Chapter 31 Casting Storm
After Hong Chen's performance ended, the five casting judges were stunned for a moment.

Shocked, they just feel shocked!

Hong Chen's performance is too good, this is Li Bai, this is the immortal poet of the ages!

It was so quiet for a few seconds, but it was Duanmu Hong, the master of Chinese studies, who was the first to applaud.

"Okay, very good, it's the first time I saw an actor who can play Li Bai to this level, it's beyond my expectation!" Duanmu Hong said excitedly.

Zhang Hai also smiled with satisfaction. He knew that the actor for this role had basically been determined.

Hong Chen's performance was perfect!

He originally thought that Hong Chen was only good at action scenes and villains, but he didn't expect to be so realistic when playing a poet like Li Bai.

This greatly exceeded his expectations!
"That's right, Hong Chen, you really surprised me." Zhang Hai also smiled.

The other two assistant directors naturally had no objections, they had seen Hong Chen's performance just now.Neither of them has studied Li Bai very carefully, but they can still clearly feel that the image of a literati shown by Hong Chen is Li Bai.

Especially compared with other actors who have auditioned just now, it is a judgment call.

However, investor representative Ding Meng couldn't help frowning.

Hong Chen's acting skills are very good, he admits this.

However, with Hong Chen as the leading actor, can he support the box office of this movie?
Hong Chen is famous for his villains and action scenes. Now if he really plays Li Bai, will the audience not buy it?

Lack of entertainment elements, outdated subject matter, if the leading role is no longer traffic
The box office of this movie is worrying.

Ding Meng is not wrong to think this way, he is an investor, a businessman, and he values ​​profits.

He won't throw money into it because he wants to shoot immortals of ancient poetry because of this subject, or to realize Zhang Hai's dream.

What he wants is profit.

Therefore, he didn't plan to let Hong Chen be the lead actor.

"I think we don't need to try others anymore, Hong Chen is very suitable for this role." Zhang Hai looked at the people around him who had chosen the role, and said.

"It's just a poem to determine the candidate. Is it too hasty? We should look again." Ding Meng immediately retorted.

Zhang Hai glanced at him. Ding Meng represented a big investor, and Zhang Hai still needed to consider his opinion.

"Manager Ding means another round of re-examination?"

"Well, I personally think that Wang Feiyu is more suitable. After all, there is a lot of traffic, and the performance is not too bad." Ding Meng nodded and said politely.

Zhang Hai frowned, Wang Feiyu is very good, if Hong Chen hadn't appeared, Zhang Hai might have chosen Wang Feiyu as Li Bai's actor.

But now, after Zhang Hai watched Hong Chen's performance, he felt that only Hong Chen could express Li Bai's unrestrained and wanton feeling.

Wang Feiyu is still far behind.

"Okay, Manager Ding said so, then let's watch it again. Field manager, go and invite Ning Hang and Wang Feiyu in, and we will conduct a retest now!" Zhang Hai thought for a while, and didn't worry about anything, let The executive went to call someone.

Regarding this, Hong Chen smiled indifferently.

Since someone wants to retest, retest.

Anyway, he will use his acting skills to tell these people who is the most suitable candidate for the role of Li Bai.

Outside the Tang Palace.

Seeing that it was not Hong Chen who came out, but the crew, Ge Chen and Chen Zhiyi were shocked.

what happened?

Why didn't Hong Chen come out?
Then, the crew called Ning Hang and Wang Feiyu away, and they realized it.

It seems that the crew is going to conduct a second round of re-examination?

Hong Chen actually passed the initial test!
There was also a sound of discussion around.

You know, just now, little fresh meats like Xun Yuan and Ren Tianzhi left in disgrace, and now Hong Chen was actually left behind by the crew!
Inside the Tang Palace.

Ning Hang, Wang Feiyu and Hong Chen stood in the middle.

Ning Hang and Hong Chen knew each other, and they greeted each other.

Wang Feiyu glanced at Hong Chen with no expression on his face.

Both Wang Feiyu and Ning Hang are top-notch, so it goes without saying that they are one in a million.However, there are differences between the two.

Ning Hang is kinder to others and is known for his warm-hearted personality; Wang Feiyu tends to be aloof and takes a high-end route, and the endorsements he receives are all luxury brands.

So Wang Feiyu said very little.

"After our several rounds of selection, it is finally confirmed that the three of you have passed the initial test, and then there will be a retest. Those who pass will get the role of Li Bai." Zhang Hai said.

All three listened intently.

After all, everyone wants to take this role.

It is really unheard of for three people to audition for a role at the same time.

"The three of you go backstage now and change into Li Bai's clothes. This time we'll be real." Zhang Hai said again.

Then, he greeted the costume crew and makeup artist of the crew, and left with Hong Chen and the three of them.

"Director Zhang, let me tell you the truth. The leader has made a request this time. The player who plays Li Bai must have a lot of traffic. Otherwise, the investment risk is too high. If Hong Chen is really going to be chosen, Qianda Pictures may have to Withdrawal." After they left, Ding Meng said to Zhang Hai.

Zhang Hai glanced at him, the investment of Qianda Films is certainly important, but he has already attracted more than a dozen other investors, and he has also invested a lot.Even without Qianda's investment, the impact would not be too great.

"Director Zhang, I admit that this movie is a big one, but it is a documentary after all, and the market prospect is not very good. You should think about whether Wang Feiyu is more suitable for this role." Ding Meng is still persuading.

"Documentary?" Zhang Hai frowned, "Did I say it was a documentary?"

"That's it?" Ding Meng had never read the script, so he didn't know what Zhang Hai was going to film.

"I still say the same thing, whoever plays well, I will hire, and if Qianda Pictures wants to divest, I will not stop it." Zhang Hai said indifferently.

After hearing what he said, Ding Meng's expression changed, and he immediately picked up his mobile phone and went to the side to report the incident to his superiors.

About half an hour later, the three actors all put on their makeup and walked out from behind.

All three of them were dressed in white shirts with fluttering sleeves, giving off a romantic and suave charm.If they were really placed in Datang, they would be three amazing talents.

If their fans saw this scene at this moment, they might scream like that.

Of course, it mainly refers to the fans of Ning Hang and Wang Feiyu.

Ding Meng had already returned to his seat, his face was sullen, and he couldn't tell what he was thinking.

Then, the retest begins.

(End of this chapter)

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