The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 42 Mental retardation?Retarded!

Chapter 42 Mental retardation?Retarded!
Huahai company headquarters, restaurant.

Huahai's restaurants are also divided into levels. B-signed artists, A-signed artists, and some managers of the company are in one restaurant, and the rest are in another restaurant.

In many cases, the grading system is reflected in all aspects.

However, the schedule of A-signed artists is very full, and they are basically not in the company. B-signed artists sometimes come to the company to handle some business, so usually only B-signed artists and the person in charge of the company are here.

There were a lot of people having lunch, Hong Chen heard that the company's food was good, and wanted to experience it, so he and Ge Chen came to the restaurant for dinner.

The restaurant is a buffet, and the chef is a specially hired chef. The food is exquisite, such as seafood, fruit, steak, pizza and various meats, which make people appetite.

After finishing their meal, the two found a round table and sat down.

As the saying goes, no coincidence makes a book, there is a saying that Yuan Jia’s road is narrow, not long after the two of them sat down, Yuan Jiaming and Dong Wei also came to the restaurant for dinner.

Dong Wei smiled softly when he saw Hong Chen and Ge Chen, but he didn't feel embarrassed in the slightest, instead he felt somewhat complacent.

His eyes were somewhat condescending, as if looking at a loser.

"Hey, Miss Ge, what a coincidence, I'm also coming to the restaurant for dinner." Dong Wei smiled and greeted him, looking extraordinarily friendly.

After all, it is in the company's public place, so it should be installed.

"Yeah, what's the matter, Boss Dong is looking at the delicious steak on my plate, why don't you want to snatch it?" Ge Chen raised his head and mocked lightly.

Dong Wei's expression didn't change at all. Being a manager, he could deal with this level of verbal disputes at will.

"The big beauty is joking, how dare I do it in public?" Dong Wei chuckled and said, "But if your steak is really snatched away, it can only show that your skills are inferior to others, you say Is it right?"

Although the two seemed to be chatting happily, the atmosphere was already tense.

"Well, boss Dong doesn't need to worry about such trivial matters." Ge Chen replied indifferently.

Dong Wei began to introduce again: "My artist, Yuan Jiaming, you have met before." Then he looked at Hong Chen and said with a smile: "This is the newly signed artist Hong Chen, I believe you will have a very good one. future."

"It's just." Dong Wei paused, and his smile became a little bit colder, "This entertainment industry, you have to walk step by step. The steps are too big, and it is easy to fall."

It was said that Hong Chen ate a piece of steak, but he didn't look at Dong Wei at all, and turned to Ge Chen with some doubts, "Ge Chen, why are there still flies in the company's restaurant, buzzing for a long time, listen Reached?"

Hearing his words, Ge Chen smiled sweetly, "There seems to be one, I heard it too, it's so noisy, it's hard to eat."

Dong Wei's face darkened a bit.

He didn't expect that Hong Chen, a newcomer, would be so sharp and confrontational.

Under normal circumstances, young artists generally have no opinions and completely listen to their managers.This kind of verbal confrontation is also the battlefield of brokers.

But Hong Chen hated him so much that he had nothing to say.

Dong Wei snorted lightly, stopped saying those high-sounding words, and left with Yuan Jiaming.

"See, this Hong Chen is this kind of person, he can't go far at all, it's normal for resources to be robbed." After they left, Dong Wei said to Yuan Jiaming.

Yuan Jiaming nodded, "We will act tonight and grab the resources for the public service promotional film."

"Hahaha, they are probably still in the dark. I really want to see their expressions when they know that their resources have been taken by us." Dong Wei glanced in Hong Chen's direction and smiled triumphantly.

"Yeah, let them be proud for a while, two mentally retarded."

After eating at noon, Hong Chen took an hour's lunch break at the company.

In the afternoon, Hong Chen and Ge Chen went to Wang Yao's office together to discuss the contract for the non-profit film.

When they came out of Wang Yao's office, they happened to meet Dong Wei who came to look for Wang Yao.

"Yo, Boss Dong, is something wrong?" Ge Chen teased with a smile.

Dong Wei snorted softly when he saw her appearance.There was no one around right now, and he didn't have to put on a show.

"Yeah, I'm here to discuss something with the general manager. This matter may have something to do with you." Dong Wei smiled complacently.

Ge Chen naturally knew what he was talking about, but nodded meaningfully, "Then Boss Dong is going to work harder."

"Definitely, definitely." Dong Wei snorted, arrogantly, and then knocked on the door of Wang Yao's office.

When Dong Wei walked in, Ge Chen and Hong Chen stood at the door of the office, looking at each other.

"Watching a play?" Hong Chen raised his eyebrows and said with a smile.

"Inevitable." Ge Chen smiled openly, with a hint of gloating in his beautiful eyes.

These two people are also black-bellied masters.

Wang Yao let Dong Wei in, unconsciously narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked directly, "What's the matter?"

"Manager, it's fine. Jia Ming wants to treat you to dinner tonight. Thank you for taking care of him all the time." Dong Wei laughed.

Wang Yao is an old Jianghu, so he is well aware of his careful thinking, and said indifferently: "Dong Wei, I'm afraid I can't go, I have arrangements for tonight."

"What a coincidence." Dong Wei murmured to himself, but his face was still smiling.

"Then manager, how about tomorrow night?"

"Let's talk about it when the time comes." Wang Yao was ambiguous, but the meaning was actually very clear. When adults talk to each other, if they don't make a clear promise, they basically express rejection.

"By the way, I have reported to the higher-ups about the public service promotional film." Wang Yao said again. Hearing this, Dong Wei immediately cheered up 12 points.

Dong Wei thought to himself, what can the general manager report to the higher-ups?
It must be a matter of changing candidates!
Thinking of this, the smile on Dong Wei's face brightened.

"This public service promotional video is confirmed to be Hong Chen's participation, so don't think about it anymore." Wang Yao's calm voice sounded.

Hearing this, the smile on Dong Wei's face froze.

Are you sure Hong Chen is participating?
Didn't grab it?

Dong Wei instantly felt that his resources were being robbed.

Some people are greedy and think that what they want to steal already belongs to them. If the stealing fails, they think that someone else stole it from them.

Dong Wei is such a person.

"Manager, he is a newcomer, and his image is not positive. Is it suitable to appear in a public service promotional film?" Dong Wei hurriedly persuaded him, wanting to continue to try.

"You don't have to worry about it, the result can't be changed, you go down." Wang Yao waved his hand, motioning him to leave.

Seeing that Wang Yao had made up his mind, Dong Wei's expression changed, but he had no choice but to leave dejectedly.

As soon as he came out, Dong Wei found that Hong Chen and Ge Chen were standing outside the door, as if they were watching a play.

"Hey, Boss Dong, I don't know if what you said has been negotiated?" Ge Chen asked complacently.

Hong Chen cooperated tacitly and said: "Looking at this picture, it should be about the same."

Hearing the ridicule of the two people, Dong Wei's face became ugly.

He thought about it, but a smile appeared on his face immediately.

"Ge Chen, don't be too happy. After all, I won the cover promotion of "Men's Clothes" from you, and I still made money."

He thought that these words would bring him back, but he found that the expressions of Ge Chen and Hong Chen hadn't changed at all.

This time, his heart suddenly beat violently.

 Still asking for votes~The author will try his best to code~

(End of this chapter)

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