Chapter 401 Menacing Water Army

"I heard that you were nominated for Best Actor in Cannes, but failed?"

Just after the film festival ended, Yan Chi called.

Hong Chen had already received several comforting calls and text messages, and the first one to call him was naturally Yan Yileng.

"Well, no comment." Hong Chen said calmly.

"Hahaha, you bastard, there will be a day when you will not be selected as the best actor." Yan Chi laughed.

The relationship between the two of them is very good, so the effect of consolation is better.

"Would you like to try it?"

"No, I don't have your perverted acting skills." Yan Chi waved his hand hurriedly and said.

"However, I expect the post-production of "The Shawshank Redemption" to be completed in just over a month, so maybe we can look forward to it by then."

Hearing his words, Hong Chen suddenly asked with some joy: "So fast? Are you sure there is no problem."

"It's pretty slow. This movie is supported by you and Freeman's performances and plots. There are no special effects or actions. All I have to do is change a few shots and switch between close-up and long-range shots. work." Yan Chi said immediately.

"In this way, when it is almost finished, you can come and have a look for yourself."

"It's settled." Hong Chen just agreed.

Hearing the news of "The Shawshank Redemption", the haze in Hong Chen's heart was swept away.

As the song says, life is not only about the present, but also poetry and the distance ahead.

However, compared with his calmness, the Huaxia entertainment circle is not so peaceful.

You know, in the past two years, Hongchen Media Company has sprung up suddenly, and its development speed is beyond people's imagination.

As a gold-lettered signboard, Hong Chen has made remarkable achievements one after another, and his artists also cover the development of various aspects such as film and television, fashion, music, etc., and the achievements in development are not low.

It can be said that Hongchen Media has already become the fifth largest entertainment company in less than two years.

Too fast development is a good thing, but it is also a troublesome thing.

Therefore, many business opponents are particularly unhappy with Hongchen Media.

They have been pressed down, and they can't find a chance to stand up.

Now, the opportunity has come.

The reason is that after the Cannes Film Festival ended, Feng Xiaogang took the lead in bombarding "Chongzhen".

Feng Xiaogang's nickname is Feng Dangdang, who has been hated by many celebrities.For example, Yuanlong, Li Chen and the like, no matter how big or small the wrist is, they are all jealous.Including Sicong and Jianlin, they have all been bullied.

Its popularity is not too great.

Cannes Film Festival was shortlisted for the main competition unit and was intercepted. Director Feng was already angry.Now that he learned that Hong Chen had failed to compete for the Palme d'Or and Best Actor, he immediately posted a mocking Weibo.

"The jury's eyes are discerning, and the commercial actor should not join in the fun in the field of literature and art."

In fact, Feng Xiaogang had the experience of being crushed by the box office of a movie starring Hong Chen long ago, so this time it was considered a revenge blow.

In fact, Feng Xiaogang's words didn't cause much disturbance at first, but at this time, many entertainment companies already regarded "Red Dust Media" as a thorn in their side.

There is a saying that if a tree is more beautiful than a forest, the wind will destroy it.

Seeing the opportunity to smear Hongchen, other companies that were originally business rivals actually united at this time and began to smear Hongchen Media with this.

Even some of the big entertainment companies are sneaking in.

All of a sudden, Hong Chen was flooded with soft articles about his failure to win Best Actor in Cannes.

These soft articles are very advanced, and they are not directly hacked, but in a reversed way.

It probably means that Hong Chen has gone so smoothly all the way, but now he is proud and complacent and has suffered.At the end, I would like to add that I hope Hong Chen can go further.

The gist of the article is that Hong Chen is now arrogant and conceited.

There are even articles saying that just after being nominated, Hong Chen held a "celebration banquet for being the best actor in Cannes", the degree of arrogance can be seen in general.

In addition to this kind of text, there are also many black ones on the front.

"The deal between Hongchen Media and the Cannes Film Festival Organizing Committee is exposed!"

