Chapter 25 Premiere
When we got off the plane, it was already 8 o'clock in the evening.

Ge Chen asked the nanny car to wait for them at the pick-up gate in advance.

Hong Chen was wearing smart casual clothes, looking sunny and handsome.This is what Ge Chen asked him to maintain a good image outside.

He doesn't wear a mask and a peaked cap like other entertainers, he doesn't like that style very much.

Of course he won't be overly ostentatious.

Many passers-by on the road saw Hong Chen and felt familiar. After recognizing the actor of Yinshan, they picked up their mobile phones to take pictures of him.

Hong Chen responded politely with a smile.

This is something actors are meant to experience.Actors who can obtain high remuneration and good social status must pay the price of privacy violations.

Hong Chen didn't care about this.

Passers-by take pictures of celebrities, and there are only a few who follow them. Most of them just find it interesting and want to make a video and send it to Moments.But that's it, it really caused a lot of trouble for the artist.

Therefore, when some big-name traffic stars travel, they are surrounded by bodyguards in a circle, extremely domineering.

Hong Chen waved to everyone, took photos with several fans along the way, got in the car and finally returned home.

He found that he still prefers filming.

Tomorrow is the premiere of "Slaying the Wolf 2". The premiere is different from the official release, it is only broadcast on a small scale, and some actors and film critics are mainly invited to participate in the screening.

Hong Chen had a good night's rest at home, and the next day, he attended the premiere of "Slaying the Wolf 2" as scheduled.

Before entering the movie theater, Hong Chen saw an acquaintance outside, and his eyes suddenly turned cold.

Because this person is the director Li Mushan!

The culprit who used his connections to kick him out of the crew and let him perform in Hengdian for more than two months without getting much drama!

Moreover, Hong Chen also asked Ge Chen to investigate those black fans of the navy before the release of "Battery in Fire".

Ge Chen told him that Li Mushan was responsible for these navy forces.

In other words, Li Mushan and him are already incompatible!
Li Mushan also saw Hong Chen, with a sneer on his face.Immediately, he seemed indifferent, and went straight to Hong Chen.

"I didn't expect you to have a good life. You climbed the big tree like Zhang Hai, and almost came back from the ashes." Li Mushan said with a relaxed face.

Speaking of "almost resurgent", Li Mushan deliberately emphasized his tone.

Regarding this, Hong Chen remained expressionless, and sarcastically said: "I didn't expect Director Li Da to join us today. Isn't your web drama a hit? The number of views should exceed one million."

These words made Li Mushan's face darken. His online ratings for online dramas are not high, basically maintaining around 4 points.

Moreover, the number of broadcasts of online dramas is basically calculated in units of "billions". Hong Chen's mention of one million is really a slap in the face.

"Don't get complacent too early. Many of the film critics who watched the film this time are my friends. When the premiere is over, you will suffer." Li Mushan threatened, then turned and left with a cold face.

Hong Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at Li Mushan, there was a trace of coldness in the depths of his eyes.

"This guy is notorious, but his second uncle is the great director Li Yishui, so he has some contacts in the entertainment circle, and he also has a lot of wine and meat friends in the Beijing circle." Ge Chen accompanied Hong Chen to the premiere, and seeing Hong Chen and Li Mushan communicate, Said.

"It's best not to talk to such a person."

"Don't worry, I have my measure." Hong Chen smiled lightly.

He had other ideas in his mind.

Ge Chen didn't say much anymore, after all, she was the manager of Huahai Company, one of the four major media companies.

In her eyes, Li Mushan couldn't afford to make waves.

The only thing she was worried about was Li Yishui, the great director behind Li Mushan.

Hong Chen walked into the cinema, greeted directors Zheng Rui and Wu Zhan, and sat down at his seat.

He saw that there were already many people sitting in the movie theater, many of them were familiar faces, characters who often appeared on the screen.

After a while, the seats were almost full, the lights dimmed, and the premiere of "Slaying the Wolf 2" finally started.

Hong Chen himself is also looking forward to what the movie will look like in the end.

The screening started, and under the slightly dim lens, the first scene was his appearance in the prison.

He was dressed in a decent black suit, with a slender body, lean hair, sharp edges and corners on his face, elegant and steady movements, and a deeply hidden cruelty in his eyes.

Thugs in suits, here we go!
As soon as he came out, there were a few exclamations from around.

Ge Chen also had bright eyes.

Hong Chen's acting is so good that people can feel that this warden carries a deadly danger just by looking at him!

Then, the plot moves on.

Several lines are clear, and the movements and expressions of the leading actors are wonderful.

Especially the fight scene of the prison riot made people exclaim again and again.

In the end, the scene where the warden played by Hong Chen and Tom Wu and Jia Tom confront each other pushed the movie to a climax!
Several dangerous actions frequently caused people to exclaim!

I haven't seen such a hearty fight in a long time.

And the most memorable thing about this movie is the warden played by Hong Chen.

Elegant yet irascible.

When it is quiet, it is like a calm lake, when it is fighting, it is like a stormy sky!
Finally, the movie ended, and there was thunderous applause!

Everyone applauded the movie.

Hong Chen heaved a sigh of relief, thinking that it was really enjoyable.

Looking at it now, this movie is definitely a masterpiece of high quality!

Director Zheng Rui has always been very uneasy, but now seeing everyone's enthusiasm, he is slightly relieved.

Sitting next to Hong Chen, Ge Chen said to him softly, "This movie is very good, and your popularity will increase a lot."

Hong Chen smiled and nodded.

On the other side, Li Mushan had a gloomy face and gritted his teeth.

He wanted to come here to find a few black spots of Hong Chen, but after watching the whole film, there was nothing worth fussing about!

Hong Chen's performance was perfect.

Thinking of this, he had no choice but to hold back and find other opportunities.

At this time, the host began to interview the leading actors of the movie about their feelings.

Zheng Rui and Wu Zhan expressed their blessings for the movie.

When it was Hong Chen's turn to interview, the host asked: "Hong Chen, your performance in "Slaying the Wolf 2" was very wonderful. Do you have anything to say about this movie?"

Hong Chen took the microphone, stood up, and said loudly: "First of all, I would like to thank all the members of the crew. It is because of you that this wonderful movie can be produced."

"I would also like to thank director Zheng Rui for his guidance, and Brother Wu Zhan for his help. I have gained a lot during the time I was on the set."

"Finally, I wish "Slaying the Wolf 2" a big hit at the box office!"

Hong Chen said very decently, and after finishing speaking, there was also a burst of applause.

Regarding his performance, Ge Chen nodded in satisfaction.

Compared with the last artist under her command, Hong Chen was outstanding in every aspect.

After the premiere, just a few days later on New Year's Day, the show will be released.

For this, Hong Chen was full of expectations.

(End of this chapter)

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