Chapter 36 Leaving the Team
Inside the RV.

Hong Chen went to film, and the others were not there, so Ge ​​Chen specially kept Chen Zhiyi.

"Sister Ge Chen, are you looking for me?" Chen Zhiyi asked with a smile.

"Zhi Yi, I noticed that you seem to be very interested in Hong Chen recently." Ge Chen stared at her and said expressionlessly.

"Ah, Sister Ge Chen, what are you talking about? I'm his life assistant, isn't it normal to care about him?" There was a panic in Chen Zhiyi's expression, but she skillfully covered it up.

"You have been with me for a year, so I naturally understand your personality, and I also know what you want to do." Ge Chen said calmly.

Ge Chen has a strong working ability and is careful in handling things. Because she is busy with signing contracts outside, she has no time to pay attention to the inside of the team. When chatting with Hong Chen, she heard a few things about Chen Zhiyi, and she immediately understood.

Chen Zhiyi wanted to take advantage of Hong Chen to take over.

"Sister Ge Chen, what do you mean?" Chen Zhiyi asked tentatively.

"Zhiyi, to be honest, you are a good girl, you work hard, you want to be a star, you have a star dream, I understand, I have seen many girls like you. It's just that you shouldn't go this way." Ge Chen said indifferently.

"Sister Ge Chen"

"You have worked under me for more than a year. Of course I understand your thoughts. You want to stir up scandals with Hong Chen in order to accumulate popularity. Am I right?"

Hearing this, Chen Zhiyi's eyes were obviously flustered.

"I'm Hong Chen's manager. If you do this, it will have a great impact on his popularity. You should know that too." Ge Chen continued.

"I..." Chen Zhiyi was speechless, and then hurriedly explained: "Sister Ge Chen, I, I didn't mean that."

Ge Chen was right. If she really did this, Hong Chen would lose popularity. On the contrary, she would enter the public eye.

She is only 18 years old this year, and she wants to use this as an opportunity to become an Internet celebrity first, and then slowly grow bigger.

Ge Chen sighed, "I don't think you are suitable for this team anymore."

"Sister Ge Chen, listen to me." Chen Zhiyi held Ge Chen's hand immediately, "Sister, you have helped me all this way, and you were the one who brought me into the team. Give me another chance."

Chen Zhiyi has been with her for a year and has done a lot of work, Ge Chen knows it all.

But she felt that this kind of thing was not allowed to happen.

"I can give you a chance. I have a spot to participate in the audition for "Youth with You". This is a talent show variety show, you should have heard of it." Ge Chen said again.

Of course, Chen Zhiyi has heard of "Youth with You". This program has popular traffic stars as mentors, and is responsible for screening new Internet celebrities for training.

As long as you perform well on the show, you can accumulate a lot of popularity.

Just like Chaoyue, Meiqi, Xuanyi, etc. in "Produce 101", if they successfully win the show, they can even become traffic stars in one fell swoop!
However, it is extremely difficult to stand out from such an audition program!
After all, Chen Zhiyi is Ge Chen's subordinate, she still intends to give Chen Zhiyi a chance to rely on herself.

Such an opportunity depends on whether Chen Zhiyi can grasp it by himself.

"As long as you can really win the audition, the company will sign a contract with you and praise you." Ge Chen said again, "Remember, in this business, you must first rely on yourself, and then you can rely on others!"

Ge Chen knows that this road is also difficult to walk, and if he wants to walk this road, he depends on his real ability.

Chen Zhiyi knew that the matter was irreversible, so she could only nod her head.

"Okay, thank you, Sister Ge Chen." Chen Zhiyi thanked again, then, she packed her things, got on the plane and returned to Huahai's headquarters, and went to discuss with another person in charge about participating in the program.

Just like that, Chen Zhiyi left Hong Chen's team.

At noon, Hong Chen came back from filming and everyone had dinner together. Hong Chen found that Chen Zhiyi was not there, and asked curiously, "Where is Assistant Chen? Did you go shopping?"

Ge Chen pretended to be casual and said: "Zhiyi resigned, the company asked her to participate in the variety show "Youth with You", and she will no longer be a member of our team."

""Youth with You"? That's very good, just suitable for her. But she doesn't say hello to me anyway." Hong Chen laughed.

Ge Chen said softly: "The show will be aired soon, the company let her go in a hurry, she asked me to tell you, thank you for taking care of me during this time."

Hearing this, Hong Chen nodded, feeling nothing else.

Of course, Ge Chen didn't explain what happened.

For some things, getting it right is enough.

Ge Chen wants to become a gold agent, Hong Chen is very important to her, and she will silently support Hong Chen behind her back.

She didn't want these chores to become a burden on Hong Chen.

"How was today's filming? Did it go well?" Ge Chen changed the subject and asked with a smile.

"Don't worry, everything is fine. But tonight is a big scene, so I guess I have to be prepared to stay up late." Hong Chen said.

"Well, Wang Shaoqi will be the life assistant in the future, and he will accompany you there tonight." Ge Chen nodded, "By the way, there are also a few endorsements and advertisements I contacted recently, you can take a look."

"There is also an invitation for a magazine. A magazine wants to use your image as the warden on the cover of an issue."

Ge Chen introduced the results of the work to Hong Chen, and these materials were all determined by her after careful selection.

After Hong Chen finished his meal, he checked these endorsements carefully.It's better to be cautious about endorsements and advertisements, otherwise, one mistake will cause eternal hatred.

For example, one of Huaxia's most influential action superstars in the international market, the endorsement products are hard to describe.

There are also some well-known movie stars who endorse small games such as "If you are a brother, come and kill me" and "999 knife [-], equipment recycling". Although the endorsement fee is high, it will still have a certain impact on popularity.

In the end, Hong Chen chose to advertise a sports shoe, which was a domestic brand with good quality.

Then Ge Chen was in charge of contacting the advertisement.

The afternoon scene didn't start until 4 o'clock. Hong Chen took a good rest at noon and arrived at the set early in the afternoon.

The scene to be filmed tonight is a feast of bliss.

It can be said that this scene is the biggest scene in the whole movie, and it can best reflect the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty.

Basically all the cast and crew will be there.

The ensemble performers playing court ladies, dancers and eunuchs put on their makeup early on and waited.

The props team, the lighting team, and the camera team worked continuously for several hours before setting up the shooting location.

In the middle of the scene is the wine pond, which can also be called the fairy pond, which is full of fine wine, surrounded by four huge golden turtles kneeling on the ground, representing the meaning of eternal generations!
Then there are layers of round tables, the round tables are huge, and deep patterns are carved on them, making it even more majestic.

Further outside, there are huge lanterns in various shapes, such as military generals, civil servants, giant dragons, and gods, illuminating the entire hall.

Candles are placed on the red pillars, and the candlelight forms a sea of ​​stars, emitting light above the head.

All this is like a fairyland.

Just standing in it, you can clearly feel the scene of the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

From this scene, we can see how bold Zhang Hai is.

The acting started immediately, the actors were in place, there were nearly 300 actors, and that was it, the hall seemed a bit empty.

The actors wore colorful clothes from the Tang Dynasty, painted delicate makeup, and smiled all over their faces.A few ancient youths ran wildly in the crowd, exuding a youthful atmosphere.

Then, the filming started.

And the most critical character in this scene is Li Bai played by Hong Chen!
(End of this chapter)

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