The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 30 Audition, Ancient Poetry Fairy!

Chapter 30 Audition, Eternal Poetry Immortal!
As soon as Hong Chen walked into the palace, it seemed as if the thickness of thousands of years came to his face, huge columns, resplendent ceiling, looking up, the dragon chair was standing on the high platform, majestic and domineering.

It is indeed the palace of the Tang Dynasty!

The five cast members were sitting in the lobby below, and when they saw Hong Chen coming in, they all stared at him intently.

Hong Chen finally understood why so many people failed, this feeling really brought great pressure to his heart.

Zhang Hai looked up and saw Hong Chen, slightly surprised in his eyes.

He remembered Hong Chen's performance in "Battering the Fire". He originally planned to finish filming the Yinshan scene in a week, but because of Hong Chen's excellent acting skills, he basically passed the filming in just over two days.

Later, the movie was released, and the audience was full of praise for this role.

He has also watched the recent "Slaying the Wolf 2", in which Hong Chen's performance is remarkable, also outstanding.

Hong Chen is a good actor.

However, he is a good actor for action scenes.

In his script "Li Bai", the protagonist does not have any action scenes, which means that Hong Chen's specialty cannot be brought into play.

Zhang Hai had no hope for Hong Chen, but because he really liked the actor, he gave Hong Chen a chance.

"This is a trial script, you have 5 minutes to prepare." The crew handed the script to Hong Chen and said to him.

Hong Chen took the script and began to read it carefully.

The script is very simple, there are no dialogue and action requirements, just make him drunk and chant poems.

The next few pages of the script are prepared poems.

Drunken poetry.

It is not difficult to perform a drunken expression. He was born in a major, and he also practiced his lines and movements when he was drunk when he was in school.

But reciting poems while drunk is difficult.

To perform while drunk, you only need to perform the drunken muddleheadedness, but at the same time, to recite poems, you must inject the energy of alcohol into the poems.

If you have to compare.

Being drunk is like a few drunks staggering down the street on a summer night, and reciting poems while drunk is like an ancient poet wearing a long gown drinking alone under the moon, reciting poems against each other.

Not a mood at all.

Hong Chen looked at the following poems and frowned.

None of these poems were written by Li Bai when he was drunk.

If even Li Bai hadn't been drunk and chanted these poems, he would always feel nondescript if he did so.

Thinking of this, Hong Chen hesitated for a moment, but decided not to use these poems.

Hong Chen was born in an ordinary family. His parents attached great importance to his education. When he was a child, he often had to recite "Three Hundred Poems of the Tang Dynasty", and later expanded to similar words such as "Preface to the Pavilion of the King of Teng" and "The Inscription of the Humble Room".

And his favorite poet is Li Bai.That's why he wanted to play this role so well.

"Li Bai's most famous poems after he was drunk include two of the four poems "Drinking Alone under the Moon", "A Journey with a Guest", "Drinking with Youren in the Mountains", "Farewell to School Secretary Shu Yun at Xie Tiaolou in Xuanzhou" and so on.

"But if we say that the most classic and domineering one is definitely "Will Enter the Wine"!"

This poem is truly representative of Li Bai!

Only poets can write about drinking so heartily and in high spirits!
"Directors, I'm ready." Hong Chen put down the script, took a deep breath, and came in front of the five cast members.

"Let's start if you're ready." Zhang Hai nodded and said.

Investor Ding Meng raised his eyes and glanced at Hong Chen, a little bored, he was tired after watching more than a dozen young actors reciting poems today.

It's not the middle school student's Chinese teacher taking the text test.

Moreover, the most important reason why Ding Meng came here is because his boss gave him an order that the actor who plays Li Bai must be a popular celebrity!
There is no other reason. Although "Li Bai" is a big director, big production, and big investment, after all, the subject matter is biased towards documentaries. In the current commercial market, how many people can calm down and enjoy such a movie.

And it's very likely that the director's film's shape and style are perfect for the dream in his heart, but it lacks entertainment elements.

For example, "Shadow" by another great director.

