Chapter 24 God Level Lucky Draw
"Li Bai!"

Just listening to this name gives people a kind of heroism of "you don't see the water of the Yellow River coming up from the sky", a kind of hazy drunkenness of "raise a glass to invite the bright moon, and the shadows become three people", a kind of "clear water comes out of hibiscus, go naturally Carving" romantic feelings.

He is a miracle of history!
No.1 in the Chinese poetry world!
Poetry, Li Bai!
Zhang Hai actually wanted to shoot Li Bai's biography!

It is not difficult to say that Li Bai was born in the prosperous Tang Dynasty. If he wants to shoot the magnificent scenes of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, he must have a big set, a big courage, and a big mind.

What's more, it is necessary for the actors to show Li Bai's unique "poetry fairy" temperament.

Difficult to reach the sky!

No wonder so many people have begun to question the fact that the filming is still underway.

"Is the starring role decided?" Hong Chen asked a little excitedly.

"Not yet. This film has too high requirements for actors, and they must be young actors. The role selection will start in early January, and then there will be several casting directors who will choose roles together."

"Help me keep an eye on the casting time, don't sign other film contracts for the time being, if the casting of this movie fails, we will look for it again." Hong Chen said.

"Do you want to participate in Li Bai's casting?"

Hearing this, Ge Chen was slightly surprised.

She could see that Hong Chen was crazy about this role.

If Li Bai, the immortal poet of the ages, can really interpret it, it will be a milestone achievement.

However, this is too difficult.

However, the risk is worth taking.

After the two discussed it, Ge Chen left Hong Chen's house and went to work on his own business.

According to the plan, in another three days, Hong Chen needs to attend some promotional activities with the crew of "Slaying the Wolf 2", such as going to a certain city for promotion, and also attending several variety shows.

But what Hong Chen is thinking about now is the casting of the next movie "Li Bai".

His current skills that are helpful to acting include villain interpretation, fighting skills, and script understanding.

But none of these allowed him to successfully control the role of Li Bai.

Therefore, he still needs to obtain more powerful skills from the actor system.

At night, Hong Chen called the system again.

"System, if I want to acquire the acting skills to play Li Bai, is there any way?" Hong Chen asked.

"To the host, if you want to obtain a certain skill, you need to get it through the tens of millions of lucky draws. There is a 50% probability of obtaining the skill the host wants." The voice of the system rang in Hong Chen's mind.

"God-level lottery draw!" A trace of surprise flashed in Hong Chen's eyes.

However, the god-level lottery draw needs to consume tens of millions of favorability points, and the price is not small.

Now "Battery Fighter" is still on the air, he has accumulated a total of 1300 million favorability points, and he has already spent more than 750 million.

There are less than 600 million available favorability points left.

This favorability is not enough to draw a lottery.

"There is still more than 400 million favorability points left. If "Slaying the Wolf 2" is released, it should be achieved." Hong Chen secretly calculated.

"But I don't know if the time will be too late. "Slaying the Wolf 2" will be released on New Year's Day, and the casting of "Li Bai" will be in early January. It is unknown whether it will be able to get 1 million favorability during this time."

Hong Chen pondered secretly in his heart.

He didn't know what would happen to the word-of-mouth and box office of "Slaying the Wolf 2".

After an actor finishes filming, it has nothing to do with the actor as to how the film will be edited, and the style, and the actor does not know the market conditions of the things he is acting.

However, judging by the director and the actors of the crew, the results of "Slaying the Wolf 2" should not be too bad.

"I can only give it a go." Hong Chen thought to himself.

Zhang Hai wanted to shoot "Li Bai", which was very attractive to him.

May I ask which actor would not want to play such a classic role well?

The next day, Hong Chen contacted Wu Zhan, brought two bottles of good wine drawn by lottery, and visited him.

The two drank and chatted, and their friendship grew deeper.

Then, on the third day, it was the promotional day for the crew of "Slaying the Wolf 2".

At ten o'clock in the morning, Hong Chen's nanny car parked downstairs. In the car were manager Ge Chen and life assistant Chen Zhiyi.

It is worth mentioning that Chen Zhiyi also visited Hong Chen once in the past two days, just to ask about Hong Chen's preferences, so as to facilitate her future work.

She left a good impression on Hong Chen.

The two beauties were accompanying each other in the nanny car, Hong Chen was also happy and at ease, sighing secretly that after becoming famous, the treatment would be good, not to mention the car pick-up and drop-off, and someone would accompany him all the way.

Ge Chen sent Hong Chen and Chen Zhiyi to the airport, and then went back to the company to handle other business. This time, Chen Zhiyi accompanied Hong Chen.

