Chapter 17 Dangerous Action Scene
Now is the fifth day of National Day, Hong Chen came to the shooting location early in the morning.

He is used to arriving early, and everyone in the crew knew about it and greeted him with a smile.

"You kid can do it, the strongest dark horse in the National Day file!" Wu Zhan also came over after a while, and said to him heartily.

"It's mainly because Director Zhang Hai directed well." Hong Chen said modestly.

"The director is one thing, your acting skills are the key. I watched the movie, and you acted really well." Wu Zhan said, "How about it, which aspect to consider in the future, you are very suitable for action scenes."

"See if there is a good script, let's talk about it."

The two chatted, and gradually the crew arrived and started filming.

Today's fight scene is also very important, it can be said to be the finale scene of this movie.

That was Wu Zhan and Jia Tom fighting against Hong Chen.

The two main characters challenge the boss!

After the field staff called the start, the filming began.

In the first act, the protagonist played by Wu Zhan breaks into the villain's headquarters, kills a powerful killer, and after knocking down a few minions, he comes to the hall.

He cooperated with Jia Tom to fight the minions that kept coming.

Then, the warden played by Hong Chen appeared.

Wearing a suit and straightening his tie, he jumped down the stairs.

Kicked a minion on the back, beat a cow across the mountain, and kicked Wu Zhan away!
The whole movement is chic, handsome, with a bit of elegance, flowing and flowing, done in one go!
He looked at Wu Zhan indifferently, even if the opponent was a powerful martial arts master, his eyes were only calm.

He is very confident in himself.

Then, Wu Zhan and Jia Tom looked at each other and attacked Hong Chen together.

2 on 1!

The movements have been designed long ago, and all three of them have martial arts skills, and they fight beautifully.

In the plot of the movie, the villain usually takes the lead first and is killed at the end.Therefore, with one against two in the scene, Hong Chen did not lose the wind at all, and even violently beat the two protagonists.


Just then, the director called a stop.

Because this martial arts action has been performed, next, we need to shoot some sub-shots.

Hong Chen helped Wu Zhan who had fallen to the ground.

Next, it's the martial arts instructor who tells them what to do next.

For example, the movements of Jia Tom and Hong Chen in singles.

The three of them also sometimes offer opinions.

"Director, I think this can be done here. Wu Zhan hugged my legs and threw my head against the pillar. I dodged sit-ups with my head in my arms."

While discussing the follow-up actions, Hong Chen made a suggestion.

His proposal caught the eyes of the martial arts instructor.

"This movement is very good. If it can be photographed, it will definitely be a big hit!" The martial arts instructor said excitedly.

"But, is it too dangerous?" Director Zheng Rui frowned slightly, looking at Hong Chen.

Martial arts actions require real swords and guns in many cases, but this can easily cause danger.

For example, in this shot, Wu Zhan holds Hong Chen's leg and throws it horizontally.

This must be a real swing, and a certain speed is required to keep the body level.

If Hong Chen's reaction was slow, or he didn't dodge before reaching the pillar, then Hong Chen would definitely be seriously injured!
And this shot is a close-up, so a stand-in cannot be used.

Although the shots are perfect, the requirements for the actors are too high.

However, the actors in this crew are very hardworking.

For example, when filming the prison riot scene a while ago, there was a scene in which Wu Zhan fell from a 3-meter-high platform.

It was a real fall, and Wu Zhan's body just fell from the air to the ground. At that time, he suffered a serious back injury, and he recovered after a few days of rest in the hospital.

But that shot is a classic.

Now that his back injury is still there, he rushed to film, which shows a lot of problems.

Wu Zhan's fame was earned step by step by himself, and the current entertainment industry lacks such positive energy that dares to fight.

Hong Chen is also very hardworking, this action is very dangerous, but as long as it can be completed, it can make the movie more outstanding.

This risk is worth taking!
"Come on, director, I'm fine!" Hong Chen said calmly.

Wu Zhan was also a little worried at first, but seeing Hong Chen's eyes, he didn't say anything more.

"Okay, the medical staff are in place, ready to rescue at any time, this sub-shot, just follow this shot!"

"Every group is in place!"

The voice of the scene management sounded, and the crew got busy again.

Hong Chen was lying on the ground, Wu Zhan calculated the distance, and stepped forward to hold Hong Chen's ankle.

"You kid, are you ready?" Wu Zhan asked.

"Don't worry, it's a small matter!" Hong Chen made an OK gesture.

This is a conversation between a man and a man, and they both understand and smile at each other.

"Paragraph 32, scene 2, action!"

Shooting begins!
Wu Zhan looked ferocious, and with a sudden force, he grabbed Hong Chen's ankle and dragged him horizontally.

In the script, they are life and death enemies!
Wu Zhan is going to hit Hong Chen's head on the pillar!

The people in the crew clenched their fists nervously. This scene is too dangerous!

This is really filming with life!
Wu Zhan's distance was controlled just right, and Hong Chen's head was about to hit the pillar.

It was already very close, and in less than a second, Hong Chen's head was about to hit him!
Director Zheng Rui stared at the camera and swallowed nervously.

Next, it depends on Hong Chen's performance.

I saw Hong Chen turned his head to look at the pillar in mid-air, and immediately looked calm, holding his head, exerting a little force on his abdomen, and his body made a sitting up movement in mid-air.

It was this action that made him and the pillar miss it in a thrilling manner!

As long as it is one second later, it will definitely be a bloody scene.

Fortunately, Hong Chen succeeded!

And he did it perfectly, the camera can capture his close-up, and his expression will be clearly magnified.

If he showed even the slightest bit of fear, the shot would be ruined!
But he didn't, he was calm and calm, his movements were smooth and smooth, and he completed it successfully!


Director Zheng Rui also breathed a sigh of relief when he stopped.

This scene is too dangerous!

But it is precisely because of the danger that this shot is so classic.

Now Zheng Rui feels that his vision in choosing roles is really good.It is these few actors that make this movie so good.

The crew applauded.

This young man named Hong Chen conquered everyone with his practical actions.

This is what an actor should be like.

"Good response!" Wu Zhan also laughed.

"Almost died!" Hong Chen joked, secretly heaving a sigh of relief.

This action is indeed dangerous, but Hong Chen watched Hong Kong movies when he was young, which had a profound influence on actors of that era.

The Hong family class and the married class are the real filming with their lives.

It's just that in the current entertainment industry, there are very few people like this.

He just did what an actor should do.

(End of this chapter)

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