Chapter 27

"Are you sure you want to audition? I've contacted Zhang Hai and I can give you a chance to audition." Ge Chen said while arranging Hong Chen's clothes.

When an artist travels, he always has to maintain his image.

"Well, I want to challenge this role, and it would be best if I succeed." Hong Chen laughed.

"Alright, our team is about to go on a mission. If we don't act, the manager will probably be in a hurry with me." Ge Chen said helplessly.

At this moment, Hong Chen was wearing a brand new white casual outfit, looking extraordinarily sunny and chic.Ge Chen nodded in satisfaction, and then got into the nanny car with him, preparing to rush to Xiangyang Tangcheng.

Xiangyang Tangcheng, also known as Tangcheng Film and Television Base, is an antique city built by Zhang Hai in Xiangyang to shoot this film.

It is said that for the texture of the movie, Zhang Hai spent six years building this huge palace, which can be described as a huge effort.

For a movie, build a city.

This is Zhang Hai's ambition.

Tang City in Xiangyang is composed of Tang Palace, Mingde Gate, Qinglong Temple, Arc de Triomphe, Thousand Steps Corridor, Gaolishi House, East and West Market, etc. It is huge in scale and has Tang Dynasty characteristics.

The follow-up planning of this film and television city is a place for tourism and filming, which can be regarded as a feat of benefiting one party.

Zhang Hai is going to shoot "Li Bai", this matter is also a big news in the entertainment industry, and all entertainment companies know about it.

After all, this is a masterpiece with an investment of hundreds of millions, and of course the entertainment companies care about it.

No matter who an artist can play a role in, it will definitely greatly increase their popularity.

Especially the protagonist Li Bai, for this role, the major entertainment companies sent their most satisfied artists to audition.

Of course, this movie has risks. If it is not made well, it may be the bad movie of the century.

However, for entertainment companies and traffic artists, on the one hand, Zhang Hai has a grand layout and is an international director, so there is no need to worry about his ability.

On the other hand, as long as the exposure can be greatly increased, they will flock to it. Even if the film's name in the later stage is not good, when the time comes, the director will blame the director, clean up a wave, and gain a wave of fans.

However, it is not so easy to play Li Bai. The candidate for Li Bai was finally selected by Zhang Hai. Whether it was investors or Zhang Hai's friends in the entertainment company who approached him through the back door, he flatly refused.

"If you want to play Li Bai, then rely on your own true ability!"

Zhang Hai said to these entertainment companies that were about to move.

As a result, a fierce casting competition within the film and television industry quietly unfolded.

On Hong Chen's team, Ge Chen and Chen Zhiyi accompanied him to Xiangyang Tangcheng this time.

One for work and one for his daily chores.

Chen Zhiyi is very smart. When Ge Chen was around, she behaved in a businesslike manner. When Ge Chen was not around, she tried every means to show her brilliant side.

This is not considered seduction, but more like a clever pursuit technique.

Boys chase girls, or girls are the most boys, the smartest way is to make yourself attractive to each other.The most stupid way is for two people to take the initiative to confess their relationship before reaching a certain level, putting tremendous pressure on each other, and the two parties will not even be able to be friends in the end.

Chen Zhiyi is of course the former.

But she has to avoid Ge Chen, Ge Chen is business-like, and if she finds out that the life assistant has taken the initiative to hook up with an artist, she will never be able to go around.

They rushed all the way to Xiangyang by plane, and Ge Chen had already booked hotels around Tangcheng in Xiangyang.

It was four o'clock in the afternoon when the three of them arrived at the hotel. Ge Chen said to Hong Chen, "I'll go to the crew to find out about the business. I may not be able to make time for dinner tonight. You and Zhiyi can eat together."

"In addition, many artists are here recently. Try to go out as little as possible to reduce trouble. If you need anything, let Chen Zhiyi buy it for you."

After the explanation, Ge Chen went to Tangcheng Film and Television City to find out the staff of "Li Bai" about the selection of roles.

Ge Chenben has such a character, he does things vigorously and with great ability, and is Hong Chen's strong backing.

"Remember to eat on time, otherwise it will be bad for your health." Looking at her back, Hong Chen expressed concern.

"Well, I see." Ge Chen replied with a smile, and then walked into Xiangyang Tang City, his figure disappeared from Hong Chen's sight.

Sometimes when Ge Chen is busy with work, he checks data, reads materials, contacts the crew, and often forgets to eat and sleep, which makes Hong Chen always admired.

