Chapter 35 God Level Lozenges
In the past few days, Hong Chen has been filming in the crew.

This is the difference between an actor and a star. An actor usually follows the crew and stays with the crew until the filming ends.

But celebrities have a very full schedule, and often they take time out to show their faces to the crew, and the filming is done indiscriminately.What's more, only a few poses are needed, and the rest is all cut out by the crew.

Needless to say, the effect achieved.

If the actors and the director are fooling around with a movie, how can the audience buy it!

Hong Chen and Yan Yileng are resting in the waiting room. They are currently filming the scene of Tang Xuanzong going to court. It is a big scene with many extras. It will take a long time to shoot, and they are all waiting.

This is the daily life of an actor. In the crew, most of the time is spent waiting for his role.

Hong Chen was at the side, seeing that Yan Yilen seemed unhappy, so he kindly asked, "What's the matter? Are you uncomfortable?"

Yan Yilen shook his head and said, "It's okay, there have been too many night scenes in the past two days, I got angry after staying up all night, and I developed mouth ulcers."

Mouth ulcers are not a disease, but they are still painful.

In particular, Yan Yileng likes spicy food more. After suffering from mouth ulcers, he has lost his taste in food for the past few days.

Hearing this, Hong Chen smiled mysteriously, "Wait a minute, I have medicine for oral ulcers."

When Hong Chen drew the silver lottery before, he drew out many small props, such as oral ulcer lozenges, Ningshen incense, God-level bruises, etc., and now they just come in handy.

"No, I'm also taking medicine now, imported medicine, it will be fine in a few days." Yan Yileng didn't want to trouble Hong Chen.

"Don't worry, my medicine is different."

With that said, Hong Chen went to the back and took out a mouth ulcer lozenge from his backpack, and handed it to Yan Yileng.

"Believe me, this medicine is very effective." Hong Chen said with a smile.

Yan Yileng took the lozenge dubiously, although he felt it was a bit abrupt, but due to Hong Chen's enthusiasm, he still put the lozenge in his mouth.

For a moment, she only felt a coolness rushing from the tip of her tongue, and there was a itchy feeling in the mouth ulcer.

There was a look of surprise in her beautiful eyes.

Then, the itching became stronger, causing her to gasp a few times. After about 5 minutes, the feeling weakened.

Yan Yihan licked her lower lip with the tip of her tongue, and she found that her oral ulcer had disappeared!

This medicine is amazing!

"What brand of lozenges are these? Where can I buy them?" Yan Yileng asked Hong Chen excitedly.

Naturally, Hong Chen couldn't say it was drawn by a lottery, so he explained: "This was brought to me by a friend of mine in a pharmaceutical factory. He said it was still under development, and it might be on the market in two years."

"But I have 10 tablets here, you can use them first."

"Then I won't be polite." Yan Yileng took the lozenge and said with a smile on his face, "I can't take yours for nothing, that's all right. I'll treat you to dinner tonight."

"No problem." Hong Chen smiled.

After a while, it was Hong Chen's scene, and Hong Chen left the lounge to film.Yang Hui, Yan Yileng's manager, just walked over.

"Sister Hui, my oral ulcer has healed." Yan Yileng happily said to Yang Hui.

Yang Hui looked at it and found that it was really good, she was surprised and said: "How good, isn't it quite serious at noon, you didn't eat any food."

"It's Hong Chen who gave me the lozenges. It's really a magic medicine. Sister Hui, I found that Hong Chen is pretty good. You've been in the entertainment circle for so long, how far do you think he can go?"

Yang Hui is a well-known gold medal agent in the circle, and has made many artists popular, and she has a very accurate eye for people.

Yang Hui thought for a while, and said: "His image and acting skills are nothing to say, and he is also very decent in dealing with people. If he develops normally, he should be able to rank among the first-line."

"It's not bad to make friends with such a person, you can contact them."

After hearing Yang Hui's words, Yan Yileng nodded seriously.

The water in the entertainment industry is very deep. Although Yan Yileng debuted as a child star, she is only a 22-year-old young flower with little experience.

In many cases, she has to ask Yang Hui and listen to her opinions. Yang Hui acts with foresight and foresight, so she can better protect herself in this way.

During filming, Hong Chen had a special RV for him to rest.

