The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 388 The Absolute Core of the Crew!

Chapter 388 The Absolute Core of the Crew!
Hong Chen came to the company to review the cast list.

Hongchen Media Company is the producer of this movie, and it is co-produced by the National Bureau of Culture, the History Research Institute and other institutions.

It can be said that this is a very rich movie.

Therefore, they naturally have to take it seriously.

This time, all the actors invited are old actors, or actors with good reputation and acting skills.

The principle that Hong Chen has always adhered to is that acting skills are more important than traffic. Of course, it is also necessary to ensure that the actor's popularity reaches a certain level.

The content of the script of "Chongzhen" is the last day of the last emperor of Ming Dynasty.

Because it is an orthodox historical movie, neither the battle nor the momentum can be lost, and it must be perfectly restored, so this movie has a large investment.

The director of this play is the director of Hongchen Media Company, named Li Qi, who has a strong director ability and belongs to the company's most powerful director.

There are many investment companies who want to invest in this movie. When they heard that Hong Chen was starring, many companies wanted to invest.

This also shows Hong Chen's current market appeal.

But this movie is not a commercial movie after all, and Hong Chen didn't need that much investment. He just found three familiar companies to share some risks.

Hong Chen has already got the script, so he knows the plot of the movie very well.

This drama is the story of ruining the country and destroying the family. The background and tone are full of tragic colors.

And the core of this story is him.

In other words, Hong Chen's performance in this movie accounts for at least 70% of the movie's weight.

The whole crew wants to see his performance.

To be honest, as an ordinary person, such a role would be impossible to perform.

This kind of biographical movie has high requirements for actors, even if there is a little violation, the effect of the whole movie will be greatly reduced.

There are several classic scenes in this play.

The first is that Chuang Wang Li Zicheng wants to negotiate peace. To put it bluntly, he wants to admit that Li Zicheng is also the emperor and establish a second country.At that time, Chongzhen wanted to negotiate peace, but he didn't want to be the sinner.

So in the main hall, he hoped that someone from the civil and military officials would come forward to agree to negotiate a peace and bear this infamy, but no one was willing to do so.

Just like the later Li Hongzhang, in fact Li Hongzhang had already argued for Huaxia at many negotiating tables, but at that time the Qingzheng government was too unsatisfactory, so he was forced to sign so many treaties, and in the end he was notorious for a long time.

As a result, Daming was forced to go to war with Li Zicheng.

In the following scene, Chongzhen hoped that elite soldiers from all walks of life could stand up, but there were no people left in the long-term poverty, and Li Zicheng attacked the palace all the way.

Then there are the flames of war, and the scenes of depression and panic in Daming.

In the midst of the flames of war, gunpowder and smoke were everywhere outside the palace, and it was only a matter of time before Li Zicheng broke into the palace.

This time is the focus of the play. Chongzhen bestowed death on all the concubines in the harem. He was so indignant that he took a loyal old eunuch to Meishan, and finally chose to hang himself.

This is a fallen emperor.

This is a powerless emperor.

Of course, some things are also related to his self-inflicted suffering.

For example, at the age of 17, he was just and executed the treacherous official Wei Zhongxian.

At that time, during the dispute between the Eunuch Party and the Donglin Party, Wei Zhongxian, as the leader of the Eunuch Party, persecuted many members of the Donglin Party.

But there is one thing to say, as a eunuch, Wei Zhongxian at least knows one thing, that is, his rights are bestowed by the imperial power.

He will persecute ministers and be greedy, but he will always be loyal to the emperor.

Wei Zhongxian is naturally a damned person, but as an emperor, the 17-year-old Chongzhen does not understand the emperor's mind and the court situation is not stable. How can he kill the eunuch who has the role of maintaining the court situation?
Wei Zhongxian was trapped in a cage at that time, knowing that he would die, but he still bluntly advised Chongzhen:
"If you want Daming to live a few more years, you must not be important to Donglin's party members."

But Chongzhen obviously didn't listen.

As a result, the Donglin Party took power, and the entire Ming Dynasty gradually died in warm water.No one will recommend it outright, no one will give you honest advice, and some are just nonsense that "it's up to your majesty to decide".

The actors selected for this play, except for a few old actors who were invited, most of them are newcomers to the company.

Lu Jia plays the eldest princess in this play, who is Chongzhen's daughter.

In fact, there is not much difference in the age of the two, only about 3 years old, but it doesn't matter if Hong Chen wants to dress up as an emperor.

There is one scene that is more important, that is, at the end, in order to prevent his concubine and daughter from falling into the hands of the enemy, after drinking dozens of cups of wine, Chongzhen personally slashed and killed Queen Zhou, Concubine Yuan and others with his sword. of two daughters.

While chopping and returning, weeping: "Why did you bother to be born in the emperor's family?"

