The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 29 Preparations Before Auditions

Chapter 29 Preparations Before Auditions
Artists from the four major entertainment companies, Huahai, Guangming, Feihuang, and Times, gathered to compete for the leading role in "Li Bai"!

And they are all top-notch in their respective companies.

Looking at it now, it is really unknown who can pass Li Bai's casting.

"It doesn't matter if we can't get selected. I talked with Master Xing's assistant. The character Chang Wei in "Nine Pins of Sesame Official" is still vacant. We can go directly to join the group." Ge Chen worried that Hong Chen would be under too much pressure. , said comfortingly.

"Don't worry." Hong Chen smiled calmly, not too worried.

When the three of them walked into Tang City, they had to say that the ancient city was really beautifully built. Walking in it, the prosperous feeling of the Tang Dynasty came over us.

They walked all the way until they almost reached the palace.

The location of casting is in Tang Palace!

I saw that under the stairs of the imperial palace, there were densely packed various people, they formed a group, and they all gathered around their respective artists.

Each of the ostentations is not small. If you look carefully, those few top-notch fresh meat are standing in place, the makeup artist and stylist are constantly adoring them, and there are assistants holding umbrellas for them behind them. For fear that they will be exposed to the sun.

Hong Chen couldn't help raising his eyebrows at this scene.

It's January now, it's the cold winter season, and it hasn't snowed yet, so why use an umbrella?

"I should have brought Li Mei and Wang Sen with me." Seeing this scene, Ge Chen slightly regretted it.Li Mei and Wang Sen are the makeup artists and stylists in the team, responsible for Hong Chen's image during acting activities and other periods.

"It's okay, it's just a test play, clothes and hairstyles don't affect anything." Hong Chen comforted.

The three approached another team. Ge Chen knew the manager of the other party, and asked, "What's the situation now, has Li Bai's role been decided?"

The manager of the other party replied: "It's not decided yet, but your Huahai's Xun Yuan and Times' Ren Tianzhi should have failed, and they left with unhappy faces just now. It is estimated that only Ning Hang and Wang Feiyu are left in this role." grabbing."

"Why did you come here? Could it be that there is someone else auditioning in Huahai?" the other party asked again.

"Come and try, it's an opportunity after all." Ge Chen said haha.

When the other party saw Hong Chen, he immediately understood.After all, Hong Chen is a little famous now, and people in the entertainment industry naturally know who he is.

"Then you have to work hard. My family's audition is for the role of Gao Lishi, and there are still a few alternatives. Now I'm feeling uneasy."

"Same, after all, it's director Zhang's play, so it's very difficult to choose a role."

"That's right. If it's another crew, there's no such thing. With the face of our entertainment company and the flow of artists, they are eager to invite us to act."

"Yes." Ge Chen chatted with the other party for a few more words, then went to the staff of the crew, registered his name, and received a sequence card for the audition.

"There are still six people ahead. It seems that there are really many people who want to play the role of Li Bai." Ge Chen returned to Hong Chen and sighed.

"Furthermore, there may be more than one casting for such a key leading actor. According to Zhang Hai's personality, it is estimated that two to three candidates will be determined, and then the second round of selection will be made."

"How are you, are you nervous?" Ge Chen asked with a smile.

Hong Chen wasn't nervous at first, but now that he was about to audition, he felt a little bit of excitement in his heart.

This feeling is strong.

At this time, another auditioner came out of the palace. This person Hong Chen knew was Ning Hang.

Ning Hang's face was full of joy, he looked very happy, it should be because he performed well in the audition.

Seeing this, Hong Chen was slightly disappointed.

Could it be that Li Bai's role has been decided?

At this time, a staff member walked out of the palace, but shouted to let the next audition person go in to audition.

Seeing this, Hong Chen heaved a sigh of relief.

"Huh, it seems there is still a play!"

Tang Palace.

Zhang Hai, two assistant directors, Ding Meng, the investor representative of Qianda Films, and Duanmu Hong, a master of Chinese studies, sat behind five tables, quietly watching the people who came to audition.

The decoration of the palace is resplendent and resplendent, which makes people feel oppressed as soon as they enter.Seeing the existence of these five judges, I felt a little nervous.

The person who came to audition was a young man about 23-24 years old. This young man is called Wu Hong. He is a young artist who often appears on the screen. He has filmed many online dramas and is considered a little famous.

At this moment, he was staring at the script of the audition.

He knew that this audition was very important to him.

The first act is called Drunken Poetry.

It is to perform the scene of reciting poems against each other in a drunk state. The time is not limited, and several ancient poems by Li Bai are prepared for him to choose from.

This scene is simple to say, it is just a poem uttered out of drunken eyes, but if you really have to study it carefully, there is a lot of knowledge in it.

Momentum, voice, eyes, and demeanor are all criteria for consideration.

There are also the sentence breaks of the poems when reciting poems, the pitch of the tone, etc.

In other words, the actors in the audition should not only perform drunken obscurity, but also express the emotions in the poems.

Wu Hong hesitated for a while, and finally chose the poem "Quiet Night Thoughts".He believes that this poem is relatively simple, and it only expresses the feelings of homesickness, and the emotions will not fluctuate too much.

But he didn't notice that from the moment he chose this poem, Duanmu Hong, the master of Chinese studies, shook his head secretly.

The reason is very simple, the poem "Thoughts in a Quiet Night" was not composed by Li Bai when he was drunk at all!
The artistic conception of this poem is not suitable for singing when drunk!
Wu Hong didn't know this and started to perform.I saw his eyes were drunk, his steps were shaky, and he muttered: "The moonlight is bright in front of the bed, it seems to be frost on the ground."

"Very good, but you are still not suitable for this role, I'm sorry." After watching his performance, Zhang Hai said politely, but refused decisively.

He sighed slightly, a little disappointed.

I have already auditioned more than a dozen young actors, and the only ones who can see it now are Ning Hang and Wang Feiyu.

Both of these people are popular young fresh meat, and there is no problem with the traffic.

However, Zhang Hai always felt that something was missing from them.

If the movie was just for making money, Zhang Hai would definitely choose one of them without hesitation.

But no, this movie is a dream he has conceived in his heart for a long time.

He wants to reproduce the unrestrained and romantic poet Li Bai through the ages!
"Call the next one." Zhang Hai said to the crew.

"Director Zhang, it's almost done. I think Ning Hang and Wang Feiyu are the only ones to choose. With the two of them, at least the film can be guaranteed to make money." Investor Ding Meng said.

"Look again." Zhang Hai waved his hand, signaling the staff to call the next audition actor to come in.

outside the palace.

When Hong Chen saw Wu Hong walking out, he felt a little nervous.

He's next.

At this time, the staff of the film crew came out and let Hong Chen go in for a test play.

"Relax, so many people have failed, it's nothing." Ge Chen said with a smile, not wanting to put pressure on Hong Chen.

"Brother Chen, I believe in you, come on!" Chen Zhiyi cheered him up and blinked mischievously.

Hong Chen nodded, took a deep breath, and walked towards the gate of the palace.

"Finally, it's time to start."

(End of this chapter)

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