The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 37 Feast of Bliss, Ancient Poetry!

Chapter 37: Feast of Bliss, Poet Immortal through the ages!
This grand scene took more than an hour to shoot just for the sub-camera.

The prosperity of the Tang Dynasty can be seen amidst the din of people.

Among them, three shots are the most important.

First, Yan Yi Leng, who played the role of Concubine Yang, appeared on the stage, dressed in a red phoenix dress, wearing a golden hairpin, with a noble temperament, she walked forward gracefully, and all the guests gave way to applaud her, their eyes were full of amazement.

The last scene is the scene of Tang Xuanzong beating drums for Anlu Mountain. Anlu Mountain is powerful and has long opposed it. In this scene, Anlu Mountain is dancing, the emperor is beating the drum, and all the guests are silent.

Drums are dense and swords are on the verge of breaking out, reflecting the huge hidden dangers in the prosperous Tang Dynasty

And the scene in the middle is the process of Li Bai writing poems for Concubine Yang.

Li Bai is the representative of the prosperous Tang Dynasty and the real core of this feast of bliss.

Shooting begins.

I saw Gao Lishi carrying Hong Chen who was drunk, and let him lean on the golden tortoise beside the wine pool. Gao Lishi reprimanded: "You smell like alcohol, you don't even take a bath and don't change your clothes!"

At this moment, Hong Chen's eyes were blurred, his face was a little drunk, and he said like a fairy: "I don't take a bath or wash my clothes, and I'm cleaner than you!"

This sentence, Hong Chen naturally meant something, but Gao Lishi, who was once a sycophant, became the emperor's confidant, and he is just a civil servant with his talents!
This kind of intentional feeling, but not confrontational feeling, was perfectly interpreted by Hong Chen.

Zhang Hai watched Hong Chen's performance from behind the camera, Hong Chen's expression and demeanor were just right and perfect.

Gao Lishi approached Hong Chen and said flatteringly: "Li Bai, your glory and wealth are coming soon!"

But Hong Chen just glanced at Gao Lishi, and asked drunkenly, "Who are you and what's the matter?"

"I'm Gao Lishi, the emperor sent me to ask you for poetry." Gao Lishi moved closer and said with a smile.

Of course Hong Chen knew what Gao Lishi was here for. Wasn't the reason why he entered the court was to write poems for the emperor?

"What to write?" Hong Chen said lazily.

"Writing about beauties."

Hearing this, Hong Chen smiled, a disdainful smile, he shook his head, and said calmly, "There are no beauties."

He is arrogant and looks down on the hostess of this blissful feast.

Watching his performance, Zhang Hai was full of praise in his heart.

So far, Hong Chen has performed very well.

This kind of performance is actually very difficult.

Because at this moment, according to the scene, the surrounding extras were watching the dialogue between Hong Chen and Gao Lishi.

In other words, Hong Chen had to perform this free and easy feeling under the watchful eyes of hundreds of people.

Some people are very nervous when speaking in front of a dozen people, and it is simply unimaginable to perform in front of so many people in a chic and comfortable way.

However, Hong Chen's acting skills gave Zhang Hai a reassurance.

Gao Lishi heard Hong Chen's rebuttal, but continued: "Whoever is the most beautiful today, you can write according to whoever is."

Gao Lishi only wanted him to write poems and go back to work, but Hong Chen continued to shake his head, with a bit of chic and fascination, "Others asked me to write, but I can't write."

"Does the emperor count as someone else? He told you to write, so you have to write." Gao Lishi paused, and smiled with a bit of complacency.

Gao Lishi knew that although Li Bai was arrogant, he respected the imperial power, and Li Bai would naturally listen to the emperor's orders.

But who is Li Bai, with his awe-inspiring spirit, how could he suffer?

So Hong Chen laughed loudly, "You take off my boots, and I'll write."

As he spoke, Hong Chen actually raised his feet.

Seeing this, Gao Lishi raised his head, with a bit of arrogance, "I only take off the emperor's boots."

Hearing this, Hong Chen laughed loudly, with a bit of indescribable sarcasm in his voice, and then he said calmly: "Your Majesty said that there is no distinction between superiors and inferiors in the feast of bliss, now I will find an official If you try it, you will find out whether it is true or not."

