The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 33 Zhang Hai's Ambition

Chapter 33 Zhang Hai's Ambition

The final result was determined, and Li Bai's starring role was Hong Chen.

Ding Meng left the meeting angrily. At the same time, according to the requirements of the investor above him, the investment of Qianda Films will be reduced from the original 3000 million to [-] million.

However, this investment does not have much impact on the shooting of the entire movie.Zhang Hai is a great international director, and "Battery" was last year's box office champion, and he has a lot of money in his hands.

Then, Zhang Hai dialed Ge Chen's phone and notified him of the confirmation of the role.

"Thank you so much, Director Zhang, and I'll come to talk about signing the contract later." Ge Chen put down his phone, eyes full of excitement.

Seeing Ge Chen, who has always been calm and capable, Hong Chen smiled complacently.

"Congratulations, great poet, you successfully won the role of Li Bai." Ge Chen said to Hong Chen, "You should rest well, and I will be responsible for contacting the crew and the team."

"Thank you." Hong Chen comforted.

Chen Zhiyi was at the side, her eyes were full of joy.

Looking at it this way, investing in Hong Chen is simply a bloody profit.

After that, Hong Chen just waited for the filming.Because the casting and arrangement of the crew still take some time, the official start date has not yet been determined.

I have to say that after having an entertainment company, work has become a lot easier. Apart from acting, he doesn't need to worry about other chores.

His Weibo is also run by Ge Chen, so of course Hong Chen can also use it. He went up to check and found that his Weibo has almost 800 million followers.

With 800 million fans, he can be considered a big V on Weibo.He clicked on a recent comment announcing the news that "Li Bai" was confirmed to be the starring role, and found that most of the comments were from girls, and they were all such words as "very handsome", "my husband", "no, my husband".

At the same time, Ge Chen was also busy with Hong Chen's signing, and the final signing fee was 2000 million.After all, he is the leading actor in a blockbuster movie, so the salary is naturally relatively higher.

According to the 4.5 share ratio, Hong Chen received 900 million.

Excluding Huahai's resource investment in Hong Chen and the 800 million annual salary provided to Hong Chen, Huahai Entertainment has earned a lot from this movie alone.

When Wang Yao, the general manager of Huahai Company, found out about this, he was also a little surprised.

The salary of 2000 million is already close to the salary of first-line artists.

Wang Yao did not expect that Hong Chen would be able to win a starring role in a big production so quickly.

To know this role, even the top traffic Xunyuan sent by the company failed.

"Hong Chen, you have great potential." Wang Yao sighed softly, thinking silently.

After Xun Yuan knew about this, he just snorted coldly.Although he has a lot of connections and doesn't like Hong Chen, he won't be so stupid as to do something that damages the company's interests.

In the entertainment industry, interests come first.

He and Hong Chen don't have any conflicts of interest, they are both making money for the company, so they can only live in peace.

On Hong Chen's side, Ge Chen was busy signing contracts and contacting the team, while Chen Zhiyi took care of Hong Chen's daily chores.

Of course, Chen Zhiyi has not given up her plan to attack Hong Chen.

Always show your good side inadvertently.

Of course Hong Chen didn't pay her much attention, and sometimes even frowned and said a few words.

However, Chen Zhiyi had no problems with her work, so Hong Chen didn't care, and only regarded her as an assistant.

After another week, the cast of "Li Bai" was finally confirmed.

The crew's official Weibo announced the list of actors, which caused a lot of discussion for a while.Especially when seeing Hong Chen as the leading actor, many voices of doubt emerged.

"Isn't it my little brother Ren Tianzhi? Why did you change?"

"My family, Fei Yu, also went to audition, but he didn't get selected?"

"Why are you arguing? The role is chosen by the director. If you don't agree, ask the director."

"Tch, my Fei Yu probably doesn't like this bad show, I wish this bad show will be a hit!"

"Hong Chen is not bad as an actor."

The voices of various discussions on Weibo continue, and this time reflects the strength of the entertainment company.There are also sailors behind the entertainment company, and they are very high-level and cannot be seen as the "advanced water" of the navy.

Huahai only used a little bit of strength to push the news such as "Support "Li Bai"" and "Brother Hong Chen, come on" to the front.

Of course, Hong Chen didn't pay much attention to these.

He doesn't like to read public opinion very much.

As long as several factions of fans are involved, the situation will be extremely tragic and complicated. All kinds of anti-brained black fans and protectors, etc., make people feel dizzy.

Hong Chen got the cast list and read it carefully.

Zhang Hai's handwriting is indeed great, the emperor is played by a professional veteran actor, Gao Lishi is also a well-known supporting role, and the choice of Concubine Yang makes Hong Chen's expression change.

It was Yan Yileng, the female celebrity I met at the gym that day.

The national lover, fair and beautiful, with a bit of charm.

After reading the list of actors, Ge Chen told him that Zhang Hai would let him go over at night to chat about the script.

Hong Chen is particularly concerned about this, after all, the script is the most critical part of this drama, and it is also the basis of this movie.

What kind of story Zhang Hai wants to shoot, now only Zhang Hai knows.

In the evening, in the box of the five-star hotel, Zhang Hai invited several people to dinner.

Including the screenwriter Gu Leng, the master of Chinese studies Duan Muhong, Wang Luyi who played the emperor in the play, and Hong Chen.

There are five people in total, except for Hong Chen, these few are seniors with high morals and high esteem.

Hong Chen seemed very polite, he still respected his seniors, especially some veteran actors who love acting, he admired them even more.

During the banquet, Zhang Hai went straight to the point.

"Hong Chen, what kind of story do you think this filming of Li Bai is about?" Zhang Hai smiled meaningfully, but asked Hong Chen first.

Both the screenwriter and the master of Chinese studies already knew the content of the script, but neither Wang Luyi nor Hong Chen knew. Hearing Zhang Hai's question, Wang Luyi also looked at Hong Chen.

Hong Chen thought for a while and replied: "First of all, I think what Director Zhang wants to shoot is definitely not Li Bai's biography or a documentary like the ones mentioned on the Internet. Li Bai's life was very rough, and his talents were not appreciated. The current audience doesn't like this kind of subject matter. , no matter how good the filming is, the audience is not many."

Regarding this, Zhang Hai laughed and said, "Smart, how did you guess it?"

"I wasn't sure at first. I checked the list of actors, but I couldn't find any actor who played the role of old Li Bai or young Li Bai. So I think Director Zhang is not filming Li Bai's life, but a story."

"The story of Li Bai after entering Beijing."

Zhang Hai nodded, took a sip of wine, and said, "You're right. Everyone on the Internet knows that I'm going to shoot "Li Bai". They think I just want to shoot a biography, but what I really want to shoot is Datang."


After listening to Zhang Hai's words, Hong Chen suddenly realized.

This is Zhang Hai's ambition.

He wants to shoot the Great Tang Dynasty!

For this reason, he spent six years building a Tang city, carefully polishing the script, just to restore the glory of the Tang Dynasty.

Li Bai just played a role in promoting the perspective.

In other words, the stories in the script are not necessarily Li Bai's stories.

Thinking of this, Hong Chen understood that those online comments on "Li Bai" and the predictions about the movie's prospects were all completely wrong.

This movie is definitely not that simple!
(End of this chapter)

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