The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 169 Awards ceremony, start!

Chapter 169 Awards ceremony, start!
In the evening, at 8 o'clock sharp.

The award ceremony was broadcast live. At this moment, countless netizens turned on the live broadcast platform one after another to watch this unprecedented event in the entertainment industry.

After all, there is never a time when so many actors and directors get together.

The crane camera shot across the air, and at a glance, it was densely packed with actors in bright clothes.

Tonight is the biggest event in the entertainment industry. It can be said that most of the actors in the entertainment industry will come here.

No matter what schedule conflicts or crew filming, they are not as important as today.

This is their day, and it is also the brightest moment for filmmakers!
The award ceremony has always been a stage for female stars to compete for beauty, so whenever this time, the female stars are extraordinarily pursuing their personal image, hoping to outshine others and become the headlines of the next day.

The male celebrities are much better, they are all well-dressed and handsome, and they don't have so many open and secret fights with each other, and they all seem sincere.

Hong Chen sat in the second row, which belonged to first-line stars.

The planning department of the film festival obviously knew to gain popularity and show some scenes that the audience liked, so Yan Yilen was next to Hong Chen.

In some flickering shots on the live broadcast interface, the images would often freeze on Hong Chen and Yan Yileng.

The two were talking and laughing.

Yan Yileng was wearing a long black dress with exposed fragrant shoulders, and a drop-shaped necklace on his fair neck. He looked very elegant.Her makeup is also exquisite, and there is a soul-stirring charm in every frown and smile.

At this moment, the lights in the venue dimmed. In the center of the stage, two rows of dancers rushed out, announcing the start of the awards ceremony with graceful dances.

The dance scene is magnificent, and the costumes have strong ethnic elements. In an instant, all the filmmakers couldn't help applauding.

Very star, the team behind the award ceremony of the film festival obviously spent a lot of effort.

After singing and dancing, the dancers left from both sides.

At this time, the host came to the stage, namely Huang Bo, Deng Chao and a female host Meng Xiaoxiao.

"The golden rooster sings, with the sea and the wind. Welcome to the grand meeting of Chinese filmmakers, which is jointly organized by the China Federation of Literature and Art, the China Film Association, and the People's Government of Xiamen City"

Meng Xiaoxiao's voice was full of emotion, and she recited the host speech.

Then, Deng Chao and Huang Bo joked a few more words to enliven the atmosphere of the awards ceremony.

After that, it entered the first link, which was to introduce the judges of the Golden Rooster Awards.

The host retreated to the edge of the stage to introduce the jury members.Most of these people are old artists and great directors, and they have a high voice in film associations, art associations and other places.

It can be said that whichever one is taken out is an existence that the entertainment industry must please.

After all, in many cases, rights are much more powerful than capital.

While the host was introducing, a figure appeared on the big screen.Then the big screen goes up and the judges come out from behind the scenes.

Suddenly, there was thunderous applause.

Among them, Hong Chen knew two people, one was Zhang Hai, an international director, and the other was Liu Sen, the deputy director of the Kyoto Drama Theater.

All big shots.

A group of judges stood on the stage, feeling very oppressed. Among these judges, the youngest is almost 40 years old, and most of them have been engaged in the film or art industry for decades.

They deserve respect.

Then, the host announced the first set of awards, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress, Best Director's Debut, Best Science and Education Film, and Best Center Cost Documentary.

Awards are presented one by one, and each group of awards has two award presenters.

Yan Yileng and Hongchen were under the stage, watching the award ceremony and whispering at the same time.

"Hmph, I only have one nomination this year, and I may not be able to win it." Yan Yilen said "I'm so wronged".

Ge Chen and Hong Chen had talked about this. In fact, since the year before last, the audience's appreciation of awards has changed.

For example, the actor Wang Feiyu the year before last relied on traffic and connections to win the Best Actor Award. As a result, he was on the trending searches that year and was scolded by netizens for a while.

There have been no good works in the past two years, and the audience's response has been very flat.

So far, he has fallen from the top ranks to the ranks of ordinary first-line.

Another example is Xu Zheng last year, who won a grand slam with the phenomenal film "I'm Not the God of Medicine". The audience's enthusiasm was high, and Xu Zheng's popularity exploded.

Therefore, the audience will only recognize those who are truly qualified to become movie kings.

The Film Association has also undergone changes. When Chen Ming was filming "Hero", Chen Ming was not able to come, so he was dealing with this matter.

In the future, the Film Association will pay more attention to quality when judging movies, and traffic stars and capital will not be allowed to touch this bottom line!

Therefore, even if Yan Yileng is a popular floret, there are basically no nominations.Of course, it also has something to do with her focus on TV dramas this year instead of movies.

"Your husband, I'll just win the prize. I'll let you touch my trophy when I get back." Hong Chen said with a smirk.

"You hate it." Yan Yilen pinched him coquettishly.

The scenes of their interaction are captured by the camera from time to time, the audience who are familiar with Yan Yi Leng find that Yan Yi Leng has changed a lot now.

In the past, she was a high-cold goddess, temperamental and very sexy, but now beside Hong Chen, she has a bit of a little birdy taste.

The two are very affectionate, which is very enviable.

The Best Supporting Actor was won by Duan Hong. After he won the award, he hugged with everyone in the crew.

When he hugged Hong Chen, Hong Chen whispered in his ear, "Congratulations."

Duan Hong replied: "I will wait to say this to you later."

After all of their groups were over, the awards ceremony continued.

Interspersed with songs and dances, performances, singing, etc., as well as several very touching speeches.

When the actor delivered his acceptance speech, he kept wiping away his tears and said how sad he was.

Of course, whether it is true or false depends on the audience's thoughts.

In this way, it was not until two and a half hours later that the main event came.

Best Actress, Best Actor!

That is the so-called actress and actor!
By this time, the atmosphere of the awards ceremony had reached its climax!
Because of this magnificent and grand ceremony, it can be said that the light is on these two people.

First up is Best Actress, with six nominations.

Ma Yili's "Find You", Bai Baihe's "Ma Ge Is a City", Yong Mei's "Everlasting", Zhou Dongyu's "The Best of Us", Zhao Xiaoli's "Singing Alive", Yao Chen's "Send Me to the Blue Clouds".

Just looking at this lineup makes people unconsciously a little nervous.

Hong Chen is also very concerned about this award, purely out of curiosity.

In the end, Yongmei won this year's Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Award for "Everlasting and Everlasting"!
Then, Hong Chen's heart suddenly beat violently.

Because the next award is Best Actor.

It would be deceiving to say that you are not nervous.

Under the lens, they are all pretending to be calm.

After all, this award represents the highest honor in the Chinese film industry and is a symbol of an actor's identity and status.

When Yan Yihan found out about Hong Chen's condition, he gently reached into Hong Chen's hand with his jade hand, and held it together.

She knew this feeling very well, she knew what Hong Chen was facing.

Feeling the warmth in his hand, Hong Chen turned his head and smiled at her gently.

Then, two award presenters came to the stage, both well-known actors in the entertainment industry: Wu Zhan and Zhang Jiayi.

As soon as they played, there was thunderous applause.

Then, the applause gradually stopped, and the final grand prize was finally about to be announced.

(End of this chapter)

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