Chapter 32
"The re-examination scene is very simple. The three of you recite the poem again. This time, you need to add movements. You have to walk from here to there in the palace, and you have to act drunk."

Zhang Hai said.

Wear Li Bai's costume and recite the poem again, so that you can see more clearly who can really interpret this role.

"I think for the sake of fairness, it's better to recite "Will Enter the Wine"." At this moment, Ding Meng said.

What he said was obviously partial to the other two traffic stars.Because from the effect point of view, "Will Enter the Wine" is far better than the poetic effect provided by the script.

And only the poem that Hong Chen recited before was "Will Enter the Wine".

In this regard, Zhang Hai did not say much.

"Ning Hang, get ready, you come first." Zhang Hai looked at Ning Hang and said calmly.

"Okay, Director Zhang." Ning Hang smiled gently, and then read the poem with concentration. He had recited this poem in middle school, so it was not difficult to recite it.

Then, he started to perform, Hong Chen and Wang Feiyu watched from the side.

Ning Hang's acting skills are very good, perfectly showing the drunken demeanor, and the voice of reciting is also full of emotion.

But after his performance, the casting judges were silent.

In Ning Hang's performance, Li Bai's temperament is missing, Li Bai's romance is missing, and Li Bai's frivolity is missing.

It's just acting out and reciting poems while drunk.

Then there is Wang Feiyu.

Wang Feiyu's performance was better, even Hong Chen had to admire his acting skills.

Wang Feiyu was originally a cold and expressionless image. When he started to perform, an intoxicated smile appeared on his face, expressing his drunken emotions.

There is pride and contentment in the emotion.

His performance was very good. After the performance, he was unanimously affirmed by everyone.

Finally, it was Hong Chen.

Both Ning Hang and Wang Feiyu stared at Hong Chen intently.

Hong Chen can stay here and compete with them on the same stage, there must be something special about him, both of them are very curious.

I saw Hong Chen wearing a white shirt with a sapphire flagon hanging from his waist. His clothes were not neat and looked a little messy.

His hair is even more messy.

But just like that, a drunken poet who is proud of his talents is perfectly performed.

It can be said that his initial appearance was more perfect than Ning Hang and Wang Feiyu!

Then he began to drink and chant poems, and his frivolous voice echoed in the palace.

With a bit of unruly and arrogance, it makes people feel shocked.

Ning Hang was stunned, and Wang Feiyu was also surprised.

Hong Chen had an aura about him, an aura of an immortal that they didn't know how to express.

His performance is the most in line with Li Bai who is known as "The Immortal"!

Like an ancient poet walking out of a picture scroll, the Tang Palace can only be reduced to his background.

Hong Chen's performance was perfect, especially when compared with Ning Hang and Wang Feiyu's performance just now, it was a judgment call.

The two top players looked at each other.

They have acted with old actors, and the feeling is very real.

For example, Wang Feiyu once played the role of the prince. At that time, the actor who played the role of the emperor was the veteran actor Chen Ming. When Chen Ming got angry, his mind was shaken, as if he really saw the mighty emperor!

The current Hong Chen gave him the same feeling.

He seemed to have really seen that eternal poet!

"He is so young, he can do this!" Wang Feiyu thought to himself, "It seems that I am still far behind."

Wang Feiyu has always been very proud. He believes that among the stars of the same status, he is definitely the one with the best acting skills.

Now that I see Hong Chen, I understand what is beyond the sky.

"I still need to work hard!" Wang Feiyu secretly made up his mind.

At this moment, Hong Chen's performance ended.

The poems he recited are still echoing in the ears of several people, as if Li Bai's frivolous voice that has traveled through thousands of years.

Zhang Hai smiled in satisfaction, the scene Hong Chen showed was the scene he wanted to put on the screen.

"Very good! You have worked hard. We will confirm the candidate later and will notify you." Zhang Hai said with a smile to everyone.

Ning Hang nodded, then turned to Hong Chen and said, "Congratulations, your acting skills are really good." Ning Hang couldn't help admiring.

Seeing Hong Chen reciting poems just now, he almost got goosebumps, one can imagine how powerful Hong Chen's appeal is.

"Haha, I also tried my best to act." Hong Chen laughed.

The two knew each other and were relatively close.Hong Chen chatted with Ning Hang for a few words, while Wang Feiyu went backstage to change clothes.

Then, Hong Chen and Ning Hang also went to the back to take off Li Bai's costume, and changed back to the original costume.

After changing their clothes, the three of them walked out of the Tang Palace.

The first one to come out was Wang Feiyu. Everyone outside the Tang Palace looked at Wang Feiyu with surprised expressions on their faces.

They guessed that Zhang Hai asked the three of them to go in to confirm the candidate, but Wang Feiyu never showed any expression, so they couldn't see anything.

Then, Hong Chen and Ning Hang walked out laughing.The two said goodbye and went to their respective teams.

"How is it?" Ge Chen asked Hong Chen with concern.

"I don't know, but the result should be known soon." Hong Chen replied with a light smile.

To be honest, Hong Chen has no idea. Although his acting skills are indeed outstanding, the casting of the script is often not determined by his acting skills.

The capital strength behind it is very important.

Capital has a great degree of intervention in a script, and sometimes even has the right to modify the script in order to add a role.

"I still stick to my opinion and choose Wang Feiyu." In the Tang Palace, Ding Meng said, his attitude was very firm.

Zhang Hai frowned at his words.

Ding Meng represents the interests of the investors of Qianda Films, and only considers the benefits.

Now is the age of traffic, and only with traffic can you make money.

Wang Feiyu is a better choice.

"Professor Duanmu, what do you think?" Zhang Hai turned his head and asked Duanmu Hong, a master of Chinese studies.

"Those two young people are very good at acting, but only the actor named Hong Chen can really perform Li Bai's momentum. The acting is very good and the emotion is very good. Director Zhang, I suggest you choose Hong Dust." Duanmu Hong said seriously.

Zhang Hai nodded, but laughed, "It's the same as mine."

He asked the opinions of the other two assistant directors.

One chose Hong Chen, thinking that acting skills are the most important, Hong Chen's acting skills conquered him.

The other assistant director was thinking about the benefits and hesitated a little, but chose Wang Feiyu for the same reason as Ding Meng.

Regarding this, Zhang Hai was expressionless.

This movie is his painstaking effort, and the investors can't interfere too much. He glanced at everyone and said loudly:

"I declare that the leading actor in the script of "Li Bai" is Hong Chen!"

(End of this chapter)

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