It probably won't do so well at the box office.

Therefore, as long as the top-notch fresh meat participates, at least the risk of losing money for this movie will be greatly reduced!
Ding Meng was thinking, Hong Chen's performance had already started.

Skills, literati, start.

Playing the role of a literati in ancient costumes, full marks for acting, full marks for temperament, and full marks for appeal.

Hong Chen closed his eyes, and put himself in the role of the great poet who was drinking alone under the moon.

He picked up the wine glass, his eyes were blurred, he seemed drunk but not drunk.

All of a sudden, the image of a majestic, heroic, free and easy, and arrogant poet is perfectly presented.

Drunkness appeared for the first time, and then, a smile gradually appeared on Hong Chen's face.

This kind of smile is very different from the gentle scum Yin Shan he once played.Yin Shan's smile is that kind of sneering and mocking smile, but his present smile is a half-asleep, half-awake smile full of refreshment.

Suddenly, he laughed loudly, and the laughter echoed in the Tang Palace, full of presumptuousness and unruly!
This is Li Bai!
A Li Bai who doesn't care about the world!

In the court, Gao Lishi can take off his boots to grind, and in the wild, he can release a white deer between the green cliffs!
"Don't you see that the water of the Yellow River comes up from the sky, rushing to the sea and never returning!"

He recited the first line of the poem a little madly, his voice full of boldness and freedom.

Seeing Hong Chen's performance, Zhang Hai was taken aback for a moment.

That unrestrained, arrogant aura, Hong Chen's performance is amazing!

Li Bai is difficult to act, the arrogance in his bones can't be shown by ordinary people.

He has already interviewed more than a dozen young actors, and they have performed forms, but they all lack the look of ancient literati.

But at this moment, Hong Chen acted out the Li Bai he was expecting in his heart.

"Don't you see, Gaotang Mingjing is sad and white hair, the morning is like blue silk and the evening turns into snow!"

Hong Chen continued to recite poems with drunken eyes, with a strong arrogance in his voice.

Zhang Hai felt a bit shocked, as if he had really seen that poet fairy thousands of years ago reciting poems in the Great Tang Palace.

"To be happy in life is to be happy, don't let the golden cup be empty to the moon. I am born to be useful, and I will come back after all the money is gone!"

In this sentence, there is a touch of laziness and disdain in the voice, expressing that life is short and free and easy to enjoy yourself in time.

"Cooking sheep and slaughtering cattle is a pleasure, and you will have to drink three hundred cups at a time. Master Cen, Dan Qiusheng, will drink, don't stop drinking!"

Hong Chen raised his wine glass high and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.Although it was just a performance, it vividly expressed the joy of drinking to the fullest.

"Sing a song with Jun, please listen to me!"

After drinking, it's time for him to express his emotions.The ancient literati are no different from modern people. After clinking wine glasses, someone will always start bragging.

Of course, Li Bai's method is No.1 in all ages.

"The bells, drums, and jade are not expensive. I hope that I will not wake up after being drunk. The sages and sages in ancient times are lonely, but the drinkers keep their names."

This sentence became majestic again.But there was a hint of melancholy in his tone.

After he finished speaking, Duanmu Hong, a master of Chinese studies, couldn't help but nodded, praising him endlessly.

The ancient sages are lonely, but the drinkers leave their names.On the surface, this sentence means to let everyone drink freely and not let down the good wine. In fact, Li Bai believes that he has the talents of the world, and hopes that those in power will appreciate it.

It is not only a catharsis for instant carpe diem, but also hides a trace of hope that he will be discovered by Bole.

Hong Chen's performance was perfect.

Then, after reciting another four lines of poetry, Hong Chen seemed to have passed out from drunkenness, lying on the ground, and finished the last line with drunken eyes.

"Five-flowered horse, Qianjinqiu, Hu'er will exchange for fine wine, and we will eliminate the eternal sorrow with you! Hahahaha, eternal sorrow!"

At this point, the end of the word, the end of the performance.

His voice echoed in the Tang Palace.

(End of this chapter)

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