The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 20 Contract!Betting agreement!

Chapter 20 Contract!Betting agreement!
Huahai Media Entertainment Company, General Manager Wang Yao's office.

Holding a stack of documents, Ge Chen knocked on Wang Yao's office door with a laptop.

"Come in!" Wang Yao's voice sounded, and Ge Chen pushed the door open.

Wang Yao sat in front of the desk, wearing a suit, giving people a calm feeling.He is about 40 years old, fit and in good shape.

After all, he is the general manager of Huahai Media, one of the four major entertainment companies, and his status is like a behemoth in the entertainment industry.

"Ge Chen, is it you, or are you talking about signing the artist?" Wang Yao asked calmly when he saw Ge Chen coming in.

"Yes, manager, I got a part of Hong Chen's performance in "Slaying the Wolf 2" from the director Zheng Rui. Please take a look at this part. I think this artist is worth exploring." Ge Chen looked. Seriously.

Wang Yao frowned slightly.

Ge Chen knew that he was his agent, and he was very capable, but he was not very lucky.

The last artist she signed with was originally a bright star, but because of drunk driving, she seriously injured a passerby, and she was almost disfigured, and her popularity plummeted.

As the artist's status was lowered, his manager's status would naturally also be lowered.

Moreover, because Ge Chen was too good, he offended many managers in the company, but now that he looks like this, many people have started to make trouble.

But this woman is very strong, never willing to admit defeat, so she began to continue looking for artists, planning to start again.

The company arranged several artists for her, but she was not satisfied. Her vision was very high, so the company no longer arranged for her.

Then, Ge Chen discovered Hong Chen.

The acting skills, temperament, and appeal are all amazing.

Not yet signed, no negative news.

Through understanding, she found that Hong Chen's character is also good.

All of these met her standards, so she collected Hong Chen's information and immediately went to Wang Yao to discuss signing Hong Chen.

At the beginning, Wang Yao's condition was also a C-level contract. Later, Ge Chen argued hard, and coupled with the box office crushing of the National Day file "Battery", Wang Yao agreed to give the B-signature.

Now, Ge Chen has obtained Hong Chen's performance clips in "Slaying the Wolf 2", hoping to improve the contract remuneration.

It can be said that in order to sign a contract with Hong Chen, the first person Ge Chen wanted to fight for Hong Chen's interests was to his entertainment company.

Wang Yao is very smart and capable, otherwise he wouldn't be in the position he is today.

He carefully read the information provided by Ge Chen, including all aspects, including the performance clips in Slaying the Wolf 2.

"This Hong Chen's acting skills are really good, and his actions are also very beautiful. He will do a lot in the action film market in the future. But you also know that the market prospects for action films are mediocre now, and comedies and romantic dramas are the directions that investors like. "

Wang Yao talked about his views.

"However, the sluggish action movie market may also be an opportunity. In addition, Zhang Hai did recommend this person to me several times. How about this, the B-level contract remains the same, and the small-level level is raised by one level, and the salary is increased by 0.5% , what is his intention?"

"Okay, thank you, manager." Ge Chen was very satisfied, after all, he had managed to gain a little profit.

She left Wang Yao's office, intending to call Hong Chen to discuss signing the contract.Unexpectedly, it was Hong Chen who took the initiative to call her.

"Miss Ge, I'm Hong Chen. I plan to sign a contract with Huahai. Let's find a place to talk in detail."

"no problem."

After discussing the address with Hong Chen, Ge Chen hung up the phone with a relieved smile on his face.

Her career as an agent finally started again.

The place that Hong Chen and Ge Chen made an appointment is his new home.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Ge Chen visited, and the doorbell rang.

When he opened the door, he found that not only Ge Chen came, but also a middle-aged man with a strong spirit, who seemed to have the aura of a superior.

"Hello, Mr. Hong, I am the general manager of Huahai Media, Wang Yao." Wang Yao stretched out his hand and said friendly.

This surprised Hong Chen a little.

The general manager of Huahai Media, a big shot in the entertainment industry, actually came to visit him in person?

"Hello, please come in!" Hong Chen shook hands with Wang Yao, and then invited Wang Yao and Ge Chen into the room.

"Ge Chen forced me to come here. She is very interested in signing you." Wang Yao said with a smile after entering the room.

Ge Chen followed behind, smiling slightly.

Hong Chen could see that Wang Yao had his own charm. After all, he was a high-level figure in the entertainment industry. He had seen a lot of various artists, and his temperament grew.

When Ge Chen invited Wang Yao over, it was obvious that he was expressing Huahai's sincerity.

Hong Chen was very satisfied with this.

"Of course, I have seen Mr. Hong's performance. Your acting skills are very good. Zhang Hai also strongly recommends you to me. Therefore, in order to sign an actor like Mr. Hong, I must come here in person." Wang Yao said again.

It has to be said that Wang Yao is full of aura, and he is also very particular about his speech. He praised the two people present without any trace, and made the atmosphere very harmonious.

"Manager Wang, just call me Hong Chen, I do have the intention to sign a contract." Hong Chen greeted the two of them for tea and said politely.

"That's great. Here's the signing contract. B-level signing. You can read it first." Ge Chen immediately took out the contract from his briefcase and handed it out.

Hong Chen opened the contract and looked at it seriously.

This contract is very important to him and must not be sloppy.

Class B signing.

The annual salary is 800 million.

The time limit is ten years.

The remuneration is divided into 4.5% for Hong Chen and 5.5% for the company.

No less than 500 million investment in entertainment resources per year.

A certain degree of self-control and the right to choose the script.

It can be said that Huahai's contract is really good.Not to mention the good treatment, it also allowed him to have a certain degree of autonomy.

After all, after some artist signs a contract, the entertainment company may force him to do something he is not willing to do.

For example, a member of the once-popular trio, the Coyotes, was forced to wear outlandish outfits because of a deteriorating relationship with the brokerage company, which was embarrassing.

When Hong Chen was reading the contract, Wang Yao was drinking tea leisurely, and Ge Chen looked a little nervous.

After about 10 minutes, Hong Chen carefully read the thick contract, put down the contract, and said:

"The conditions are very good, I agree to sign the contract."

Hearing his words, Wang Yao smiled slightly, and Ge Chen also breathed a sigh of relief.

From now on, he officially became a B-level contract artist of Huahai Media Entertainment Company.

However, in Hong Chen's heart, he would not be content with this.In the early stage, he needs resources, and signing a contract is the best choice.

Later, when he has capital, he will set up his own studio and be his own master.

The risk of the studio is very high. If you open it rashly in the early stage, without the accumulation of popularity and resources, if you don't pay attention, you will end up in doom.

Hong Chen naturally considered this.

With a system, resources, and methods, he can go further.

(Many people didn't like the plot of the VAM agreement, so it was deleted, that is, if Hong Chen's popularity can reach the first-tier within three years, he will switch to an A-level contract.)
 The signing is only temporary, and I will start my own studio soon, so don't worry. .

(End of this chapter)

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