The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 168 The Opening Ceremony of the Movie Chapter, Walking the Red Carpet

Chapter 168 The Opening Ceremony of the Film Festival, Walking the Red Carpet
If Hong Chen and Yan Yileng's announcement of their relationship had the greatest impact, it must be Wang Feng.

The night before the two announced their relationship, Wang Feng was very nervous, because this night was the time for him to announce his new song.

He hopes that with this song, he will rush to the hot search and occupy the top of the hot search.

Prior to this, he had failed to hit the hot search six times.

So, after he released the song, he let the team work as soon as possible to maximize the popularity of this song!
Sure enough, with an operation team behind the scenes, this matter easily became the top trending search.

However, before he had time to be happy, Zhuo Wei's news shot up rapidly, occupying the headlines.

After Hong Chen and Yan Yileng announced their relationship the next day, the news that he released a new song directly dropped to No. 11 in the trending searches, and he was squeezed out of the top ten.

The top ten are all related to Hong Chen.

The first is that they announced their relationship.

The second is the challenge of showing affection.

The third item is the blessing of such and such a big star.

The fourth point is that Zhuo Wei admitted that the male star who broke the news was Hong Chen, and at the same time said that he had misunderstood Hong Chen before, changed his tone, and exchanged some abuse, which made the matter round.

Most of the remaining hot searches are also these contents.

For this, Wang Feng wanted to cry but had no tears. Why is it so difficult to make headlines!
On the other side, Hong Chen and Yan Yileng are resting at home.

Regarding Hong Chen's matter, Ge Chen was responsible for handling the public opinion on the Internet, and the team played a big role behind it, which had little impact on his career.

For Yan Yileng, her manager Yang Hui has already had a showdown with the company.Because Yang Hui is the best friend of Yan Yileng's mother, Yang Lin, and has some relatives, so the matter is completely oriented towards Yan Yileng.

It's just that Times Media didn't let go of this cash cow so easily, and tried to get Yan Yihan back single.

Yan Yileng's attitude is also very tough. In other words, Yan Yileng's resources are not bad now, and the big deal is to pay a sky-high termination fee and leave.

In this case, the company's top management can only let it go.

In fact, the loss caused by Yan Yileng's announcement of his love affair is not too great, and it is within the acceptable range of Times Media.The reason is very simple, because now Hong Chen's coffee status is not low, and the status of the two is equal.

Hong Chen's performance last year was very impressive, and this year it is even more prominent. The "Scorching Sun" established his status as an acting school. Coupled with the accumulation of other works, his popularity is very high.

If Hong Chen is the second-tier and Yan Yileng is the top-tier, then if the two of them announce their relationship, it will cause a lot of trouble.

But now that two people have similar status, people will bless them.Because most of them have a mentality that goddesses should find male gods.

The show of love challenge lasted for several days, and the heat from this matter gradually dissipated.

There is no doubt that this is the biggest melon in recent times.

July 11, 23 p.m.

Another major event in the entertainment industry happened, that is, the opening of the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival, and the Golden Rooster Awards ceremony officially began.

Xiamen, International Convention and Exhibition Center.This is the venue for the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival.

This year's Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival can be said to have attracted countless attentions. First of all, the main visual poster of this year's film festival has changed from the relatively low style of previous years. Adhering to the principle of simplicity and grandeur, a high-end logo has been designed, which has won recognition from all walks of life in the entertainment industry. praise.

Secondly, this year's Golden Rooster Ambassador is Xu Zheng, because last year he gained a very good reputation with "I'm Not the God of Medicine" and has a high reputation in the industry, so he is just right to be chosen.

A long red carpet was laid from the entrance of the convention center to the road. Both sides of the road have been strictly controlled, and only some movie fans and journalist friends can enter.

Hong Chen was sitting in a stretched Rolls-Royce, together with director Cao Baoping, two leading actors Duan Hong and Guo Tao.

Hong Chen was wearing a dark blue dress, very kind black leather shoes, coupled with a neat hairstyle, he looked full of energy.

As expected of a popular movie star, his personal image is really outstanding.

