The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 39 Rich 2nd Generation Director?

Chapter 39 Rich Second Generation Director?
For a period of time afterwards, Hong Chen has been filming on the set of "Li Bai".

According to the development of the plot, because Li Bai wrote a poem at the feast of bliss, the limelight overshadowed the emperor. When the emperor got angry, he expelled Li Bai from Chang'an.

Of course, Li Bai was also happy.

He was already disappointed in the ruler.

At the same time, this is also Hong Chen's last scene, that is, riding a fast horse galloping through the mountains and plains.

However, this scene requires Hong Chen to ride a horse to shoot, but Hong Chen does not know how to ride a horse, nor does he have this skill.

Zhang Hai told Hong Chen that it can be done with a stand-in, all he needs is to make a few expressions on the "prop horse" and take a few close-ups.

However, Hong Chen insisted on riding a real horse, because the effect of shooting would be better.

Using a stand-in to switch shots will make this scene less of an overall beauty.

Hong Chen's idea made Zhang Hai very impressed again, because there are very few actors who pursue details like this.

For many actors, the sooner the filming is finished, the better, and the less trouble the better, anyway, the pay remains the same.

So, Hong Chen specially found a horse riding teacher, and these few days he practiced horse riding outside Tang City.

Practicing horseback riding is not easy, even more difficult than getting a driver's license. What's more, although there are saddles, beginners cannot avoid the fate of blooming buttocks.

Fortunately, after practicing for a week, Hong Chen sacrificed his butt in exchange for a perfect curtain call in the last scene.

The scene ends with him falling from his horse and lying in the weeds, drunk and unconscious.

"Crack!" the director shouted to stop.

"Congratulations to Hong Chen for completing the killing."

All of a sudden, the crew applauded.

In the short three months of filming, everyone sincerely admired him.

Can bear hardships, not artificial, has acting skills, and has a personality charm.

Hong Chen got up and patted the dirt on his body, and said with a hearty smile: "I'm treating guests tonight, and the whole crew is going."

After hearing his words, the cheers became even louder.

Although Hong Chen is the main character, after Li Bai left Chang'an, the scene of the Anshi Rebellion had nothing to do with Li Bai, and the elderly Li Bai was played by a special extra, so Hong Chen could end the filming early.

So far, his filming of "Li Bai" has ended, and it is early spring.

Zhang Hai told him that the filming of this film will be completed in May, and special effects shots will be added in the later stage, and it will not be released until August.

In other words, it will be several months before Hong Chen appears on the screen next time.

This is also the norm in the entertainment industry. Under normal circumstances, it is not bad for a high-traffic star to have almost one film and television drama every year.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that the box office of "Slaying the Wolf 2" finally reached 10 billion, which is already a big profit for investors.Hong Chen used to be a hot search because of the name of the thug in a suit, and now he can often be seen on short video software.

In terms of popularity, he barely reached the level of domestic second-tier actors.

Facts have proved that the investment of Huahai Media Company is not wrong.

"Now the audience's impression of you is still the villain in "Battle Through Fire" and "Slaying the Wolf 2". When "Li Bai" is released, with the support of the main male lead movie, the effect should be much better." Ge Chen said to him.

"I contacted Yan Yileng's older brother, Yanchi, and made an appointment to meet in Kyoto the day after tomorrow to discuss cooperation matters. In addition, the resources given to us by the company have not been very good recently. There are rumors that someone inside is suppressing you. "

Hearing this, Hong Chen was slightly surprised, "Suppress me?"

The first thing he thought of was Xun Fei, but to be honest, he and Xun Fei hadn't reached this level yet, the two were not in the same position, and Xun Fei wouldn't specifically suppress him.

Of course, this possibility cannot be ruled out, but there is another possibility that there are other people in the company who have opinions on him.

You know, the entertainment company is not all smooth sailing.Resources are limited, and the allocation to each artist is uneven. In many cases, the two teams even have to compete for resources.

The infighting within the entertainment company is serious.

"But it doesn't matter. I don't rely on the company to find resources. It doesn't matter if the company can't provide resources. It just so happens that the script of "Those Years" is very good, and our development prospects are very good."

"Well, okay, but you still pay attention, if someone in the company is targeting me, you must know who the other party is." Hong Chen smiled lightly, and there was an imperceptible cold light in his eyes.

He has never been the master of exchange.

When Li Feifei was his girlfriend, he dared to beat the director.

Now that someone wants to suppress him, he naturally wants to make the other party look good.

Then, Ge Chen arranged the air tickets, and the team returned to Kyoto.

After getting off the plane, to Hong Chen's surprise, there were quite a few fans who picked him up, and most of them were female fans.

Ge Chen told him that many fans would inquire about the idol's itinerary, and you are now a popular idol.

Regarding this, Hong Chen was noncommittal. He signed autographs for fans at the airport, took photos with them, and finally waved goodbye to fans cheerfully.

Then, he had a good rest in Kyoto for two days. During this period, he wanted to visit Wu Zhan, but after chatting with him, he found out that Wu Zhan was in the army as an intern and training for the filming of the movie "Wolf Warrior" written and directed by him, so he was not in Kyoto. .

For this, Hong Chen was particularly impressed.

In order to make a military-themed movie, they went to live in the army for a period of time and then left after a few days. I am afraid that few people can achieve this kind of approach.

So, some people's success is doomed.

Two days later, in the private room of the Star Hotel, Hong Chen and Ge Chen made an appointment to meet director Yan Chi.

Yan Chi is 26 years old this year, but because of his curly hair, he looks older.

He gives off a sense of calm.

"Teacher Hong Chen, hello, hello." Yan Chi politely extended his hand to greet Hong Chen.

Hong Chen shook hands with him, and said with a smile, "You can just call me Hong Chen. I'm quite awkward when the director calls me teacher."

"You are too polite. Yi Leng told me about your performance in the crew of "Li Bai". I really admire your acting skills."

Hong Chen didn't expect Yan Chi to be so polite, and responded with a smile.

Actually, it's normal for Yan Chi to be so polite.In many cases, the actors in the crew have a higher status than the director.

For example, if a certain top-notch Xiao Xianrou is in an ordinary crew, the director would not dare to turn on the machine unless he comes, and the director must follow Xiao Xianrou's ideas on how Xiao Xianrou wants to shoot.

Because the little fresh meat is the biggest selling point and reliance of the director in filming, it must be offered.

This situation will be much less in the crew of a big director.

Yan Chi has just graduated now. Although he is capable, his status is not high, so he is very polite to Hong Chen.

"Director Yan Chi, let's talk about the film's salary." After chatting for a while, Ge Chen began to get to the point.

Hearing this, Yan Chi's face showed a bit of embarrassment, "Teacher Hong Chen, Miss Ge, to be honest, the film's current capital turnover is a bit difficult, and the remuneration I can give is probably not too much. high."

After hearing his words, both Hong Chen and Ge Chen had a look of astonishment on their faces.

Difficulty in cash flow?

The cost of this movie is at most 5000 million. Your parents are sitting on billions of dollars in assets, and even one hundred million is enough for him to shoot casually.

Yan Chi saw Hong Chen and Ge Chen's expressions of disbelief, so he explained: "I know what you are thinking, let's put it this way, I really don't want to rely on my parents at all, I have to rely on myself .”

"Besides, my parents didn't support me. They hoped that my first film would fail so that I could go back and inherit my mother's billion-dollar company."

After hearing his explanation, Hong Chen couldn't help smacking his lips.

After all, it is the rich second generation. If it fails, it will be forced to go back and inherit billions of dollars of property.

This caught him by surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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