already started commenting.

"Yeah, that's him, his acting skills are super good, he's just bursting! And he's handsome!"

The girl was replying to the comments in the circle of friends. At this moment, the screen of the movie flashed, and the tidbits started to play.

This tidbit was Hong Chen's audition scene.

 Ask for votes, guys!
(End of this chapter)

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