Because "Scorching Sun" is the highlight of the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival this year, it leads all the nominations, so their car is at the end.

When Hong Chen got out of the car and stepped on the soft red carpet with brand new leather shoes, the lights were shining brightly for a moment.

The eyes of fans and reporters all focused on him.

"Ah, it's Hong Chen! Hong Chen, we love you!"

"Hong Chen, look here, look here!"

"Oh my god, Hong Chen, you are so handsome!"

The fans cheered, the sound was deafening, it was enough to see that Hong Chen's appeal was already very terrifying.

Then, he walked forward, came to the signature plate, and began to sign his name gracefully.

"Thank you for your support!" Hong Chen interacted with fans while signing autographs, looking very humble.

The fans are even more crazy.

After signing the signatures, all the crew of "Scorching Sun" stepped onto the stage. The host Hua Shao had been waiting for a long time, and saw them introduce with a smile:
"Okay, next, the crew of "Scorching Sun" is coming to us."

"The first to come to us is the director Cao Baoping, followed by the leading actors Guo Tao, Duan Hong, Wang Luodan, and of course, the young actor who has exploded this year - Hong Chen!"

"Hong Chen! Hong Chen!"

"Hong Chen!"

As Hua Shao's voice fell, the audience began to cheer, and the atmosphere reached its highest point in an instant.

Hong Chen and the others came to Hua Shao, and Hua Shao couldn't wait to ask them questions.

"Director Cao, welcome." Hua Shao said with a smile, "First of all, congratulations to "Scorching Sun" for achieving such an excellent result. As far as nominations are concerned, this film has already received 12 nominations, completely leading the major lists."

"Oh my god, so powerful?" A fan exclaimed in the audience.

"12 nominations, how did you do it?"

"Judging from the performance of "Scorching Sun" this year, isn't it normal to have 12 nominations?"

"Yeah, first of all, it broke the box office record of a literary film. As far as Hong Chen and Duan Hong's acting skills are concerned, they completely crushed other crews."

Fans chatted excitedly.

"Of course, we also want to celebrate the nominee for Best Actor, Hong Chen. Everyone should know that Hong Chen is not only nominated for this one, besides Best Actor, he is also nominated for the Most Popular Actor Award. "

"Oh my god, it's so powerful!"

"As expected of my idol!"

"I knew it after watching "Scorching Sun"."

Fans continued to discuss.

"Director Cao, seeing the success of "Scorching Sun", do you have anything to say to the audience?" Hua Shao handed the microphone to Cao Baoping.

Cao Bao was expressionless, and answered very officially: "Thank you everyone, thank you for supporting my movie, thank you very much."

Cao Baoping's answer made it difficult for Hua Shao to say anything, so he handed the microphone to Hong Chen and asked, "Hong Chen, this is the first time you have been shortlisted for the best actor, and you have to compete with a few seniors. Is there any pressure?"

Hong Chen took the microphone and said with a smile: "Of course there is pressure, I hope there will be a good result."

"Then do you think you have a chance to win this time?" Hua Shao looked at the enthusiastic fans and asked Hong Chen hurriedly.

Before Hong Chen could speak, the fans below had already started booing.


"there must be!"

"We love you!"

Hua Shao's question is actually somewhat dangerous in it, and it is difficult to answer this kind of question.

If Hong Chen said yes, it would be too arrogant. A newcomer who is so arrogant can easily arouse the disgust of others.If you say no, it will make others feel that this person has no self-confidence.

Hong Chen took the microphone and replied calmly: "I believe the judges and teachers will select the best work, and thank you for your support."

His answer was impeccable, neither humble nor overbearing, and made the fans cheer enthusiastically.

Hua Shao on the side wanted to create some hot spots, so he nodded frequently after hearing his answer.

"Okay, thank you "Scorching Sun" crew, thank you! Thank you director and leading actors for their wonderful performance, please enter!"

Hua Shao respectfully invited Hong Chen and others into the International Convention and Exhibition Center. So far, the red carpet ceremony has officially come to an end.

Then, there will be the most critical awards ceremony tonight!
(End of this chapter)

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