"Gao Lishi, you are bullying the emperor and empress."

Hong Chen's voice fell, and the surrounding group performers who played the role of guests laughed in unison.

Seeing this, Gao Lishi knew he was in the wrong, he gritted his teeth, but stepped forward and took off Li Bai's boots.

"Hahahaha!" Gao Lishi took off his boots for him, and Hong Chen laughed wantonly.This laughter is a mockery of Gao Lishi's flattery to the rich and powerful, and it is also a criticism of the injustice of today's court.

Since you are happy, you naturally want to drink.He took a step to the side, filled the wine pool with his hands, and took a few sips happily.

Gao Lishi knew that Li Bai's madness had passed, so he hurriedly fetched an ink pen.

Hong Chen put the pen in his mouth and fell into deep thought.

This scene is exactly the scene where Li Bai composes poems after drinking, and it is also the place where Li Bai is unrestrained and uninhibited.

"Yun thinks about clothes, flowers think about Rong." He was already satisfied with the wine, and the poem was naturally blurted out. He asked Gao Lishi to turn his back to him, and actually wrote the poem directly on Gao Lishi's back.

"The spring breeze blows on the threshold of Revlon."

After composing two lines of poems, Hong Chen looked into the distance with a hollow expression, as if his whole being had entered an ethereal state.

This expression is too realistic, as if it is Li Bai immersed in his own poems.

The group performers were shocked when they watched Hong Chen's performance.

"If we hadn't met at Qunyu Mountain, we would have met under the moon at Yaotai." Then, Hong Chen finished writing the last two poems with a smile.

Zhang Hai was dumbfounded by this seamless acting.

Hong Chen's performance was perfect.

"Okay!" After Hong Chen finished writing, he flicked the brush straight into the wine pool.

"Don't change it?" Gao Lishi didn't expect him to write it so quickly, so he asked.

"Not changing a single word." Hong Chen shook his head indifferently.Then, he said lazily and comfortably: "Tired! I'm going to sleep!"

As he said that, he actually fell asleep.

"Crack!" At this moment, the director shouted to stop.

The scene is over.

Zhang Hai applauded himself, and Hong Chen once again conquered him with his acting skills.Then, the surrounding group performers applauded together.

so perfect!

This scene, the long shot of this scene, and Hong Chen's performance in it can be called textbook perfection.

This is the real Li Bai.

There was thunderous applause, Hong Chen smiled and thanked everyone.

"Amazing, Teacher Hong Chen." Yan Yileng gave him a thumbs up.

Then, his part is not over yet.

Zhang Hai wanted to strike while the iron was hot, so he started the next scene.

Hong Chen was lying soundly asleep next to the golden turtle, and Gao Lishi stepped forward and hurriedly shook him awake.

"Li Bai, Li Bai, get up quickly, the empress is here to see you."

Hong Chen regained consciousness with hazy eyes, and was pulled to stand up by Gao Lishi.

Concubine Yang Guifei, played by Yan Yileng, stood in front of him gracefully and gracefully said, "Thank you for the poem you wrote to me, it's really well written."

"Ah, which one is the poem written for the empress?" Hong Chen looked a bit astonished.

"Yun Xiang's clothes are beautiful and beautiful, the writing is really good." Concubine Yang Guifei said.

"It's vulgar for Your Majesty to boast so much, and besides, this poem was not written for Your Majesty." Hong Chen said calmly.

"It's for the empress." Hearing this, Gao Lishi panicked and said with a flattering smile, "It's not for the empress, but who is it for?"

Hong Chen ignored Gao Lishi's eyes, just smiled contentedly, "I don't know who to write to, but I can't lie to my mother."

He is a drunkard, so naturally he will not be disturbed by kitsch.

The expression of contentment and fearlessness of imperial power was vividly realized by Hong Chen.

Hearing his words, Concubine Yang gave a gentle smile, and then left straight away.

After walking a few steps, he turned around and said seriously to Hong Chen:
"Li Bai, Tang Dynasty is truly amazing with you."

 The plot is selected from "Legend of the Cat Demon". Although the movie's reputation is not high, the picture is still very magnificent.

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(End of this chapter)

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