The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 23 New script, Ancient Poetry Fairy!

Chapter 23 New script, Eternal Poetry Fairy!
"The effect of shooting like this must be good, why didn't I think of it before!"

A few words from Hong Chen gave Liu Sheng a sense of enlightenment. Liu Sheng was already an excellent photographer.

"Lighting team, soften the light, raise it up, and bring it there!" Liu Sheng hurriedly ordered the people in the photography department to arrange the shooting scene. After the arrangement, he said to Sister Hong:

"Sister Hong, let your artist go up to shoot another set, this time there will be absolutely no problem."

Sister Hong nodded, and then, Mu Qingxue walked onto the stage, carrying a small green satchel, posing in various playful and cute poses.

Liu Sheng pressed the shutter repeatedly and took several groups of photos.

As soon as the photo came out, everyone was slightly taken aback.

In the photo, Mu Qingxue was wearing a light green long dress, smiling sweetly in the sun, which made people unconsciously have a feeling of first love.

The sets, the lighting, and the characters complement each other perfectly.

Mu Qingxue's cuteness is more textured under the light.

The photos taken now are better than before at 01:30!
Everyone was amazed that just by changing the layout of the light, the finished product has undergone such earth-shaking changes.

People looked at Hong Chen with a bit of surprise in their eyes.

Sister Hong nodded in satisfaction, Mu Qingxue ran down the stage, and smiled contentedly after seeing the photo.

"Very good. After a while, we will post this group after a brief processing. We can call it a day." said Mu Qingxue, Sister Hong's doting team member.

Xun Yuan squinted at Hong Chen, but didn't say anything more.

"Hong Chen, you are so amazing!" Mu Qingxue smiled at Hong Chen.

"Hong Chen, right? How did you come up with this method. Wait. Your name is Hong Chen?" Suddenly, the photographer Liu Sheng was slightly taken aback, and asked with a look of astonishment.

"Yes, of course my name is Hong Chen." Hong Chen smiled inexplicably.

"The champion of the International People and Nature Photography Contest announced today is a Chinese named Hong Chen." Liu Sheng said with a puzzled face, "It can't be such a coincidence, can it?"

The International Man and Nature Photography Competition is a high-standard photography competition, and it can be said to be one of the most authoritative competitions in the photography field.

The champions of this competition are often photographers from Europe and America.

And this year was the first time that a Chinese won the championship, so Liu Sheng remembered the champion's name very clearly.

Hong Chen.

He has seen the photo of winning the championship. It is a snapshot of a female bird facing an eagle with its wings outstretched to protect its young. maternal love.

At that time, he was still wondering who this photographer named Hong Chen was, who could take such wonderful photos.

He didn't connect the photographer with Hong Chen, the actor who played Yin Shan in "Battered Fire."

Now that I think about it, I can react.

"Well, I filmed that set of "Motherly Love of Animals", and I just received the award notification just now." Hong Chen smiled lightly.

"Boss, is that person really you?" Hearing this, Liu Sheng got excited and stepped forward to grab Hong Chen's hand.

Liu Sheng is a fan of photography. Every day, various idol singers and entertainers come to the photography department to take pictures. He has no feelings for these people.

But he also has an idol, that is the great god of photography.

That's why he will pay attention to the dynamics of the photography competition in real time.

Now seeing the champion of the International People and Nature Photography Contest, I can't help being so excited.

"I'm lucky!" Hong Chen pulled out his hand without showing any signs, and said with a smile.

Seeing Liu Sheng's attitude, Mu Qingxue stared at Hong Chen with a smile in her beautiful eyes.

Xun Yuan frowned in displeasure.

Then, Mu Qingxue waved goodbye to Hong Chen, and left with Sister Hong.

Xun Yuan followed suit.

"You still have this hand, why didn't you say it earlier, it's another chance to increase your followers." After they left, Ge Chen said with a little joy, and then asked Hong Chen for the electronic certificate of the championship medal, and started Started tweeting.

She didn't have to worry too much about taking pictures of Hong Chen.

"Master, how do you want to shoot? Tell me, I'll follow the arrangement." Liu Sheng said politely, with a very kind attitude.

The people in the photography department looked sideways. After all, Liu Sheng usually doesn't respond to other artists, but now his attitude has changed 180 degrees.

