The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 38 Yan Yileng's Invitation

Chapter 38 Yan Yileng's Invitation

Zhang Hai was impressed by Hong Chen's acting skills.

When Zhang Hai was about to shoot this drama, he didn't know the exact image of Li Bai in his heart.

So he recruited Duan Muhong, a master of Chinese studies, as a consultant for the crew.Duan Muhong has studied Li Bai very well, and he speaks clearly and logically, which has benefited Zhang Hai a lot.

Only then did Zhang Hai have a prototype of Li Bai in his heart.

But his understanding of Li Bai's demeanor and Li Bai's feelings is still very vague.

In other words, when shooting, he couldn't explain to the actors the effect he wanted.

The director doesn't know what to shoot, which is definitely a huge problem for the actors.

Fortunately, Hong Chen's performance was perfect.

His demeanor and movements are the real Li Bai.

Zhang Hai was very happy and called on the crew to continue filming.This scene of Bliss Feast is planned to be filmed for one night, and there are still many scenes behind it.

This movie is nominally about Li Bai, but actually it's about the Tang Dynasty's transition from prosperity to decline, and Li Bai is just a perspective.

Of course, he is the most important perspective, and he represents the prosperity of Datang.

The Bliss Feast continues to be filmed, but Hong Chen's role in it has ended, so he can go back and rest.

Hong Chen lingered for a while, watching other people's acting outside the crew was also a special pleasure.Especially the scene of Tang Xuanzong and An Lushan dancing to each other is even more magnificent.

Both of them are actors, their acting skills are excellent, and the tension is very clear.

"Hong Chen, are you busy?" At this moment, Yan Yileng came to Hong Chen's side and said softly.

There is still a scene behind Yan Yileng, so she is maintaining the attire of Concubine Yang at the moment.But because of the cold weather, she was still wrapped in a green military coat.

Even so, her makeup is also eye-catching.

After all, it is a national lover.

"Don't be busy, my role is over, now let's see senior Wang Luyi's acting skills and learn from experience." Hong Chen replied.

"Sure enough, it's no wonder the acting is so good." Yan Yi Leng praised, with a special flavor in his mischievous smile.

Then, Yan Yileng said again: "By the way, I have something to ask you."

"Tell me." Hong Chen said frankly.

"I have a new script here. It's a romance film. It lacks a male lead. Are you interested?"

"Hmm?" Hong Chen was a little surprised by Yan Yileng's words.

According to Yan Yileng, she should also star in this movie. Based on her celebrity status, it shows that the investment and market of this movie will not be too bad.

Such a script lacks a male lead?
You know, male protagonists are always up for grabs, and I've never heard of them being in short supply.

"Male lead?" Hong Chen looked a bit astonished.

Yan Yilen smiled a little embarrassedly, and said again: "That's right, I have a brother named Yan Chi, who just graduated from the University of California, Los Angeles, and majored in directing. He has been planning for half a year and wants to make a movie. Movie."

"Of course I am the heroine, but because my brother is not well-known yet, the heroine is temporarily vacant."

"Don't worry, although your salary is not as good as here, it will not be too low. And the shooting plan will take one and a half months, so it won't take up too much of your schedule."

Yan Yileng explained again.

When she mentioned UCLA, there was a trace of surprise in Hong Chen's eyes.

There is no other reason. The director major of that school is almost the top in the world, and the admission requirements are extremely high.

The great director Francis Coppola, who made the Godfather series, graduated from this school.

Since Yan Yileng's elder brother can graduate from here, it shows that he has certain strength.

"Can I read the script first? I will give you an answer after reading it. Don't worry, I will keep it a secret." Hong Chen thought for a while and said seriously.

"Okay, thank you."

That night, Yan Yileng's assistant brought the script over.

Hong Chen, Ge Chen, and Wang Shaoqi all read the script.

The script is called "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years", and it tells a young love story that happened in the school days.

To Hong Chen's surprise, this script turned out to be extremely attractive!

At first Yan Yileng said it was a romance film, he thought it was a love story about breaking up and getting back together.

Coupled with the love in the student days, he guessed that it would inevitably be similar to abortion, tearing up, or the vulgar plot of one party going to study abroad, and then his parents asked the other party to break up voluntarily.

But nothing, this is a very youthful romance film!

Using his script comprehension skills, he searched for related movies in the parallel world.

He took a brief look and found that the movie was very good!

"Ge Chen, what do you think?" Hong Chen put down the script, wanting to hear Ge Chen's opinion.

"The script is a good script, but the director is a newcomer, and the investors are not clear, so there are great risks." Ge Chen thought for a while and said.

Ge Chen is right. New directors have a very big disadvantage, that is, lack of connections.

In addition to attracting investment, the publicity work after the film is made, as well as the contact work with the movie theater, all need contacts.

"I think this is an opportunity." Work assistant Wang Shaoqi adjusted his glasses and said, "Small investment does not necessarily mean big box office, and this director is Yan Yileng's older brother, and the Yan family still has some strength in the Kyoto circle."

"Yan's family?" This was the first time Hong Chen heard about Yan Yileng's background, and he was a little curious.

"Well, Yan Yileng's father has a position in the Communist Party, and the radio and television management review, so many big directors fawn on her. And her mother is a rich second generation, and now she is the president of her boss's company. Her family is very rich. It should be in the billions," Ge Chen explained.

Hong Chen never imagined that Yan Yileng's relationship was so important.

No wonder there hasn't been any gossip since the child star became popular all the way to the present.

"So, Yan Chi can be regarded as having connections." Hong Chen said again, "This script is very good, and the problem of connections has been solved. As for the investment, the investment in romance films is not large, and if the investment is not enough, I may even Want to invest in some of it."

Hong Chen's decision surprised Ge Chen.

"You want to invest?" Ge Chen said.

According to his contract, the money invested by the artist does not belong to the company, so Ge ​​Chen was surprised.

"Well, it depends on the situation. You should contact the director first. If you are sure that there is no problem, you can even reduce the salary and change it to a commission." Hong Chen said again.

"Okay, no problem." Ge Chen nodded.

Hong Chen's behavior was a little risky. A romance film made by a rookie director is very likely to hit the street.

But in the film industry, vision is also very important.

Sometimes a blockbuster is all it takes to take a risk.

On the other side, director Li Mushan snuffed out the cigarette butt in his hand, with a sad face.

"What does she mean by saying that she won't shoot anymore? She forgot who supported her to achieve today's achievements!" Li Mushan cursed.

Just now, Li Feifei called and told him that she was not filming this web drama, and that all the expenses would be compensated according to the price.

Of course, Li Feifei's salary was not much when she signed the contract, so the compensation fee is not too high.

But this was a huge blow to Li Mushan.

If Li Feifei doesn't shoot, it means all the previous efforts are in vain!
Compensation is just a drop in the bucket.

"Feifei, I'll give you a raise, okay? If you come back to shoot, it will make you more popular, won't it?" Li Mushan held back his anger and said flatteringly.

Li Feifei, who had already found a backer, would not talk to him, and hung up the phone directly.

Now there is a new drama in front of her, and she will play the role of the second female lead. This drama is different from Li Mushan's online drama, and it is a real big investment.

And Li Feifei was the number two female candidate designated by one of the investors' bosses.

Li Feifei, this time it really has a tendency to become popular!
 Thank you for your votes, I really appreciate it.

  The next story will be more exciting, and I will update it steadily.

(End of this chapter)

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