The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 387 The new show is finalized!

Chapter 387 The new show is finalized!

After the real man war ended, Hong Chen heard movement in the bedroom, so he went offline to take care of his wife.

"Appoint again when you have time." Hong Chen said to everyone.

"Haha, okay." Chen Chichi responded.

"Goodbye, male god!" Mozi greeted.

"Goodbye, Hong Chen." Ke also said on Tuesday.

Netizens in their live broadcast room were very reluctant to let Hong Chen go offline, and asked to invite Hong Chen again.

But Hong Chen had already left.

Later, the game live broadcast of Hong Chen, Mozi, and Tuesday Ke became a trending search.

Most of the netizens said that it is a pity that they missed such a wonderful live broadcast, and hope that Hong Chen will not miss the live broadcast next time.

Yan Yileng just woke up at this very moment.

The pain of pregnancy for a girl is much more severe than normal people imagine, but fortunately, Hong Chen treats her very well.

After staying with Yan Yileng for a while, Hong Chen received another call from Ge Chen.

"Boss, there is a script with a high specification. I would like to ask if you are interested in it?" Ge Chen asked.

"What script?" Hearing Ge Chen's words, Hong Chen felt a little curious.

"The script is called "Chongzhen". It is a historical film. The Huaxia Cultural Bureau contacted us and wanted to produce this film. We have already agreed, and I think you are very suitable, boss."

""Chongzhen"?" Hong Chen murmured.

He knew this role was a role destined to be tragic.

Because Chongzhen was the king of Ming's subjugation.

All his life he longed to save Daming, but the precarious Daming was already terminally ill.He had no choice, no help, no money and no soldiers, and finally hanged himself when the city was broken, in order to die for the country.

Chongzhen is a tragic character. Since he took office as emperor, the entire Ming Dynasty has never experienced peace and prosperity. It was either a severe drought, a flood, or a plague of locusts. There were uprisings everywhere.

All civil and military officials are moths, and there is no one who can use them.

When Li Zicheng came to the city, Chongzhen asked the civil and military officials how to deal with it, and the only answer was "Your Majesty is the master!"

No one gave him advice.

On the last day of Chongzhen's life, he experienced a lot.

He can choose to run away.

However, the emperor guards the gate of the country, and the king dies in the country.He used the feat of hanging himself on Meishan to maintain the last trace of the emperor's dignity.

This tragic character has great artistic value.

It can be said that the Huaxia Cultural Bureau plans to film the last day of Chongzhen. If the filming is good, it will definitely be a monument to literary and historical films.

Moreover, if it can gain international recognition, it will also be a good thing for the promotion of Chinese culture.

It should be mentioned here that the three major international film festivals and the Oscars, the Oscars are more commercial, and the three international film festivals are more artistic.

For example, Wong Kar Wai and Ang Lee have won numerous international awards, and they all rely on art films to achieve their achievements.

And the irony is that in recent years, Huaxia's films have almost failed at the three major international film festivals, and it can be traced back to the work "Lust Caution" that won the Golden Lion Award at the Venice Film Festival earlier.

Let me mention here that "Lust, Caution" is a literary and romantic film with a very high artistic achievement. Whether it is plot, score, or scene design, it is better than 99% of similar films.

Especially in the international awards, it has won numerous awards.

It's a pity, because Tang Wei's figure is so good, everyone's attention was attracted by those scenes.Instead, it ignores the value of the film itself.

"Okay, I'll take this drama." Hong Chen thought for a while, and planned to take this drama.

Now that he is filming, the things he thinks about are indeed different.

For example, in the early days, he wanted to make some popular films in order to become famous.

But now, what he needs is real accumulation, and a film with a good reputation and high quality to promote something.

"Chongzhen" is exactly the case.

This is a very challenging role.

The king of subjugation, the last day must be full of bleakness and sadness.

To be honest, at present, there are not many Chinese actors who can play this role well.

Only top actors like Zun Long who played "The Last Emperor" can do it.

"Okay, then I'll get in touch."

"Well, the specific schedule will be pushed back, and it will take more than a month."

"Understood, don't worry, it will take a while to prepare, not so fast."

After the communication, Hong Chen's new itinerary was finalized.

At this time, Hong Chen was also ambitious.

From this point of view, next year is destined to have a big achievement.

Not to mention that "The Shawshank Redemption" is still in preparation, if "Chongzhen" can be shot well, it will definitely surprise the world again.

After all, this is a very difficult role.

During the following period of time, Hong Chen stayed at home with peace of mind.Occasionally playing games, keeping fit, spending time with my wife, etc., can be regarded as a comfortable life.

In the back, Yan Yileng went into labor and was sent to the VIP room of the hospital.This society can be said to be fair or unfair. From medical care, education, to social resources, etc., rich people will naturally get better treatment.

On the day Yan Yileng gave birth, Hong Chen, Yan Wanjun, Yan Chi, Yang Lin, and his parents Ding Meimei and Hong Zhan all rushed over.

Hong Chen was very anxious.He used to watch TV, and the father-to-be was walking back and forth outside the operating room. At that time, he thought it was too fake. Now that it was his turn, he really felt restless.

Fortunately, this anxiety didn't last long. With a cry, the doctor came out and announced that a son was born, and the mother and child were safe.

Hong Chen glanced at the child, smiled dotingly, but immediately rushed in to visit Yan Yileng.

This is the embodiment of a person's love.

Yan Yileng was extremely weak at this moment, but when she saw Hong Chen rushing in with a concerned face, she felt that everything was worth it.

She has heard many stories about how many women never come to see her after giving birth, and even husbands and in-laws don't care about women after they hold their children.

The expression of a man loving a woman is that the first concern at this time is the woman, not the child.

"Are you alright?" Hong Chen felt extremely distressed when he saw Yan Yileng's pale face.

"En." Yan Yileng nodded, smiling happily.

Afterwards, Hong Chen posted a photo of his son's little feet with the caption: "Mother and child are safe."

There is no doubt that the popularity of this Weibo exploded instantly.

Netizens throughout Huaxia began to send their blessings.

The number of retweets of his Weibo broke through 500 million in a short time, and the number of likes reached a terrifying 2000 million.

Celebrities in the entertainment industry all sent messages to express their congratulations.

Netizens sincerely wish this "good-looking couple".

You know, there are a lot of fans of Ke Hongchen and Yan Yileng CP, and now that they have a child, these netizens are more excited than themselves having a child.

As a result, discussions on this matter have continued for a long time on the Internet.

Afterwards, Hong Chen stayed with Yan Yileng for a while, and then officially started to work.

After New Year's Day, when the cold winter was expected, he came to the company and officially prepared to shoot "Chongzhen".

This is destined to be a movie that goes down in history.

 Thank you, Marshal Xuanyuanxuan, for the reward of [-] yuan, thank you big brother, I am grateful!

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(End of this chapter)

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