Hong Chen thought for a while and said, "Let's just take a few photos with a little more life."

He didn't want to be too ostentatious.

But as an artist, he does need to take some artistic photos.

So I was busy all afternoon and took a lot of photos, which is considered to be the completion of the task.

In the evening, he invited his team members to have a big meal, and then went home to rest.

The next day, Ge Chen came to his house again to discuss with him about the next film appointment.

"Slaying the Wolf 2" is scheduled for January 1st, New Year's Day.

Before the popularity of "Slaying the Wolf 2" recedes, he has to shoot the next work, so as to continue to accumulate popularity.

"We have received a lot of film offers now, from large and small crews, online dramas, movies, and TV dramas. I will select a few groups with the highest film offers and the most suitable ones for you. You can take a look first."

The two sat on the sofa, looking at the information in Ge Chen's hand, Ge Chen said.

"The first one is the movie "The Great Master", which tells the story of the Republic of China. You play a villain, the male number two. This role is not as likable as Yinshan, but very vicious. He is a real villain. In the end, he was killed in the ring. The main character was killed."

Hong Chen looked at the script introduction with a blank face, but directly passed the script.

The reason is very simple. Although he has the ability to act as a villain and is suitable for acting as a villain, he absolutely does not want to be classified as a villain.

If it is qualified, the future path of performing arts will be very narrow, not to mention, and the achievements will not be high.

The audience even thought that he was such a person, a villain, and his popularity would decline.

He can play a villain, but it must be a charming or popular villain, at least pleasing in a certain way.

Looking at it this way, Hong Chen is very lucky to be able to star in "Battery" and "Slaying the Wolf 2", because the villains of these two films are really popular characters.

"I also think this is inappropriate. If you want to achieve higher achievements, you must play the role of the hero in a good script, but before that, you need to play some pleasing roles to gain a certain audience base " Ge Chen nodded and said.

"The second one is the movie of Hong Kong star master, "Nine Pins of Sesame Official", you play a villain, Chang Wei. This movie is a big production, and the box office is definitely not low. This role is not bad, after all, it is biased towards comedy. style, it’s not going to be that impressive.”

"Master Xing's movie?" Hong Chen said with a little interest, Master Xing was also his idol, and he grew up watching Master Xing's movies.

Afterwards, Hong Chen carefully watched the script "Nine Grades of Sesame Officials". The character Chang Wei has a distinctive personality, but he is too bad in his bones. Hong Chen was worried that he would be characterized by others, so he hesitated.

Then he read a few sets of scripts, all of which were not satisfactory.Some of them are small-produced action web dramas, starring Hong Chen, the popularity will not be too high.Another part of the big crew asked him to play the bad villains.

After all, the current Hong Chen only has one work, "Battle in the Fire", which is not enough to become a first-line star. The script requirements for him are mostly villains, and he probably wants to catch the heat of Battle in the Fire.

Ge Chen chose two scripts that are beneficial to his development. These two scripts are small productions, but the scripts are excellent.If it sells well, it will also greatly increase its popularity.

"In addition to taking the initiative to find our film appointments, I am also paying attention to the dramas of the big crew." At this time, Ge Chen said again.

"There is a movie that you may be interested in, but let me tell you in advance that filming with this crew is very risky, and it is very likely that your reputation will be ruined once the filming is completed."

"Huh?" Ge Chen's words aroused Hong Chen's interest.

"It's Zhang Hai's new play. It's planned to start filming in the next year, and the role hasn't been decided yet." Ge Chen said with a serious expression.

"Director Zhang's play? How could you take risks?" Hong Chen became even more curious.

Ge Chen sighed, and said: "Because of the popularity of "Battery Fighter", Zhang Hai has made a lot of money and has sufficient funds. This time he plans to fulfill one of his dreams and make a biography of a character."

"This character has caused strong opposition from writers and some critics, because they believe that no one can play this role, so they have begun to boycott the film."

"Who is Director Zhang going to photograph?" Hong Chen asked hastily with a change of expression.

Ge Chen's red lips parted slightly, and he said slowly:
"Eternal poetry fairy, Li Bai!"

 Ahem, try to reduce the number of times you pretend to be forceful and slap your face, and act when it's time to pretend.

(End of this chapter)

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