The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 28: Four Major Entertainment Companies Gather

Chapter 28 The Four Big Entertainment Companies Gather
After coming out of the gym, Hong Chen went back to his room to take a shower and change his clothes.

At this moment, Chen Zhiyi called him.

"Brother Chen, the takeaway is here, and I'll deliver it to your room right away." Chen Zhiyi said softly.

"it is good."

Hong Chen opened the door, and Chen Zhiyi walked in with a big bag of takeaway, and then took out the food and put it on the table.

Hong Chen noticed that Chen Zhiyi was extraordinarily well-dressed, which moved him slightly.

Chen Zhiyi is very experienced in ordering food, and the perfect combination of several local specialties with meat and vegetables whetted Hong Chen's appetite.

Chen Zhiyi was wearing a long skirt. Although it was winter, but because the hotel's temperature was well controlled, it was normal to wear it like this.

Hong Chen was wearing a white casual T-shirt, looking sunny and handsome.

The black long dress suits Chen Zhiyi very well. Her skin is fair and smooth, so she looks pure and lovely, especially her exposed calves like tender lotus root, which are extraordinarily beautiful.

They always ate together, and Chen Zhiyi specially ordered a bottle of expensive red wine and prepared two goblets.

The two of them ate and drank and chatted, which was quite unique.

They were sitting very close, and while talking and laughing, Chen Zhiyi's body touched Hong Chen intentionally or unintentionally, causing Hong Chen to feel a slight change in his heart.

Hong Chen felt that Chen Zhiyi had a good impression of him.

How should he put it to Chen Zhiyi, Chen Zhiyi is that kind of very beautiful girl and very young, of course Hong Chen also has a crush on her, but it's just that.

"Brother Chen, I wish you a successful audition and win the role of Li Bai!" Chen Zhiyi blushed pretty, approached Hong Chen's ear, and exhaled like a blue in his ear.

The breath with the smell of wine and fragrance slid by Hong Chen's ears, and the warm breath made him feel a little numb.

He turned his head to look at Chen Zhiyi. Chen Zhiyi was looking up at his eyes intently. There seemed to be water flowing in those eyes, and there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

Hong Chen smiled indifferently, but his body moved a little to the side, distanced himself from Chen Zhiyi.

He knew that as long as he had a little initiative, he could easily push Chen Zhiyi.

But he is unwilling to do so.

Li Feifei's precedent is still in sight, it is better to be more cautious when dealing with women.

A certain bug hit the brain, with no good results.

Moreover, the artist's relationship with the female assistant is a big scandal no matter how you look at it, and it will not have a good impact on his career.

Hong Chen's actions made Chen Zhiyi slightly distracted.

Obviously, the other party rejected him.

Her plan fell through.

In her plan, she first seduced Hong Chen with her beauty and became Hong Chen's underground lover.It's not announced, it's just kept secret.

At the same time, the more popular Hong Chen is, the better. When the time comes, she will definitely gain huge popularity once she announces her relationship with Hong Chen.

After all, countless people in the entertainment industry are waiting to eat melons, and she will definitely gain attention from all sides in one fell swoop.

Then, she bought some sailors to fuel the flames, making herself an Internet celebrity, and participating in a few variety shows, she can also become a popular character, and maybe even become popular!
This is her idea.

Hong Chen is a B-level signed artist in Huahai, and Chen Zhiyi knows what B-level signing means!
The star journey representing Hong Chen will receive a lot of resources from Huahai!

As long as she wins Hong Chen, she just needs to wait, wait for Hong Chen's next explosion of popularity, and then she can use her strength to become a popular idol!

But what she didn't expect was that she was rejected by Hong Chen after her meticulous dressing up!

Don't even bring it to your door!

Thinking of this, Chen Zhiyi skillfully hid her embarrassment with a smile.

She can't act too hastily, or it will arouse Hong Chen's disgust.

If it doesn't work today, there will be opportunities later.

She can wait.

Then, after the two of them finished their meal, Chen Zhiyi hurriedly packed up and left.

"From this point of view, boys should protect themselves when they go out." Looking at Chen Zhiyi's back, Hong Chen secretly thought.

The next morning, Hong Chen took a shower, changed his clothes and went out. Last night, Ge Chen sent him a WeChat message to arrange a meeting at [-] o'clock. With Chen Zhiyi, the three of them finished breakfast and walked to the set.

"I learned about it yesterday. Today is Li Bai's official casting day. In addition to Zhang Hai, there are two assistant directors, an investor, and a master of Chinese studies. There are five people who choose roles. The pressure is very high." On the way, Ge Chen began to talk about the content of the casting.

"And the major entertainment companies have sent many young actors to audition. For example, Huahai, besides you, Xun Yuan also came here."

"Xun Yuan." Hong Chen looked sideways slightly. He remembered that Xun Yuan was Mu Qingxue's suitor when he was in Huahai's photography studio.

Xun Yuan is a traffic artist, and his personality on the Internet is very good. He is a hard-working singing and dancing idol, positive and sunny, but anyone who knows him knows that this person is very scheming.

"There is also Ning Hang, the actor who worked with you last time in "Battle of Fire". He is an artist of Bright Entertainment. Because he just won the best actor of the year, the possibility of getting this role this time is very high."

"Also Wang Feiyu from Feihuang Entertainment and Ren Tianzhi from Times Media are here."

"Wow, this is too exaggerated." Hearing these names, Chen Zhiyi exclaimed from the side.

Artists from Huahai, Guangming, Feihuang, and Times, the four major entertainment companies, are all here!

And these artists are all top-tier artists with very full schedules!They were willing to spare a slot to compete for the leading role in "Li Bai"!

Dragon and Tiger Fight!

 There was a little deviation in my thinking, but fortunately I corrected it in time
(End of this chapter)

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