Some people say that this is a bit cruel, but in fact this is the real history.

To give a simple example, the reason why the American drama "Game of Thrones" is so popular is because the killings and grievances in it are fruitless, and family affection, love, life and death are worthless in front of rights and interests.

Thinking about the shame of Jingkang back then, the fate of the princesses in the previous dynasty was so miserable that people couldn't bear to mention it.

Therefore, death is the best relief.

The country is dead, as the royal family of the country, how can it be possible to live well.

Therefore, Chongzhen was right to do so.

History evaluates Chongzhen as "the king of subjugation who is least like a subjugated king", because he has means, ideas, and scheming, but he is suspicious by nature, and Daming is already terminally ill, so there is nothing he can do.

Lu Jia was still very beautiful in ancient costumes. She wore a light pink classic long dress with exquisite makeup, and her every frown and smile were particularly eye-catching.

"You can't laugh so happily when you're acting, after all, it's a tragedy." Hong Chen and Lu Jia said with a smile when they played each other.

"Don't worry, brother Hong Chen, my acting skills are not bad." Lu Jia said with a playful smile.

Lu Jia can now be regarded as one of the faces of Hongchen Media. Her youthful and beautiful image is the killer of countless straight men. She is born with a "first love face", and her figure and appearance are both worth mentioning.

Then, Hong Chen also went to fix his makeup.

The makeup artist carefully designed the makeup for Hong Chen. In order to show the dilapidated scene of the mountains and rivers, the makeup artist deliberately made his hair a little messy, his eyes a little haggard, and the whole person looked listless.

"You're not doing it right." After seeing his makeup, Hong Chen shook his head.

Director Li Qi was on the side, stepped forward and asked, "Hong Chen, what's wrong?"

Hong Chen looked at himself in the mirror and said: "There is no doubt that Chongzhen knows that Ming Dynasty will perish, but he is not willing to do so. He knows that he is the king of a country, and in the end, he also wants to maintain the majesty of the king of a country. .”

"what do you mean?"

"The scene can be chaotic, but Chongzhen can't be chaotic. On the contrary, his demeanor should be more tidy and majestic! Because he is the emperor, demeanor is the only thing he can stick to in the end."

Hearing Hong Chen's words, Li Qi was taken aback for a moment, then savored it carefully and found that Hong Chen was right.

Everyone thought that the king of subjugation must be a vicissitudes and messy image.

But what Hong Chen said made them react.

Although he is the king of subjugation, he is a king after all!

Even if it is death, you must be decent, and you must have the appearance of an emperor!
At the same time, there is also an expert who specializes in history, named Li Xishan.He is a member of the Cultural Bureau and has studied history for many years, this time as a consultant for this film.

At first he also felt that there was something wrong with Hong Chen's makeup, but now he suddenly realized it after hearing Hong Chen's words.

Chongzhen can't be said to be a wise monarch, but he is definitely not a faint monarch. Chongzhen has great ambitions, and at the same time he pays more attention to his own manners.

Hearing this, Li Xishan not only gave Hong Chen another high look.

He was very satisfied when he knew that Hong Chen was the lead actor, otherwise, as a veteran of the Cultural Bureau, he would not have come out to be a special consultant for any movie.

Now that he heard Hong Chen's opinion, he couldn't help admiring him even more.

Afterwards, the make-up artist redefines the makeup for the character.

This time, Hong Chen's majesty stood out.

After he used his skills to rule the world, he was even more magnificent, as if the real emperor was alive.

Afterwards, Hong Chen impressed everyone with his acting skills.

Above the main hall, facing the scene where Li Zicheng proposed peace, his performance was impeccable.

The reason why Li Zicheng negotiated peace was because he didn't want to risk the world to destroy the emperor, otherwise the Liao army and the Qing army would deal with him at that time, so he chose to negotiate peace, and for the time being he was only crowned king. To put it bluntly, it was no different from being emperor.

None of the civil and military officials answered him, and no one was willing to make a suggestion to agree to the peace.

Hong Chen sat on the throne, exuding the majesty of the emperor all over his body.But upon closer inspection, one finds that the majesty of the Son of Heaven is a little less forceful and a little more helpless.

Especially his lax and hopeless eyes, which just rightly showed what it means to be alone.

His face was full of indecision and resentment.

These courtiers in the audience, at the critical moment, all became useless rice buckets!
When Hong Chen performed this scene, all the eyes of the crew were on him.

They don't know how to describe the feeling in their hearts.

At this moment, they seemed to have really seen the sad emperor who was dying!

Hong Chen's performance actually really affected their state of mind!
Is this the charm of a national treasure actor?

Many crew members looked at Hong Chen with admiration and respect in their eyes at this moment.

No wonder Hong Chen was able to get to where he is today.

This acting is really amazing!
(End of this chapter)

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