Chapter 18
The box office of "Battered Fire" continued to ferment.

As of the end of the National Day, the box office of Fighting the Fire has accumulated to 16 billion, and it is expected to become the fourth film in the history of Chinese movies to break through 20 billion at the box office.

Of course, the film market is still growing, and there may be a box office of 50 billion or even 100 billion in the future.But now it can break through 20 billion, which is enough to stand out from the crowd.

At present, the Chinese film market is completely suppressed by American films, and it has been a long time since there have been any good local films.

Therefore, the enthusiasm of the audience is very high.

In addition, there are no foreign blockbusters released in this National Day file, and the right time, place and people have created such a box office.

If nothing else, "Battery Fighter" has secured the annual box office champion ahead of schedule.

Hong Chen is on fire.

His Weibo has reached 400 million fans in a short period of time.

Some fans even started forming fan clubs.

These news made Hong Chen very happy, but he didn't appear too excited.

He knows very well that if he wants to gain a long-term foothold in the entertainment circle, it is not enough to rely on just one work.A detailed count of the real national idols in the entertainment industry, which of them did not achieve their current achievements through the accumulation of works.

He still has a long way to go.

Time flies by, November is already the beginning of winter, and the crew of "Slaying the Wolf 11" has officially wrapped up.

After more than three months of hard work, this action movie is finally declared complete.

At the banquet, director Zheng Rui got drunk and said thank you to everyone.

Hong Chen and Wu Zhan looked at each other with a smile, the two of them were not acquainted with each other, they were both real men, and they had formed a deep friendship.

Next, there will be a one-month rest period. After that, according to the contract requirements, Hong Chen will also need to attend some variety shows with the crew to promote.

During this period, according to the contract, Hong Chen could not join the new crew for the time being.

The promotion of movies is very important. After each movie is shot, the promotion fee is a huge expense.

Going to variety shows, holding press conferences, Weibo publicity, short video publicity, etc.
"Hong Chen, what's your plan next?" At the banquet, Wu Zhan asked with a smile.

"Settle down in Kyoto first, then rest for a while and find some hobbies." Hong Chen said with a smile.

"Haha, come to my house for dinner if you have time after returning to Kyoto. Your sister-in-law is very good at cooking." Wu Zhan said again.

"It's a word."

Then, the crew traveled in Thailand together, relaxing, and after a few days of carnival, they packed up their things and packed them back home.

Hong Chen booked a first-class ticket to Kyoto. His current plan is to buy a house in Kyoto first and settle down.

He was born in an ordinary family, his parents were workers in a small city, and his family conditions were average.

The reason why he applied for the film school is because his dream is to be an actor, and his parents are very supportive of him.

Some time ago, Hong Chen remitted 100 million yuan to his parents, which frightened the elders.

The old man who had never been to the cinema during the National Day holiday went to the cinema to support his son for the first time.

Hong Chen planned to stay in the capital in the future, he asked his parents, and his parents didn't want to go there, so Hong Chen didn't force it.

When the plane landed at Kyoto Airport, it was around 08:30 in the evening.

Hong Chen got off the plane and planned to find a hotel to stay in first.

"Look, that person seems to be Yinshan!"

"Hey, it's really him!"

"The real person is so handsome, he looks so sunny."

As soon as he walked out of the airport, a few sharp-eyed girls saw him and talked excitedly.

They were looking at the handsome guy, but they suddenly felt that this handsome guy looked familiar. After a closer look, wasn't it the villain Yin Shan in the "Battery Fighter" that they just finished watching?

Then, they hurriedly took out their mobile phones to take pictures and record short videos.

Now is the era of the universal network.

Many times, when meeting celebrities or actors, some people are not their fans, but they will pretend to be fans of these people, just to go up to take photos, or shoot videos to post on Moments, and tweet.

Especially women.

Men will never understand how much women care about likes in Moments.

When they meet celebrities, they take a group photo and watch the rising likes in the circle of friends, and they will feel very good.

Therefore, they often line up for two or three hours to buy a cup of milk tea, not to say that they really like this kind of milk tea, but just to post a selfie with a text:

"My favorite drink, worry-relieving milk tea, I finally bought it after queuing for three hours, happy!"

Therefore, as soon as Hong Chen appeared, several people came to take a photo with him.

Regarding this, Hong Chen politely smiled and took photos with everyone, without any airs at all.

But he obviously underestimated people's enthusiasm, and someone would come over after he walked a few steps.

At this moment, a woman in a smart professional attire came to him, smiled at him, and said, "Hello, is this Mr. Hong Chen?"

Hearing her words, Hong Chen was slightly taken aback, and said, "It's me."

This woman looks very handsome, with short hair and looks very beautiful, giving people the feeling of a strong woman in the workplace.

"Hello, I'm Ge Chen, the manager of the artist management department of Huahai Media Company. After being introduced by director Zhang Hai, I'm here to wait for you. I want to ask if you have any intention of signing an entertainment agency company?"

Ge Chen said straight to the point.

Her whole style is very capable, and the smile on her face makes people very comfortable.

"I'm interested, but I'm still considering it." Hong Chen said with a smile.

During this period of time, he was indeed thinking about signing a contract.

He is just starting now, and being able to sign a good entertainment company will be of great benefit to his development.

But there are too many things to pay attention to when signing a contract.

Of course, he knew about Huahai Entertainment Company, Mu Qingxue was an artist of Huahai Entertainment Company, and one of the signs of Huahai Entertainment Company.

This company has a good relationship with Zhang Hai, so Zhang Hai recommended him.

Huahai Entertainment Company currently has a high status in the entertainment circle, and is one of the "Four Great Entertainment Companies in China", with countless artists.

There is also an exaggerated saying in the entertainment circle that if you enter the sea of ​​flowers, even a pig can take off.

Of course, this sentence is just a joke, but it also shows Huahai's powerful star-making ability.

Hong Chen glanced at Ge Chen, admiring this woman.

Before, many entertainment brokerage companies called themselves to discuss the signing of the contract.

Ge Chen was the first one to look for him in person.

Moreover, from the fact that Ge Chen knew that he had specially come to wait for him on his itinerary, this woman was very thoughtful.

"In this case, we have a signed contract here, you can take a look at it first, and you can think about it." After speaking, Ge Chen handed over a signed contract.

This contract is to let Hong Chen understand the signing of the contract, and it is not a real contract.

Hong Chen accepted the contract and said with a smile, "I will consider it."

Immediately, he asked again:
"What level is this contract?"

Ge Chen smiled slightly and said, "It's a B-level contract."

Grade B.
Hong Chen didn't show anything on his face, he just said politely: "I will think about it, and I will contact you if I have any news."

(End of this chapter)

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