Chapter 41 Fighting for Resources
Not long after Dong Wei left, Ge Chen knocked on the door and entered Wang Yao's office.

When Wang Yao saw Ge Chen coming in, he knew that she was also here for the public service promotional film.

"Manager, I'm here to confirm the number of public service announcements. You promised me this." Ge Chen cut to the chase and said directly.

Wang Yao replied with a gentle smile: "Ge Chen, you also know that this quota is very helpful in shaping a positive image, and it can even be said to be an opportunity for the main theme image of society. Hong Chen's words, may it be a little too early. "

The main theme refers to the positive image of the artist, such as the anti-smoking ambassador and the global environmental protection ambassador, which are very helpful for the development of actors.

This time, the public service promotional video will be broadcast in various subway stations and satellite TV channels in Kyoto City. Although it is not as big as the anti-smoking ambassador, but if you can show your face in it, you can gain people's favor.

Ge Chen could see that Wang Yao was a little shaken, it should be Dong Wei who came to him.

Before Wang Yao agreed to give this resource to Hong Chen, it was because Hong Chen didn't give him good resources for a while after signing the contract, and Hong Chen performed well, as a kind of compensation.

Using this excuse now is not enough to make Wang Yao firm in his determination to give resources.

"Manager, I'll just say something straight. I know Yuan Jiaming's team is also fighting for this matter, but manager, you have to consider the development prospects of Hong Chen and Yuan Jiaming."

"Yuan Jiaming has made his debut for seven or eight years, and he has basically settled down, so it is difficult to shine again."

"But Hong Chen is different. The cast of "Li Bai" beat Ren Tianzhi, Wang Feiyu and others, and he has a good relationship with Zhang Hai. Hong Chen has an advantage."

"In addition, we just finished discussing a script recently, and we haven't had time to report it. The female lead is Yan Yileng, the director is his brother, and Hong Chen is the male lead. This means that Hong Chen and the Yan family have also developed a relationship. "

Ge Chen began to talk about Hong Chen's advantages, and she knew what Wang Yao was looking for.

It is the interests, who can bring greater benefits to the company, and the resources will be inclined to whom.

Of course, Ge Chen didn't say that Yan Yileng's parents were very disapproving of Yan Chi's films, and negotiating skills still needed to be paid attention to.

Sure enough, Wang Yao's eyes lit up when he heard that the heroine was Yan Yileng.

Yan Yileng is the heroine's script, so it's definitely not too bad.

"You guys found this script yourself?" Wang Yao asked with interest.

Among entertainment companies, the artist's film appointments are generally provided by the company. There are too few artists who can find resources by themselves, and even fewer artists who can find good resources.

Ge Chen's words let Wang Yao see the strength of Hong Chen's connections.

Of course, it's just what Wang Yao understands.

"That's right, manager, Hong Chen's development prospects are very good. The company must give him some good resources. He doesn't need film and television for the time being, but publicity is still very much needed."

Ge Chen said again.

Ge Chen's words carry a lot of weight, Wang Yao weighed it briefly, and then made up his mind.

"Okay, since that's the case, don't worry, this quota is given to Hong Chen, and there will be no change." Wang Yao said with a smile.

"Thank you, manager." A smile appeared on Ge Chenqiao's face.

"By the way, manager, there is one more thing." Ge Chen seemed to remember something, and said again.

"You said."

"Isn't the "Peace Elite" game going to shoot a promotional advertisement recently? We also have a spot here. I think Hong Chen is very suitable."

"Huh?" Hearing this, Wang Yao smiled helplessly.

He knew that the advertisement for "Peace Elite" required 4 entertainers, dressed in full armor and fighting, to charge forward in the flames of war.

Now that this game is very popular, the promotional advertisements can naturally bring some popularity to the artist.

However, this resource is now taken over by Yuan Jiaming.

Ge Chen's intention was obvious, that he wanted to grab Yuan Jiaming's resources.

"Ge Chen, Yuan Jiaming is also an old man of the company, this resource has been agreed with him earlier, so forget it." Wang Yao comforted.

