The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 43 Public service video, shooting!

Chapter 43 Public service video, shooting!

"Boss Dong wants it, so I'll give it to you." Hearing Dong Wei mentioning the magazine cover, Ge Chen didn't panic at all, but mocked lightly.

Dong Wei frowned, realizing that things were not simple.

When did Ge Chen become so generous?

At this moment, it was Yuan Jiaming who hurried over.Seeing Yuan Jiaming's appearance, Dong Wei had a bad feeling in his heart.

"Dong Wei, it's not good. Just now the "Peace Elite" operation team called and said that the game promotional advertisement would be canceled with us." Yuan Jiaming came to Dong Wei, squinted at Hong Chen, and then said in a low voice.

"Cancel?" At this moment, Dong Wei's face turned ugly, "Why?"

"They said that Wu Zhan, the lead actor of the promotional film, made the request, and Wu Zhan's team is also responsible for this matter, saying that they want to cancel this cooperation with us!"

Hearing this, Dong Wei gritted his teeth, immediately glanced at Hong Chen and Ge Chen, and left in a hurry, intending to make a call there.

Of course, his calls were in vain.

The operation team of "Peace Elite" has contacted Ge Chen through Wang Yao, and negotiated a contract with Hong Chen.

The promotional video for this game originally featured Wu Zhan as the lead actor, and as long as the other three were about the same, Wu Zhan had a lot of power to speak.

And Wu Zhan and Hong Chen are friends, so naturally they want Hong Chen.

This kind of thing is called a network.

Dong Wei never imagined that Hong Chen had such a relationship with Wu Zhan.He originally thought that Hong Chen was just a newcomer, and he robbed the resources as soon as he robbed them, but now that he ran into the muzzle of a gun, he could only admit that he was unlucky.

Dong Wei put down the phone with a gloomy expression.

The operation team of "Peace Elite" has clearly informed him to cancel the cooperation, and there is no room for maneuver.

In just a few minutes, they lost two major resources, the public service promotional video and the explosive game promotional video.

"Dong Wei, what should we do?" Yuan Jiaming frowned and said, "Didn't you say there is no problem?"

"It should be Wu Zhan, who would have thought that he has such a relationship with Hong Chen!" Dong Wei said sternly, having easily figured out the ins and outs of the matter.

"Then these two resources."

"I can't help it. I'll go to the manager later and cry poorly. I'll get you some other resources. This time I'll admit it." Dong Wei gritted his teeth, his right face twitching slightly.

"However, we made a note of this matter, and when we have a chance in the future, we will make him cry so hard!"

On the other hand, Hong Chen and Ge Chen were very happy.

In the evening they invited Wang Yao to dinner, and Wang Yao readily agreed.

Wang Yao also knew about the role change of the "Peace Elite" promotional team, so he naturally learned about the relationship between Hong Chen and Wu Zhan.

Wu Zhan is on the top line in China. Although he is not the traffic type, he has good resources, strong own strength, and a high degree of citizenship.

Looking at it now, Hong Chen is actually related to Zhang Hai and Wu Zhan.

Obviously, this little guy who came out of Hengdian Film and Television City has already started to build his own network of contacts.

Wang Yao is exquisite in all aspects, so he naturally knows that he needs to have a good relationship with Hong Chen, which may be useful in the future.

During the meal, the three of them chatted very happily, and they were all interesting things about the entertainment industry.

Of course, it's all public, and everyone is very measured.

Then, Hong Chen rested at home for two days, and then he had to catch up with the announcement.

The first is public service announcements.

This public service promotional film was taken over by the Huahai family. It is said that the upper management of the company also used a lot of power to reach an agreement with the leaders of the department in charge of publicity in Kyoto City.

The promotional film needs six young people to perform in six segments.First of all, it goes without saying that top performers like Mu Qingxue and Xun Yuan will participate in the show, and there are two remaining A-signed artists, both of whom debuted as idol trainees.

One of the B-signed artists is Cui Xiaowei, who is popular in urban dramas, and the other is Hong Chen.

This is actually a signal.

Although it is said that young people are needed for this promotional film, and older artists cannot participate, but the resources were obtained by Hong Chen, which still made many people look at it with admiration.

The public service promotional video of Kyoto City will be broadcast on satellite TV, subway, train station, high-speed rail station and other places, and the positive energy is still spread.

It can be said that this is a very top resource!
Let's put it this way, for the vast majority of artists, to be able to appear in such a public service promotional film, they are willing to invest 3000 to [-] million yuan.

After all, such opportunities are rare.

Only Huahai, the top domestic entertainment company, has the capital to acquire such resources.

And Hong Chen, a contracted artist who has just acted as a villain in two movies, is actually able to participate?
This shows that the power behind Hong Chen is not small.

Before shooting the promotional video, Hong Chen's styling team dressed him up well.

Of course, the public service promotional videos must all go abroad without makeup or light makeup, and what they want is the feeling of sunshine and youth.

After Hong Chen changed his clothes and tidied his hair, he smiled slightly, with the air of a boy next door.

Ge Chen looked at him, smiled with satisfaction, and a light flashed in his eyes.

Before the promotional video started, the six artists were chatting and laughing. After all, they were the pillars of Huahai, and everyone got along very well on the surface.

There are many shots around.

Then the filming began. The scene assigned to Hong Chen was a morning jog, picking up a row of bicycles that fell on the ground, picking up the cans on the ground as balls, dribbling the ball on the shoulder a few times, and then kicking the cans into the air with a volley. garbage can.

Mu Qingxue is also running in the morning. Her scene is to guide foreign friends and help the uncle who buys fruit pick up the scattered fruits on the ground.

There was an interaction between the two, that is, when Hong Chen kicked the can into the trash can, the can bounced on the trash can and didn't kick it in.

Then Hong Chen put his hands on his hips, smiled helplessly and shook his head.

Then, Mu Qingxue, who just ran over in the morning, squatted down, bent down, picked up the can and put it in the trash can.

The two continued to run face to face in the morning, and smiled at each other as they passed by, full of sunshine and youthful flavor.

Mu Qingxue was wearing a pink morning jogger, tight-fitting, with her navel exposed, tight sports pants on her lower body, a white hair band on her head, and a single ponytail, which looked particularly eye-catching.

Hong Chen is wearing white half-sleeves, black shorts, and a black headband. He has a well-proportioned figure and the lines of his calves are perfect.

The two look like couples in outfits, and they have a sense of CP.

Of course, this is also deliberately set up by the director team, so that the effect can be better.

The promotional video was shot very quickly, and it took less than a day to finish the filming.

Then, everyone rushed to their own announcements.

Everyone takes a different path, like Hong Chen and Mu Qingxue, they take the film and television route. Although there will be other drafts, the main route is still film and television.

As for the other two idol trainees who debuted at the top, they took the idol route, so they had to go to various places for fan meetings. The main task was to participate in various audition variety shows, or form girl group performances.

Therefore, they are very busy and have little leisure time throughout the year.It is often stuck counting drafts, and as soon as this end is over, I have to rush to another place.

Hong Chen is busy when he is filming or when he has a schedule, but usually he is relatively relaxed.

Of course, he couldn't be free these days.

The crew of "Those Years" is about to start filming. As an investor and starring role, he still cares about this film very much.

Moreover, the day after tomorrow is the day to shoot the "Peace Elite" game promotional video. He has a rest today and will fly there tomorrow morning.


(End of this chapter)

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