The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 162 Watching the premiere with girlfriend

Chapter 162 Watching the premiere with girlfriend

Both Yu Hai and Luo Qingchou had big heads.

"Scorching Sun" was much more popular than they expected, ruthlessly crushing their movie "Dream Music Circle".

To be precise, the success of "Scorching Sun" is due to their movies.

Because "Chasing Dream Music Circle" has been properly labeled as a "bad movie".

When it was advertised before, people were still looking forward to this movie. Elements such as "youth", "music" and "chasing dreams" make it easy to imagine that this is a musical youth inspirational film.

Not to mention that it is as exciting as "Burst Drummer" and "Flash Girl", at least it is worth looking forward to.

But when people walked into the movie theater, people were stunned.

What is this show?

The music is just a cover, and the plot is a group of young people fighting.The euphemistic name is "Youth Pain", but it is actually a group of young people who are constantly "killing".

There are also shots of chaos in various bars. People can probably see that the director wants to express a group of young people growing up in depravity, but the way of depravity is too exaggerated.

It is said that several big brothers couldn't bear it after watching half of it, and left without looking back.

Yu Hai and Luo Qing also plan to hire the navy to do a wave of "Scorching Sun" in order to increase the box office of their films.As a result, the person in charge of the water army expressed his unwillingness to accept the order, because accepting it would be equivalent to making him feel uncomfortable.

The navy also has principles.

Yu Hai and Luo Qing knew that this year's Mid-Autumn Festival, they were destined to be cannon fodder.

And the biggest winner of the Mid-Autumn festival is Hong Chen.

His outstanding acting skills have received unanimous praise from all walks of life. Many film critics always remember to praise Hong Chen when they comment on this movie.

It can be said that Hong Chen's limelight was second to none.

There is no doubt that after this movie, he has undisputedly ranked among the first-line actors!

Whether it is strength or traffic, he has become the highest level of entertainment stars.

He is now a top star, and he is still a powerful top star.

I thought it was an idol faction, but I took the route of a powerful faction.

When the movie premiered, Hong Chenzheng and Yan Yileng booked a cinema to watch the movie together.

This is the surprise that Yan Yileng prepared for him.

In fact, it is like this. Stars want to go to the movies, except for events like the premiere, they rarely go to the movie theater because there are too many people.

Therefore, it is a luxury for two people to watch a movie like ordinary couples.

On the other hand, Yan Yilen secretly asked Yan Chi to book a movie theater in the suburbs of Kyoto, and then watched a movie with Hong Chen.

At the beginning of the movie, Hong Chen and Bai Xi have a few more passionate scenes.

To be honest, Hong Chen was a little embarrassed when the two watched.

Fortunately, Director Cao didn't edit too much, but just flashed a few scenes in the way of memory.

Yan Yileng turned his head to look at Hong Chen, with a smile on his pretty face, and asked, "How was this scene filmed? Was the girl really naked at the time?"

Hong Chen looked directly at the big screen of the movie without turning his head, and said, "Of course I wear it, and we must always protect the privacy of others."

In fact, in pursuit of artistic effect, Cao Baoping only asked Bai Xi to wear one that was the same color as her skin tone, leaving the rest undressed.

However, when men and women chat, it is better to use lies to solve such troublesome things.

"Well, this girl is in good shape, were you not tempted at the time?" Yan Yileng asked again, his eyes fixed on Hong Chen, trying to see something.

Hong Chen didn't change his face, and thought to himself that a woman's intuition is really accurate, but said calmly: "No, the director asked me to act like this. Sometimes I need to shoot some passionate scenes. If you don't like it, I will refuse in the future. .”

"No need." Yan Yileng tilted his head and rested his head on Hong Chen's shoulder, "Sometimes you need to make some sacrifices for acting, just don't let me down."

Hong Chen put his arms around her, gently stroked Yan Yileng's earlobe with his right hand, and said gently: "Well, don't worry, there is no other perfect girlfriend like you in the whole world."

"But it's okay, I don't allow you to make passionate scenes, not even kissing scenes, holding hands at most is my limit." Hong Chen said seriously again.

Yan Yileng snorted softly, as if he felt that Hong Chen was a little too much, but he was also kind of sweet in his heart.

At least Hong Chen cared about her very much.

Since Yan Yileng's debut, he has indeed only filmed one kiss scene, and it was when he and Hong Chen were in "Those Years".

Because she has top-notch resources and a big background, it's normal for her not to want to shoot these things. At most, she can borrow a seat according to the director's request.

She also doesn't like being intimate with strangers.

It depends on people, some actresses are also nympho, that is, if the male actor in the opposite scene is very handsome, it doesn't matter if she shoots some intimate scenes.If you don't like it, you don't want to be intimate.

Yan Yileng is very simple, he has no problem with Hong Chen, but he can't with other actors at all.

After that, the two quietly enjoyed the film together.

To be honest, it was also the first time for Hong Chen to watch this movie. "Scorching Sun" did not hold a premiere ceremony, and it was broadcast directly in major theaters.

He is very much looking forward to this film.

Both were drawn to the movie.

When Hong Chen filmed the death penalty, Yan Yileng turned pale and buried his head in Hong Chen's arms, not daring to look at it.

Hong Chen hurriedly put his arms around her to comfort her.

This scene is indeed too realistic, so realistic that people feel suffocated when they see Hong Chen's expression.

"The performance is over, you can watch it." After the scene ended, Hong Chen said softly to Yan Yileng.

Only then did Yan Yileng dare to open his eyes, but he still couldn't calm down for a long time.

"The acting is so real, how did you manage to do it." Yan Yihan let out a long breath and praised.

"Your boyfriend and I are so good, I was born." Hong Chen shrugged helplessly.

"I hate it." Yan Yilen was still in a dull mood, but he laughed again after being teased by him.

After the two of them watched the movie, Hong Chen also relaxed slightly.

He was very happy.

From his point of view, this movie is very good, and the performances of several of their actors in it are also very perfect.

In other words, the possibility of this film winning the award is very high.

Recalling the hardships he endured while filming, Hong Chen felt that it was all worth it.

"This movie is so profound, my God, it will definitely be popular!" Yan Yileng said with a full face of amazement.

"I hope so." Hong Chen was also looking forward to it.

He took out his phone again, intending to read the audience's reviews of the movie.

There is no doubt that the praise rate is very high, and the audience is enthusiastic.

His WeChat messages flooded in, and his friends congratulated him on the success of his film.

Hong Chen responded one by one with a smile, feeling refreshed physically and mentally.

After all, as an actor, as an actor with the inspiration to become a world star, what is there to boast about more than being loved by people?

(End of this chapter)

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