""Chongzhen" was shortlisted for this reason!"

"Hong Chen's confidant Ge Chen and the person in charge of the Cannes Film Festival touching photos!"

At that time, Ge Chen had dinner with the organizing committee of the Cannes Film Festival, which was also to clear up the relationship. "Chongzhen" entered the selection of the main unit relying on its real strength.

But after the photos of Ge Chen eating with members of the organizing committee came out, netizens didn't think so.

Many people have already believed that Hong Chen's entry into the Cannes Film Festival selection process this time was bought through connections.

At first no one believed it, but there were too many soft articles like this.

Some netizens also started to discuss.

"It's no wonder that I was nominated for Best Actor in Cannes. It turned out that I was given money."

"I never thought that Hong Chen would do such a thing!"

"Don't be kidding, Hong Chen needs money to be nominated? Haven't you seen his performance?"

"One thing to say, there is really nothing to say about Hong Chen's acting skills. But there are pictures and the truth."

"I don't think it's real."

In fact, most netizens are relatively rational, but they can't stand the fact that there are many keyboard warriors in the society.

The keyboard man has always had no scruples, what he wants is the pleasure of attacking people, the more severe the attacking people, the more enjoyable they are.

"Hong Chen is gone, spending money to buy nominations, tsk tsk."

"Hong Chen, be an actor well, don't think so much about what you have and what you don't have."

"Huh, is this a national treasure actor? I love it."

"I used to think that Huaxia produced a good actor, but I didn't expect it."

"Ever since he started the company, I feel that there is something wrong with this person. Hongchen Media is also a bunch of mobs. Go to bed and sleep."

No one expected that such a "demon wind" would blow up on the Internet for no reason.

The instigator Feng Xiaogang didn't even think of it.

He was actually complaining, but he started it out of nowhere.

Feng Xiaogang has already deleted his Weibo, but this trend can no longer be controlled.

A lot of people are talking about it.

More than a dozen entertainment companies are behind it.

"Hong Chen has so many achievements, so many works, is it useful to be so black?" In an entertainment company, an artist asked the general manager.

The general manager smiled and said a wise saying:

"The entertainment industry has no memory. No matter how popular a person is, when he has an accident, his works will gradually be forgotten by people. In this industry, there will always be only 'now'."

"Of course, the more stable the foundation, the slower it will fall. This time it is definitely impossible to overthrow him, but this is a turning point. If he can't eliminate this turning point in a short time, then he may be depressed."

The artist nodded half understanding, but the manager smiled meaningfully.

For veterans like them who have been in the entertainment industry for many years, they can see that Hong Chen's career has always been a rising line, just like an exponential function, rising higher and higher.

Their effort this time is to turn this function into a quadratic function, so that Hong Chen's career will start to decline.

At this moment, inside Hongchen Media, the high-level executives are also a little flustered.

After all, the crime of "spending money to buy nominations for international film festivals" is too big a crime.

Ge Chen is organizing the propaganda department to post a clarification on Weibo, and at the same time use the power of propaganda to restore the image.

"Damn it, who is leading the navy this time?"

In the past, many Chinese films were also nominated for the main competition unit, but they all naturally failed.But I have never seen such a big reaction from netizens.

Now Hongchen Media is inexplicably facing this situation.

Obviously, someone deliberately targeted.

And aggressively.

Ge Chen's ability is very strong, and Hongchen Media has a great career, so he has stabilized public opinion for the time being.

But inevitably, this matter has damaged Hong Chen's reputation and the company's reputation to a certain extent.

After Hong Chen knew about this, he raised his eyebrows and his face became a bit indifferent.

"You let the company deal with those trolls and trolls first, and then find out which ghosts and monsters are making trouble. We will write down this grudge."

Hong Chen is no stranger to this kind of thing now.

"As for the adverse effects. As long as the next work is a big hit, it doesn't matter, and we will continue to skyrocket."

(End of this chapter)

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