Chapter 400 Unexpected Ending
Two days later, the premiere of "Chongzhen".

The first row was already full of judges for this film festival. Director Li Qi was beside him, looking very nervous.

Because Lu Jia played the role of a princess, she was also invited to participate in the Cannes Film Festival this time.

It was her first time participating in a film festival at an international level, so she looked excited.

Hong Chen, Ge Chen, and Lu Jia are sitting together. Hong Chen sits in the middle, with the vision of a domineering president; Ge Chen is a tall and straight secretary with professional attire and black-frame glasses; Lu Jia is dressed Young and beautiful, she would laugh and talk to Hong Chen from time to time.

People who didn't know saw this scene, their eyes were full of envy.

By the way, let me sigh, it is good to be a big star.

At this moment, the movie theater was already full of people. As a big movie shortlisted for the main competition, it naturally received a lot of attention.

At this time, the lights dimmed, and everyone's eyes focused on the screen.

At first, there were some long-distance shots, including magnificent rivers and mountains, majestic palaces, and dignitaries in bright clothes.

Then, the film gradually reveals to the audience that the foundation of Daming hidden under the splendor of gold and jade has already been precarious.

The emperor of the Ming Dynasty had a passion for governing the country and the world, but he had nowhere to use it.

It's like hitting the cotton with your fist no matter what. Looking at the civil and military courts, no one is willing to take even the slightest responsibility.

Hong Chen's performance in it was even closer to perfection.

Just the scene in the court, I don't know how many audiences were amazed.

In his eyes, there was the self-blame of seeing the country in ruins but being helpless, the resentment of seeing the civil and military affairs of the court were full of wine, and the fear of hearing that Li Zicheng's army had invaded the imperial city.

Li Qi is a great director, he is very good at controlling the tone of the film.

At the beginning of the movie, most of them were bright colors, beautiful mountains and green waters, red walls and green tiles.

Gradually, the filter renders to gray, and the picture also presents a strong color of sadness.

Li Zicheng's thousands of troops, the smoke of the palace, and the civil and military officials who have thrown away their helmets and armor
Until finally, on the gray mountain of coal, Hong Chen led an eunuch slowly to a dead end.

The last scene was really amazing.

Hong Chen's performance before committing suicide in Meishan is extremely contagious.

"No wonder I was shortlisted for the main competition unit, this acting is amazing!"

"Huh! It's so depressing, the emperor is crying for me."

"How pitiful is this king who is helpless in the face of a weak country."

"History has always been like this, winners and losers, and those who fail will always be tragedies."

In the movie theater, many people saw this scene and expressed infinite emotion in their hearts.

In the end, the whole movie was over, and most of the audience nodded secretly.

Looking at it now, "Chongzhen" is definitely a good movie with depth.

This year's Cannes Film Festival, the competition for the Palme d'Or is bound to be extremely fierce.Because the quality of any work in the main competition unit is very high!
It is precisely because of their high quality that they can be selected by the main competition unit.

The next day, the awards ceremony officially began.

Appeared at the end of the Cannes Film Festival red carpet.When he got out of the car, the cameras in the hands of the reporters were like guns and sharp cannons, and they frantically took pictures of him.

There are many security personnel on the red carpet of the Cannes Film Festival to maintain order, and stars need to show invitations before they can enter.

Unlike those movie award ceremonies, there is no specific order for the red carpet, so there will be some chaos on the scene.

However, security personnel will always pay attention to the scene, and someone who stays too long will be ruthlessly driven away.

To be honest, the nominees who have been nominated are all disdainful to stay on the red carpet for too long, so they just go through the motions, but many carpet stars like to take pictures at this time.

Hong Chen walked through the red carpet with the spring breeze blowing on his face, without stopping at all.But the cameras of the reporters followed him all the time.

On the way, he met several young and beautiful female stars who greeted him. These stars were all Chinese female stars, but Hong Chen didn't know them, so Hong Chen didn't pay much attention to them.

The award ceremony is still a familiar process and a familiar feeling.

