The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 26 God-level lottery draw, literati!

Chapter 26 God-level lottery draw, literati!
Another big event at the end of December is the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival held in Kyoto.

This is an annual grand event in the entertainment circle, and it is also the highest-level film festival in China's film and television industry.

Because "Battered Fire" won the annual box office champion, it was nominated for many awards.

It is worth mentioning that Hong Chen was not nominated for Best Supporting Actor.

"The water here is deep. I don't know how many relationships have been used by each company to grab the spots for their artists. You are just starting now, and it is normal not to be nominated." Ge Chen explained to him.

Ge Chen knew in his heart that if he really wanted to talk about it, Hong Chen's Yin Shan was definitely the best supporting actor this year, without a doubt.

However, since Ning Hang and Mu Qingxue in "Battery Fire" were highly praised by their respective entertainment companies and won the Best Actor and Best Actress respectively, the Best Supporting Actor has become an item for other artists to compete for.

Therefore, the film festival officials didn't even dare to nominate Hong Chen, because if they were nominated, Hong Chen would definitely crush other artists.

Hong Chen didn't care about this, after all his goal was not "Best Supporting Actor".

But to become a real actor.

This trip to the film festival is like walking the red carpet once and broadening your horizons.

Then, New Year's Day came.

"Slaying Wolf 2" is officially released!

Director Zheng Rui stared nervously at the background data of the Maoyan box office, which had to be refreshed every minute.

He is very concerned about the dynamics of "Slaying Wolf 2".

The promotional work of this film before its release was well done, and it has attracted the attention of all walks of life.

After all, this movie is the most anticipated movie in the opening year

Hong Chen also nervously followed the development of the movie. What he cared about was not the box office, but his favorability.

Judging from the premiere, his performance in this movie is really remarkable, definitely attracting more fans than Yin Shan's character!

Because in this movie, his character is handsome throughout.

Sure enough, at 8 o'clock in the morning, the first movie started playing.

After the movie ended at 10 o'clock, Hong Chen's favorability began to increase rapidly.

By noon, the rate of growth accelerated markedly.

At the same time, the box office of "Slaying the Wolf 2" is also growing rapidly.

It's well-produced, the pace is tense, and the fight scenes are surprisingly exciting.

At the beginning of the year, this movie exploded again.

Of course, because of the subject matter and the overall rhythm, this movie is not as big as "Battery".

But Hong Chen's performance conquered almost all the audience watching the movie.

In this movie, Hong Chen's performance is really handsome.

"This fight is so awesome, how did it get shot, it's invincible!"

"Seeing it makes my blood boil, I never imagined that both Wu Zhan and Jia Tom can't beat Hong Chen!"

"It's very beautiful to see the tricks, it's the pinnacle of action scenes!"

Male audience commented one after another.

"You're so handsome, is he the actor who plays Little Brother Yinshan? This one is even more handsome!"

"He has a great figure, and he looks like a god in a suit!"

"I'm a fan, I want to pay attention to his Weibo!"

"Agreed, whoever has a fan base or support club, pull me!"

The female fans were overwhelmed by Hong Chen's performance and had a heated discussion.

In a short period of time, the number of fans on Hong Chen's Weibo has exceeded 800 million.

Manager Ge Chen was busy organizing Hong Chen's fan group and other business, so that fans could be more organized.

After the first day, the box office of "Slaying the Wolf 2" reached 1.1 million, the highest in the same period.

Hong Chen doesn't pay much attention to the box office, he pays more attention to his own favorability.

This time, the growth rate of favorability was actually much faster than that of "Battle on Fire".

The reason is simple, "Battle in the Fire" is his first movie, and the audience doesn't know him.Passers-by didn't have any feelings for him, they just thought that the actor played well, so the favorability would not be too high.

But this time in "Slaying the Wolf 2", Hong Chen's performance was very brilliant. Coupled with the popularity of the previous movie, the audience was really familiar with him and developed a good impression of him.

So, in just one day, Hong Chen gained another 800 million favorability points.

Counting the remaining 600 million before, he now has 1400 million favorability points, and he can finally draw a god-level lottery.

At night, Hong Chen lay on the bed, a little nervous.

"System, I want to draw a god-level lottery." Hong Chen said to the system.

"The host chose to conduct a god-level lottery draw, please provide the requirements for the lottery draw." The voice of the system sounded in his mind.

"Do you have the skills to play Li Bai, the one in ancient costume?"

"The search in the skill search has been completed! Those who meet the requirements include immortal style, literati, ancient beauty, idle cloud and wild crane, and bohemian."

"What's the difference between these skills?" Hong Chen asked curiously.

"To the host, the skills are divided into four levels of SABC. The literati and the handsome men belong to the A level. The skills cover a certain category of characters. The fairy style and the bohemian belong to the B level, which only strengthens a certain aspect of temperament."

"After the host god-level lottery draw is over, the skill rating function will be activated."

Hearing this, Hong Chen nodded and said, "Then I choose to extract the skills literati this time."

"The host chooses the skill 'Literati', in the lottery. The lottery is over!"

"Congratulations to the host for winning the god-level lottery and getting the skill literati!"

Literati: Play the role of ancient costume literati (similar to prime ministers, poets, advisers, etc.), full marks for acting skills, full marks for temperament, and full marks for appeal.

"Congratulations to the host for completing the god-level lottery draw and enabling the skill rating function."

"The current host information is as follows:"

"Host: Hong Chen"

"Image: 9 points (full score is 10 points, the highest point in the current entertainment circle is 9.5 points)"

"Acting skills: 5 points (out of 10 points, the highest point in the current entertainment industry is 9 points)"

"Temperament: 6 points (out of 10 points, the highest point in the current entertainment industry is 9 points)"

"Infection: 4 points (out of 10 points, the highest point in the current entertainment industry is 8 points)"

"Lines: 7.5 points (full score is 10 points, the highest point in the current entertainment circle is 9.5 points)"

This is Hong Chen's real data. Compared with the beginning, his image, acting skills and temperament have improved.

In other words, in the process of acting, his own acting ability is also constantly improving.

"Skills: villain interpretation (A-level), fighting (B-level), body modification (B-level), god-level photography (C-level), script understanding (S-level), literati (A-level)."

The grading of skills is mainly determined according to how much it helps acting skills.

For example, photography skills are not very helpful to acting skills, so it is a C-level.

Fighting skills and body modification have a little bonus effect on acting skills, which are B-level.

The villain interpretation and literati both cover a large category of characters, and it is normal to be ranked A-level.

This script understanding turned out to be an S-level skill, which was beyond Hong Chen's expectations.

It's normal to think about it carefully, the script understanding covers all types of characters, the scope is larger, and the level is naturally higher.

Moreover, script understanding has blessings for other skills.

Take the role of the villain as an example, Hong Chen can act out the role in his heart, but he needs to understand the role.His understanding determines the final effect of this role.

Script understanding can help him understand the characters more perfectly.

For him, this was a pleasant surprise.

Hong Chen smiled contentedly, he finally got the skills he wanted.


The next step is to go to Zhang Hai's crew for an audition.

And what he wants to play is a very challenging role.

The No. 1 poet of the ages, Li Bai!

 Book friends, please recommend and collect, I really need it.


(End of this chapter)

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