The agent was already quite busy in the early stages of work, but when he officially started filming, Ge Chen's work would be much easier.

"Brother Chen, what do you want to eat tonight, takeaway or order a table at the hotel?" After Ge Chen left, Chen Zhiyi stepped forward and asked with a sweet smile.

"Let's take out, let's see what special features Xiangyang has. Don't worry now, we'll talk about it at eight o'clock in the evening." The journey was exhausting, but Hong Chen didn't feel tired, but was full of energy. After going to the room to put down his luggage, he planned to go to the hotel's gym to exercise for a while .

Body and appearance are very important to artists, and it is a topic that will never go out of fashion in the entertainment industry.

In order to maintain a good face, female artists will use various expensive beauty products and even undergo micro-plastic surgery.In order to keep in shape, I have to control my diet. Sometimes I can only chew snacks when I am really hungry, and then I have to spit them out.

For the image, they pay a lot.

Body is equally important to male actors. Hong Chen now has the skills to transform his body. His body is already perfect, with well-proportioned abdominal and chest muscles. But he also needs to strengthen his body through exercise, and he also prefers to exercise.

The temperature in the hotel is suitable, Hong Chen put on a fresh training suit, went to the gym, first rolled up the iron for a while, and then jogged on the treadmill.

There are not many people in the gym, and few people in high-end hotels go to the gym to exercise, but there are many guests in the bath center and massage room.

Hong Chen ran on the treadmill for a while, and at this moment, a person came up on the treadmill next to him. Seeing this person, Hong Chen's eyes lit up.

This is a woman with a very perfect figure, and she is wearing a training short sleeve.She has a very beautiful appearance, every frown and smile, and she has a charming charm.

Film star, Yan Yileng!

It was her!

Hong Chen was slightly surprised. This woman is very popular on the Internet and is known as the national lover.Because her figure is so hot and beautiful, just looking at her can attract the most primitive motivation of a man.

Unexpectedly, real people are sexier than those on TV.

"It's you, the warden in Killing the Wolf?" Yan Yileng also saw Hong Chen, with a hint of surprise in his beautiful eyes, "Your fighting scenes are very good."

"Haha, thank you for the compliment, I grew up watching your plays." Hong Chen was on the treadmill, wiped his sweat with a white towel around his neck, and said with a smile.

Yan Yileng made his debut very early. When he was [-] or [-] years old, he was selected by a big director to make a movie because of his outstanding appearance.

She should be slightly younger than Hong Chen now, about 21 years old.

"Are you saying I'm old?" Yan Yileng stepped onto the treadmill, adjusted the ramp and speed, started running slowly, and teased by the way.

"Tell the truth." Hong Chen shrugged, without further explanation.

Yan Yilen found that Hong Chen was very interesting, seeing his smile was very comfortable, and he seemed sincere when communicating with others, so he was not angry, but instead said: "Keep running, little brother!"

Then, Yan Yileng said again: "I can't tell, but your figure is really good."

"To each other." Hong Chen smiled lightly.

Afterwards, the two went their separate ways without much communication. Yan Yileng glanced at Hong Chen occasionally, still a little curious about this newcomer actor.

There is no other reason. As an artist, she naturally pays attention to the troubles in the entertainment industry.Recently, Hong Chen has been very popular. From "Battered on Fire" to "Slaying the Wolf 2", the acting skills and action scenes are impeccable, gaining a large number of fans, and the national popularity is very high.

The reason why she came here is very simple, "Li Bai" has the role of Concubine Yang, and she is basically the person appointed by Zhang Hai to play Concubine Yang.

Hong Chen came here probably because of Zhang Hai's new play "Li Bai", but she didn't know which role Hong Chen would be auditioning for.

After running on the treadmill for a while, Hong Chen finished exercising, greeted Yan Yileng and left.

On the other side, Chen Zhiyi is grooming meticulously in the room.

She changed into a jet black off-the-shoulder long dress, and her white and tender calves looked particularly eye-catching.

She put on a pair of exquisite makeup, and the color of the lipstick was lighter, but it looked more sexy.A crystal pendant hangs on the white neck, which is particularly eye-catching.

She specially put on a pair of white high heels without socks, and her pair of jade feet looked very beautiful.

Chen Zhiyi looked in the mirror and smiled with satisfaction.

(End of this chapter)

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