The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 21 Huahai Media Headquarters

Chapter 21 Huahai Media Headquarters
Entertainment companies are complex and involve many aspects.

There are Internet celebrities, celebrities, and singers in all aspects.

Different channels have different modes of operation.

Take Hong Chen and Ge Chen as an example, artists and managers, they are more like a cooperative relationship, without clear superiors and subordinates.

Ge Chen will arrange Hong Chen's work. Of course, she will communicate with Hong Chen in advance and ask for Hong Chen's opinion.

The next day, at eight o'clock in the morning, Ge Chen and Hong Chen made an appointment to go to Huahai Media's headquarters together.

Early in the morning, the nanny's car was already parked at the gate of Hong Chen's community, waiting.

The so-called nanny van, in layman's terms, is a black high-end van whose interior cannot be seen clearly. There is a lot of space inside for entertainers to rest.

Now, Ge Chen will arrange everything for Hong Chen's trip.

"Hong Chen, let me report the current situation first, so that you can understand."

Ge Chen was in the car, and said in a gentle voice.

Ge Chen was still in a black professional attire, with short hair, very beautiful, and looked very capable.

Hong Chen sometimes wondered why such a person didn't become an artist himself, but became a manager instead.

Maybe there is some reason in it.

"Okay, tell me." Hong Chen said with a smile.

"Let's talk about the personnel of our group first. B-level signed artists will have their own group, including me, two assistants, a make-up team with two people, and an operation team with five people. These people are already waiting in the company. I can see you."

This made Hong Chen look sideways, "So, I now have a team of ten people."

"Yes, their main job is to focus on you, especially when filming, the team will follow. Normally, they will work in the company."

Hong Chen nodded.

No wonder so many people want to join the entertainment company.

He has just signed the contract, and already has a team of ten people. This kind of treatment is indeed very good.

"The follow-up company will adjust the team according to the artist's status. If your acting career rises all the way, the number of team members will increase. Otherwise, it will decrease." Ge Chen reminded.

"Understood." Hong Chen said.

This is also normal, the company is to make money, it is impossible to send so many people to support an idler for no reason.

"The other thing is your current state. Currently, the box office of "Battle Ascension" is still rising, and it should be the box office champion this year. With it, your popularity will explode."

"I investigated your current fan base, including data analysis of Weibo fans. The general conclusion is that your current fan base consists of more than 7 layers of female fans."

"Most female fans have a characteristic: they love each other when they see each other. The current love for you stems from your handsome performance in this movie. Most of them are fans of good looks, and the loyalty of such fans is very low."

Hong Chen was a little taken aback by Ge Chen's words, "Is it so real?"

"That's right, unless you continue to have works to support, or have traffic, you will gradually become a diehard fan after getting in touch with this part of good-looking fans. Otherwise, your popularity will plummet after the end of "Battery Fighter."

Ge Chen continued to explain: "Male fans are not so fanatical, but if they have a good impression of your performance, they will gradually become your fans, and they will support your works when they see your works. This part of fans even if you grow up If you don’t show up in time, if you show up again, you will support me.”

"That is to say, male fans are more rational, but more loyal."

This is the first time Hong Chen has heard of such a data analysis, which also shows Ge Chen's expertise.

"So, from a certain perspective, you have to maintain the popularity, so as to continue to increase the popularity."

"Okay, after a while "Slaying the Wolf 2" will be released, there should be an improvement." Hong Chen said again.

"Yes, this will increase the popularity of male fans, but at the same time, you also need to increase the popularity of female fans. When I go to the company later, I contacted the shooting department. You need to shoot a group of photos, post a Weibo first."

"Taking a photo?" Hong Chen frowned slightly.

"Well, take a few cool photos. Believe me, female fans like this very much." Ge Chen looked at Hong Chen's surprised expression and smiled.

The headquarters of Huahai Media Company is located in a financial district within the second ring road of Kyoto City. There are many high-rise buildings here, and each building represents a huge enterprise.

This is the real upper-level area, and those who can make a name for themselves here are all important figures.

After about an hour's drive, Hong Chen arrived at his destination.

He looked up, and saw a 32-story building rising from the ground, with four domineering characters on it: Huahai Media.

This is a treasure land for star creation, and too many stars in the entertainment circle were born from this place.

Hong Chen and Ge Chen walked into the building and took the elevator all the way to the 26th floor.

According to what Ge Chen said, this floor is the floor where B-level contracted artists are located, and there is a large room specially allocated for him.

As soon as he entered the room, his team had already arrived, ten of them including Ge Chen.

For these people, Hong Chen is the center of their work.

There is a special dressing room and his exclusive lounge in the room. In addition, there is a conference room for meetings and a large room for everyone to rest.

This can be seen in the treatment of B-level contracted artists.

This meeting is mainly to get acquainted with the team, after all, we will work and live together next.

Hong Chen chatted with everyone very politely, he seemed very kind, and everyone responded.

Hong Chen could tell that everyone was very polite and respectful to him.

Before he knew it, he had become the boss of a small team.

Among these people, there are two more important people who are in direct contact with Hong Chen, and the rest are under Ge Chen's arrangement.

Both of them were Hong Chen's assistants.

One is Chen Zhiyi, who is Hong Chen's life assistant, and he can also be called his secretary.

Being able to apply for an assistant position in Huahai Media, Chen Zhiyi has good natural conditions, looks very beautiful, and has a slender figure, especially her long legs are very eye-catching.

Chen Zhiyi has also been observing Hong Chen. After all, the assistant is the artist's secretary. When encountering an artist who likes to play big names or has a bad temper, the assistant is often unlucky.

Fortunately, Hong Chen looked easy to get along with and had a bright smile, which made Chen Zhiyi slightly relieved.

The other is a work assistant, a shrewd-looking young man named Wang Shaoqi, who assists Ge Chen more in his work.

Everyone in the team knew each other pretty much, and the time for the photoshoot scheduled by Li Ge Chen was approaching, so Hong Chen bid farewell to everyone and left.

At this time, Hong Chen received a call.

This call took him by surprise.

Hong Chen's current skills are as follows: villain interpretation, fighting skills, script understanding, god-level photography skills, body modification.

When he was still on the set of "Slaying the Wolf 2", Hong Chen got a lot of items after drawing prizes, one of which was a Canon SLR camera, and then he drew a lottery for the skills of god-level photography.

In addition, he has a hobby of photography, so he will take some photos when the crew is free.

His photography skills have indeed become very powerful, the framing and lighting are perfect, and the photos he takes are very textured.

One day on a whim, he saw an international photography competition on the Internet, so he filled out the registration information, selected a group of photos and sent them to the competition.

He almost forgot about it, but now, someone actually called him and told him that his work had won an award!

Still the championship award!
This really surprised him, but it was also reasonable.

After all, he has god-level photography skills.

Afterwards, Hong Chen logged into his mailbox again, and sure enough, there was an email notifying him of the award.

He went to the official website of the competition to look again, and the championship award was the set of photos he took.

Apparently, not a liar, he did win an award.

"It was a pleasant surprise."

Hong Chen smiled lightly.

Then, he went to the photography department with Ge Chen, planning to take a group of photos.

(End of this chapter)

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