"Manager, is he only allowed to rob my resources, and I'm not allowed to rob his?" Ge Chen asked with a slightly angry expression.

Of course, Ge Chen pretended this.

The entertainment industry is a place where the weak prey on the strong. For example, in an IP drama with a big heroine, the Huadans of various companies will desperately grab it.When they get to their second line, they need to grab some good announcements and slowly increase their popularity.

Ge Chen did this to remind Wang Yao that she is not willing to be bullied, and also to let Wang Yao not touch the resources in her hands in the future.

Wang Yao had no choice but to say: "Ge Chen, I know you did it because of the magazine cover, and what Dong Wei did is not very authentic. But he is also an old man in the company, so let me save face this time, forget it."

"Don't worry, I will talk to Dong Wei and let him not move your resources in the future."

Hearing this, Ge Chen nodded without saying anything more, greeted Wang Yao and left.

She knew that it would be difficult to snatch this resource from Yuan Jiaming, and Wang Yao couldn't make a decision.

After returning to the exclusive room, Ge Chen told Hong Chen about the situation.

Hong Chen smiled softly, "The "Peace Elite" promotional video? Why didn't you mention this resource earlier. I remember that Wu Zhan is going to shoot this promotional video, and he seems to be the person in charge."

With that said, Hong Chen called Wu Zhan.

On the other side, Dong Wei returned to the team.

"How is it?" Seeing him coming in, Yuan Jiaming immediately asked, "Have you snatched up the public service video?"

Yuan Jiaming looks very young and has a well-proportioned figure. He usually plays some positive roles in dramas. The reputation of these roles is not bad, but their popularity is average.

But in private, he is not positive.

"The general manager didn't directly agree, but it seems that he has let go. So, let's have a game tonight, treat the manager to a meal, and I will prepare some gifts later, and try to win this resource in one fell swoop tonight." Dong Wei hehe laughed.

"So, there's something going on?" Yuan Jiaming's expression brightened.

"Of course, how can such a good resource be distributed to a newcomer who has just joined the company for two or three months! I checked, that Hong Chen has no background, and his parents are ordinary people, so you can rest assured." Dong Wei continued.

Yuan Jiaming also laughed, "However, the resources in Hong Chen's hands are really good. He just finished filming from director Zhang Haida's production team. I don't know how he climbed into Zhang Hai's line."

Dong Wei snorted mockingly, "Don't worry, it's just luck. He will still have to rely on the company for his film and television resources in the future. If he doesn't play around for a few years, he won't be able to get a good role at all, and it will gradually be like that."

"Haha, so, you said why waste such good resources on him. You can inquire again to see if he still has any resources on hand. I think the sneaker advertisement he shot a while ago is also good."

Dong Wei smiled sinisterly, "Let me see again, the resources of this kind of newcomers are usually easy to grab, and I will grab all the resources that can be snatched."

Hearing this, Yuan Jiaming burst out laughing.

This is the case in the entertainment industry. Resources are certain, so naturally they need to be grabbed.

Compared with whose method is tough.

Yuan Jiaming's team saw that Hong Chen's team was just a newcomer, but the resources were so good, so they moved their minds and planned to use a trick to occupy the magpie's nest.

On the other side, Hong Chen and Wu Zhan were chatting happily.

"Brother Zhan, I really admire you. In order to make a movie, you really went to the army to experience life. You are a role model for me."

"Haha, it's okay, I really like this kind of place, if it's not too late now, I really want to live in such a place for a while."

"Brother Zhan, you just finished the experience, what have you been up to lately?"

"Oh, I'm in charge of a promotional video for an advertisement and a game, "Peace Elite". The subject matter is very good."

"What a coincidence? Brother Zhan, our company also has a quota for this promotional film. I really want to go, but it's okay, I didn't get selected."

"You want to come? That's great! I'm in charge of this promotional video. I can ask people directly. It's just a good time for us brothers to get together."

(End of this chapter)

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