Chapter 164 Casting, Two Newcomers

The first audition actor came on stage, she was a girl, she was dressed cutely.

Because Yan Chi asked the actors who auditioned for the role of kiko to dress more two-dimensionally, the audition script was sent to them in advance.

Kiko is the heroine in "Detective Chinatown 2", a quirky hacker with a bit of two-dimensional style and a bit of "world-weary" style.

"Hello director, hello teachers, brother Hong Chen, my name is Mengmeng." The girl's voice was a bit whiny, as if she was trying to be cute on purpose.

"Brother Hong Chen, I like you so much, meow." Mengmeng continued, and after speaking, she made a cat-meowing gesture, shaking her right hand like a beckoning cat.

Hearing her words, a "black question mark face" expression gradually appeared on Hong Chen's face.

Just audition, what's the point of acting cute?
Hong Chen and Yan Chi looked at each other, Hong Chen's forehead was covered with black lines, while Yan Chi shrugged, expressing that he was used to such scenes.

You know, this audition was after Yan Chi had passed the audition, so what exactly did he go through before.

"Hello, it's time to start." Yan Chi said politely, signaling Mengmeng to start her performance.

"Okay, teacher." Mengmeng's attitude is very good, and she looks obedient.

Then, Mengmeng began to try out plays.

I saw that she did not perform, but began to sing while dancing:
"Good morning meow, good afternoon meow, good night meow, meow"

Hong Chen: "."

Yan Chi: "."

"That, interrupt, Mengmeng, I'm talking about the script for the audition." Yan Chi said helplessly.

Hong Chen felt that ten thousand cats were galloping past, so he auditioned for a play, what does it mean to sing Luo Xiaohei's theme song.

Although Hong Chen likes to watch "Luo Xiaohei Zhan Ji", but this kind of occasion is not suitable.

"Director, I think this can better highlight my style, and I think this character in the script can also use my style." Mengmeng explained earnestly.

Yan Chi was defeated by her innocence.

The role of Kiko is at least the fifth existence in the detective rankings. He is a hacker genius, so he wants to meow like a cat?

"Well, okay, I will consider your opinion, and we will give you an answer later. You can go." Yan Chi nodded and said seriously.

"Okay, thank you director, thank you teachers. Then, can I take a photo with brother Hong Chen?" Mengmeng said again.

Even though Yan Chi's psychological quality is strong, a few drops of cold sweat can't help oozing from his head.

On a serious and depressing occasion like an audition, someone wants to take a photo with the casting director?

"Okay." He replied weakly.

Hong Chen was also very helpless about this, but he still satisfied Mengmeng's request.

Mengmeng left happily.

After that, casting continues.

Most of the actors are normal, but a few of them still opened Hong Chen's eyes.

The actors really worked hard to get this role.

In fact, the most important thing in choosing a role is whether the actor can express the characteristics of the role. The focus is on demeanor, movement, language, etc.

But many people know that their acting skills are not good, so they added a lot of their own talents into it.

Dancing, singing, and the most exaggerated one doing magic tricks
Hong Chen was extremely helpless, this was casting, not a draft.

And more than one person implicitly stated that as long as they can get the role, they are willing to do anything and accept excessive demands.

With so many incidents of unspoken rules in the entertainment industry, passers-by may think that the director and assistant director are not human, but the reality may be that there are countless actresses who are eager to be unspoken.

In front of Nenghong, these are nothing.

For this, Hong Chen and Yan Chi naturally declined.

Because the casting this time is not aimed at artists from major entertainment companies, the quality will inevitably be uneven.Many people come here to try it with the mentality of wanting to be popular.After all, the entertainment industry has never been short of people who want to be popular.

Then, the next actress came in, and as soon as she appeared on stage, she attracted the attention of Hong Chen and others.The actress auditioned for the role of Chen Ying, an international policeman, who was required to be tall and graceful.

This actress obviously has a unique temperament, especially her appearance, which is that kind of "advanced face", which is very beautiful, in line with the public's aesthetics, and is also biased towards the aesthetics of Europe and the United States.

Yan Chi asked again, this actress is a model by profession, she has studied abroad for several years, and her English is very good.

After she started auditioning, Hong Chen and Yan Chi noticed in their hearts that she was the right one for this role.

Liu Xiaoyu stood there after the audition, with a tall and straight figure, giving people a feeling of "heroic spirit".

Hong Chen whispered to Yan Chi, and the two hit it off immediately, confirming that she was the candidate to play Chen Ying.

"Liu Xiaoyu, go directly to the lounge at the back to rest. Where is your manager? We can discuss the contract later." Yan Chi smiled gently.

"Really? Thank you Director Yan. I don't have an agent yet, so I can talk directly." Liu Xiaoyu smiled, obviously very happy knowing that she was selected.

"Well, okay, I'll see you later."

Liu Xiaoyu bowed again to thank her, looking a little excited, she said thank you several times before leaving.

After all, being able to get a role in "Tang Detective 2" means that there is a possibility of a hit, and I don't know how many people are eager for such an opportunity.

"Finally someone is satisfied." After she left, Hong Chen said with relief.

Seeing his appearance, Yan Chi laughed loudly, "You only selected more than 60 people this time. In my previous audition, there were more than 500 people. I almost died of exhaustion."

"But I was afraid of missing a good role, so I had to bite the bullet and finish the audition. Next time, I won't be so wronged myself, just go directly to a big company to find a suitable artist."

Yan Chi also wanted to save some budget. After all, these two roles don't need big names to play, as long as the actors can play the character's personality, the main line is Hong Chen and Bao Qiang's line.

Ordinary actors may get 30 to 40 yuan. If you find a famous actor, it may cost upwards of 500 million yuan, so you still have to save the money.

"Where is Kiko, how many did you write down?" Yan Chi asked again.

Hong Chen shook his head and said, "Not a single one."

After hearing what he said, Yan Chi stretched his waist, and agreed: "Me too, it's really difficult to choose a suitable role."

Then, the next audition actress comes on stage.

Blue hair, smoky makeup, red lips, shorts.
With a sweet face and no expression on his face, he chewed gum and stared at Hong Chen with burning eyes.

Hong Chen and Yan Chi were originally listless, but when they saw her appear, they cheered up instantly.

Because the script of the audition did not specify what clothes the role of kiko should wear, it only gave her background story.

When the actress appeared on the stage, Hong Chen and Yan Chi felt that the genius hacker in their hearts just broke into their field of vision.

I originally wanted to find an actor to play Kiko, but unexpectedly I found Kiko herself.

"Hello, what do you mean by staring at me like that?" Hong Chen looked at her and asked with interest.

"Didn't it say in the background that Kiko likes Qin Feng behind? It just so happens that I like you too. I just look at you like this." The girl tilted her head and said with a bit of complacency.

In the girl's eyes, there is a bit of admiration, a bit of confidence, and a bit of pride.

Yan Chi was slightly taken aback, this scene was very similar to the feeling he wanted to shoot.

It's the feeling of unbridled seductiveness.

Kiko originally has an "A" style, and at the same time likes Qin Feng, and constantly wants to flirt with Qin Feng.

Coincidentally, this girl also seemed to like Hong Chen so much.

"Okay, it's up to you!" Yan Chi immediately confirmed Kiko's choice.

Hearing this, the girl smiled lightly, then winked mischievously at Hong Chen.

(End of this chapter)

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