The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 163 Preparations, New Play!

Chapter 163 Preparations, New Play!
"Scorching Sun" has indeed been a hit for a while.

It wasn't until the National Day file and other big-budget movies came out that the popularity of this movie gradually faded.

One month after its release, the total box office of the film was about 15 billion, and 800 million people participated in the rating, with an overall rating of 8.9 points.

The box office exceeds 99% of literary films, and exceeds 98% of crime films.

An undisputedly good film.

At the same time, people from the Film Association also paid attention to this movie.

The preparations for various nomination awards are also in full swing.

At the same time, Hong Chen was discussing with Yan Chi about filming "Detective Chinatown 2".

Now if his studio wants to develop, it must expand its scale, and it must have a means of profit.

On Lu Jia's side, with Ge Chen's arrangement, his career is gradually improving, and he has already made a profit of about 50 for the studio.Of course, this is just the beginning, the more this industry goes up, the more it earns.

If a first-line star can be cultivated in the follow-up, it can make hundreds of millions of profits for the company a year.

"The actors have been confirmed. Baoqiang and Xiao Yang are still here, and they have added a lot of comedians, such as Wang Xun, Wang Chengsi, etc. They also need a Japanese star. I also contacted him. His name is Wife Mu Cong." Yan Chi During this time, he has been in charge of finding actors, and he reported to Hong Chenhui.

Movie comedy elements are an essential part, so comedians are very important.

Baoqiang's style is as stable as ever.

Wang Chengsi also has a sense of joy, playing the role of Xiu Nian in "The Iron Fist of Shame", showing himself to death. In "The Richest Man in Tomatoes", he played the role of Da Zhiming, and even broke out many classic lines.

"Have you heard my story?"

"No, but you have stories written all over your face."

And the phrase "I admit that I have elements of blockage"

On the whole, Yan Chi's casting work is good.

Similarly, Yan Chi also attracted a lot of big investment for this movie.The producer of this film is Hongchen Studio, and several other big companies act as co-producers.

With the previous achievements of "Tang Detective 1" and Hong Chen's recent fire, it is not difficult to attract investment at all, and even many big companies take the initiative to find Yan Chi for investment.

Of course, in order to ensure that the studio can make more profits, the amount of investment is certain, and if it is enough, there will be no more investment.

Similarly, Yan Chi's principle is that no investor should interfere with the filming of the film. Investors can recommend and suggest characters in the film, but the right to choose is still in Yan Chi's hands.

"We need two female protagonists, which have not yet been decided. One is a quirky hacker, and his personal image tends to be two-dimensional. The other is Interpol. He must be tall and have an international style."

"Hasn't your studio recruited other artists yet? If there are any, I can choose them directly, which is much more convenient." Yan Chi said again.

"It's not on such a large scale right now, but it will gradually happen." Hong Chen replied.

Recruiting artists is a matter of lack rather than abuse, and the studio's resources have not kept up with it, so it is difficult to train other artists.

It means that Hong Chen relies on his fame, so naturally he doesn't have to worry about resources.But they want to make other artists popular, and they don't have such a strong ability yet.

"Well, I have already selected these two roles in the early stage. After two days, the official selection of roles will be made, and the announcement will be sent out. You can come too." Yan Chi said again.

"Casting?" Hong Chen showed interest.

After all, after being an actor for so long, others have always chosen him, and he hasn't chosen anyone else yet.

It must be very interesting to be the casting director this time.

"No problem, what time?" Hong Chen asked with a smile.

"The day after tomorrow, it will be in your studio. There is no need for such a prime location." Yan Chi said.

"it is good."

The two agreed on a time, communicated with each other, and confirmed the pre-production work for filming.

This time "Detective Chinatown 2" is very generous, and Yan Chi estimates that the total value is about 5 million.

The investment cost alone is 5 million.

Hongchen Studio contributed 2 million, and several other joint producers contributed a total of 3 million.

In fact, his estimate is still relatively small. The total cost of "Detective Chinatown 2" in the parallel world is 5.5 million, the production cost is 4 million, and the publicity cost is 1.5 million.

5 million is a very scary number, which also represents a huge pressure.

According to a simple estimate, "the box office is three times the investment before the cost can be recovered", which means that the box office of this movie must be at least 15 billion in order to recover the cost.

Divide the excess by 3, which is the profit of the movie.

"5 million, big money, are you ready?" Faced with such a large amount, even Hong Chen couldn't relax completely.

Yan Chi nodded seriously, "Don't worry, it's fine."

He actually has no idea.

Movies are a high-risk industry, and the interests involved are too great.

With a cost of 5 million, any loss is not a small number.

But fortunately, with the basis of the previous movie, the possibility of loss is not too high.

Afterwards, Hong Chen received another call from Ge Chen.

Ge Chen told him that the shortlist for this year's Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Awards has been announced, and "Scorching Sun" is impressively on the list.

This is good news. Although Hong Chen expected it, he was still very happy after knowing it.

One step closer to my goal.

However, the film festival will not be held until December, and there are almost two months left. During this time, he is still concentrating on "Detective Chinatown 12".

After all, the interests involved in this movie are very large.

Two days later, early in the morning, Hong Chen rushed to his studio by special car.

Ge Chen, Wang Shaoqi, and several heads of the studio followed behind him, feeling a bit domineering.

It's 8:9 in the morning, and the agreed audition time is [-]:[-], but even so, there are already many audition actresses queuing up outside.

In the corridor, when the actresses saw Hong Chen, their eyes shone brightly.

They all understand that if they can climb the big tree of Hong Chen, let alone the leading role of this movie, they don't have to worry about their acting career in the future.

Yan Chi's vision is also very unique. In this movie, he doesn't plan to use a popular star as the heroine. After all, this is not the selling point of the movie. The salary of a popular actress is too high to afford.

Yan Yileng is busy filming a new urban drama and has no schedule.

Therefore, Yan Chi chooses some young actresses who have just graduated, or have only participated in film and television once or twice.

What he values ​​most is whether the characters fit his script.

Hong Chen has already read the script of "Detective Chinatown 2", and he is very clear about the content and the personalities of the various characters.

I have to say, this script is very well designed, if it can be made, it will definitely be more popular than the first movie.

"Here we come! It's just right, share the work for me." Yan Chi saw him coming in and greeted him.

Yan Chi's words are also good. If there is anyone who is the most exhausted when shooting a movie, it must be the director.

Of course, this refers to the responsible director.

Because the actor is divided into shots, some shots need the actor, and some shots don't, even if the leading role is at least half of the time he doesn't need to be on the scene.

But the director is different, the director must be present for every shot.

Moreover, the preparatory work for a movie is also very troublesome.

Therefore, directing is a technical job, and those who can reach the position of great directors have two talents.

"Don't worry, what's so difficult about watching other people's performance?" Hong Chen looked very relaxed.

After hearing his words, Yan Chi showed a playful smile on his face.

"You'll know later." Yan Chi didn't explain too much.

Then, the two of them, together with screenwriter Chen Cheng, an assistant director recruited by Yan Chi, and a producer, a total of five people acted as the casting director for this time.

The other three were just going through the motions, and the real decision was in the hands of Hong Chen and Yan Chi.

The staff in the studio are responsible for calling people.

After casting began, Hong Chen realized that the job was really not as easy as imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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