Because Hong Chen participated in the work of the crew of "Slaying the Wolf 2" this time, and Ge Chen had nothing to do, so she didn't need to be with her.

His itinerary today is to participate in the variety show "Ace Vs Ace" of Jiangsu and Zhejiang TV stations to promote the movie.

"Girlfriend? Very pretty, you have a good eye." In the VIP room, Wu Zhan saw Hong Chen and Chen Zhiyi coming in, and said with a smile.

Chen Zhiyi has a slender figure, and her two long legs are particularly eye-catching. No wonder Wu Zhan would make fun of her.

"Life assistant, arranged by the company." Hong Chen said helplessly.

"Hua Hai treats you so well and arranges such a beautiful life assistant for you?" Wu Zhan was slightly surprised, and asked again.

"Who knows." Hong Chen waved his hand with an expression that didn't want to be beaten.

The two laughed.

Then, they got on the plane and flew from Kyoto to Suzhou and Hangzhou together.

When we got there at about two noon, the "Ace vs. Ace" program team had already sent staff to pick them up, and then had a meal together, and sent them directly to the venue where the program was recorded.

The guests participating in this variety show are Wu Zhan, Hong Chen, and HK actor Ren Hua. Even Jia Tom rushed over from Thailand, which shows the lineup of this show.

Principal Gu hardly participates in variety shows, so he didn't come over.

At seven o'clock in the afternoon, the recording of the program officially began.

There are two groups participating in this program.One group is the crew of "Slaying the Wolf 2" and the other is the crew of the romantic drama "With You".

The four people on Hong Chen's side are the kung fu team, and the other side is the good-looking team made up of four handsome young men.

"Ace Vs Ace" is almost the most popular variety show now, and its popularity is very high. Through the game confrontation between two groups of guests, it is full of jokes.

In addition, there are two national-level comedians among the resident guests of the show, who are full of funny talents, and the whole variety show was recorded happily.

Hong Chen's performance in it is also remarkable, but this time he participated in the variety show mainly to promote the movie, and Hong Chen wanted to be a professional actor, so he didn't show much limelight in the variety show.

In the following days, he and the crew members participated in variety shows such as "Happy Camp" on Mango Channel, and went to several cities to participate in the film's press conference.

After more than ten days of busy work, I finally finished the propaganda work.

"Huh! Publicity is more tiring than filming!" On the way back, Hong Chen lay on the armchair and said a little tiredly.

He went to several press conferences, and the enthusiasm of the audience was very high. Many people asked them for autographs. The feeling of being cheered by fans was not bad.

"Thank you, big star." Chen Zhiyi said with a smile on the side.

Chen Zhiyi is Hong Chen's life assistant, and has been with Hong Chen during this time.

Life assistants were originally for artists, such as carrying bags, buying breakfast, lunch, dinner and so on.However, Hong Chen treats people kindly, and getting along with Chen Zhiyi is like a friend.

"Zhi Yi, you are very beautiful, why have you never thought of becoming an actor?" Inside the car, Hong Chen asked curiously.

Chen Zhiyi smiled lightly and said, "Of course I want to, but it's not that easy. There are too many beautiful girls in the entertainment industry, and I haven't studied acting, so I don't have much chance."

Chen Zhiyi said slightly disappointed.

Her words are not without reason.

There are too many beautiful girls in the entertainment industry, and it takes a lot of opportunities to formally enter the entertainment industry.

Even if one enters the entertainment circle, it is as difficult as climbing the sky if one wants to be popular.

But what Hong Chen didn't know was that Chen Zhiyi's thoughts were not that simple.

She wants to take a shortcut!
It is for this purpose that she applied for a life assistant.She believes that with her figure and appearance, as long as she is assigned to a good artist, she can conquer this artist with a woman's tricks.

Then, relying on the artist's relationship, he cleared a way for himself to enter the entertainment industry.

Hong Chen's current traffic is constantly increasing, and his image, appearance and temperament are very attractive. If he can climb the line of Hong Chen
So she made a new plan.

That is to become Hong Chen's underground lover and take this opportunity to enter the entertainment industry.

Of course, Hong Chen didn't know all of this.

Chen Zhiyi did not show this purpose, because if it is too obvious, it will appear too deliberate and easy to self-defeating.

"You can learn more about acting. If your acting skills are good, I will recommend you to the crew." Hong Chen said with a smile.

"Ah, thank you so much." Chen Zhiyi smiled coquettishly, her jade hand gliding gently on Hong Chen's arm.

Of course, she didn't listen to the "acting skills" at all, because she believed that acting skills were only secondary for traffic stars to become popular.

(End of this chapter)

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