It's not that he is extravagant, it's just that this is the treatment of Huahai company's B-signed artist, and it's not for nothing.

This time Hong Chen was filming, Ge Chen, Chen Zhiyi, his assistant Wang Shaoqi, and two people from the make-up team came with him. His operation team is at the Huahai headquarters, so there is no need to follow the crew.

When filming, Chen Zhiyi accompanied Hong Chen.

When Chen Zhiyi saw Hong Chen and Yan Yilen talking and laughing just now, she was secretly jealous.

It's not that she's jealous, Hong Chen's attraction to her is more due to her status, and she doesn't have much love in it.

This kind of situation is very common in society. Even some small Internet celebrities, third-tier stars, singers, etc., there will be many women who post back.

Chen Zhiyi is just jealous of Yan Yileng.

Yan Yileng is a film actress, a national lover.

If I had to make an analogy, Yan Yileng is like a younger version of Gao Yuanyuan, just a smiling face is very likable.

Chen Zhiyi very much aspires to be that kind of person.

She aspires to be the center of attention.

She has no power and power, and the only thing she can rely on now is Hong Chen.

In the evening, Hong Chen and Yan Yileng had dinner at a restaurant around Tang City, and at the same time called their respective managers to talk about some interesting things in the entertainment industry.

What Hong Chen didn't expect was that that night, gossip about him and Yan Yileng's relationship appeared on some social media.

"Shocked! National lover Yan Yileng met a mysterious boyfriend in private!"

"Yan Yileng's underground lover is actually him!"

"Brothers, it's time to draw your sword."

Hong Chen also saw the news, he clicked in and took a look, there were some photos of him saying goodbye to Yan Yileng after dinner.

Only the two of them were captured in the photo, they were still downstairs in the hotel, and the talking and laughing were really very credible.

"These people are so idle, don't you want to shoot this too?" Regarding this, Hong Chen said helplessly.

He didn't expect that he also had paparazzi following him.

Of course, in fact, the paparazzi are more likely to follow Yan Yileng, and the film and television Xiaohua scandal is a hot spot in the gossip.

"Naturally, those editors on Kandian will write all kinds of news in order to cheat clicks to make money. You don't need to deal with this kind of news, the team will deal with it." Ge Chen replied with a smile.

Sure enough, after a while, I refreshed the webpage again, and all these messages disappeared.

"It's Yan Yileng's team working on it. Artists will always encounter this kind of thing, and you will get used to it gradually. For young artists like you, gossip can increase popularity, but it will cause fans of true love The company does not allow this kind of loss." Ge Chen explained again.

After hearing Ge Chen's words, Hong Chen thought of Chen Zhiyi's recent actions, and pondered to himself.

Chen Zhiyi's recent actions are obviously bolder. Ge Chen was not there at lunch yesterday, and it was just the two of them. Chen Zhiyi was wearing revealing clothes, saying that the hotel was too hot.

He can stick to the principle, but if he fails to keep it all right, some paparazzi will take some pictures and make a big fuss about it.

Although he has a good attitude and doesn't care too much about the rumors of the navy, but if his lace scandal appears, he will be very uncomfortable.

He wants to be a clean actor and doesn't want to be affected by these.

What he didn't expect was that Chen Zhiyi wanted to rely on his scandal to gain a certain amount of popularity, and then start her own road to becoming an Internet celebrity.

Chen Zhiyi made a good plan.

Even if she didn't really have a relationship with Hong Chen, it's okay, just find a few opportunities to take some intimate photos, and then hire some sailors to spread rumors, and she can achieve the same effect.

Hong Chen didn't know what Chen Zhiyi was thinking. Chen Zhiyi was still very conscientious in his work in the team, but it seemed that he was not only interested in work.

Hong Chen thought about letting Chen Zhiyi leave the team, but kicking her out of the team just because the other party showed affection for him is not advisable.

He had a chat with Ge Chen and talked about this matter.

"Well, it's normal. You are handsome and have a good personality, which is very lethal to a little girl like her." Ge Chen explained with a smile.

Regarding this, Hong Chen didn't know whether to accept it or not.Because what Ge Chen said was not bad.

But Hong Chen didn't notice that when Ge Chen said this, an imperceptible light flashed in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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