The stars are bright and beautiful, and they sit together happily.

Among them, the ones that received the most attention were of course the Palme d'Or and the best actor and best actress.

The crew members of "Chongzhen" - basically people from Hongchen Media Company were sitting together and chatting.

"Master Hong, do we have a high chance of winning this time?" Director Li Qi asked nervously.

Hearing his words, Hong Chen shook his head and said, "It's hard to say, there are a total of [-] films nominated for the main competition, from all over the world, and many of them are excellent works."

Ge Chen also nodded, and said, "The Cannes awards are much more competitive than those domestic awards. After all, we are facing the global film industry, and no one knows which one will win."

"Yeah, to be honest, I really don't know what to do this time." Hong Chen said a little nervously.

As they spoke, bits and pieces of awards had been handed out.

"Ladies and gentlemen, next, we will present the awards for the best leading actor and actress."

The host said passionately.

Hearing her words, everyone couldn't help cheering up.

When the best actor is announced, the nominations are announced first:
Among the nominations is Hong Chen's "Chongzhen".

The clip played on the big screen was the last scene of Hong Chen hanging himself on an old tree in Meishan, especially the last sentence of Hong Chen: "I don't want to be a king of subjugation." All the audience couldn't help but admire.

Such a performance is really touching.

Several other films starring male actors were also very classic, so when the nomination list came out, the audience cheered.

But this time, the spotlight didn't hit Hong Chen's head.

"The winner for Best Actor is:"

"Antonio Banderas, Pain and Glory."

As soon as this remark came out, all the audience cheered.

Several unsuccessful candidates did not say a word.


Hong Chen's performance in this film is supposed to be impeccable, but at the top international film festivals, those who can be shortlisted for best actor have impeccable performances.

In addition, the final result is determined by the jury, and everyone's aesthetics are different.

Therefore, Hong Chen regretted losing the election.

"Master Hong." Li Qi wanted to say something.

Ge Chen and Lu Jia also looked at Hong Chen with concern.

Hong Chen smiled, and said: "It's okay, this situation is normal, the best actor of the International Film Festival is not so easy to get."

Hong Chen felt a little lost in his heart, but he still acted relatively relaxed.

He had been mentally prepared for this before.

"Chongzhen" tells the story of the ancient Chinese dynasty after all, and the scenes and plots shown may not be liked by everyone.

Afterwards, the Palme d'Or was announced, and the winner was the movie "Parasite" from the cold country.

Only Li Qi won the Best Director Award for "Chongzhen", and nothing else.

About 90% of the films participating in the Cannes Film Festival are fruitless.

The competition is extremely cruel.

"The depth of the script is still not enough, or the ancient Chinese culture is not well accepted." Hong Chen realized where the problem was.

At international film festivals, it's normal to fail.

As he said before, each depends on his own ability.

He didn't have too much expectation for this movie, it can only be regarded as a relatively successful literary and documentary film.

To be honest, being able to stand out from thousands of films in the world and be nominated for Cannes Best Actor and Palme d'Or is already a full affirmation of his acting skills and this film.

"Brother Hong Chen, are you okay?" Lu Jia comforted with concern.

"It's okay, you can't win every nomination, it's normal." Hong Chen smiled.

"Well, you performed so well in "Chongzhen", I don't think other people's acting skills can compare to yours!" Lu Jia said unhappily again.

"I've seen "Pain and Glory", and Antonio's performance is also very good. He deserves his name as the actor." Hong Chen said.

There is no first in literature, and no second in martial arts.This is also the case with movies. The opinions of the jury are always subject to a certain degree, and there is no certainty about winning awards.

But as long as it is recognized by the public, it can be regarded as a successful movie.

This time at the Cannes Film Festival, Hong Chen realized how fierce the competition of international film festivals is.

Unlike in China, basically if his film is nominated, the possibility of winning the championship is very high.

Fortunately, he has another movie.

Hong Chen is truly looking forward to "The Shawshank Redemption".

(End of this chapter)

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