The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 44 The promotional video caused a strong response

Chapter 44 The promotional video caused a strong response

Filming the "Peace Elite" promotional video was more passionate than Hong Chen thought.

The four of them were wearing special forces equipment, carrying backpacks, and each with a gun. It felt like a reunion.

There are scenes of wild racing and explosions in the middle, which are also very enjoyable.

The promotional video is not long, only 2-3 minutes, but it took three full days to shoot, because some scenes need special processing.

Wu Zhan was very satisfied with Hong Chen's performance.

"It means that your schedule conflicts, otherwise my new movie "Wolf Warrior" will definitely ask you to play a role." Wu Zhan said straightforwardly.

"Haha, Brother Zhan, let me know in advance next time I have a chance, and I will definitely save you a schedule." Hong Chen said with a smile.

The two of them had another meal with the team members, and then Hong Chen had to catch up with the announcement, so he bid farewell to Wu Zhan and planned to go to the crew of "Those Years" a few days in advance to see it.

He didn't know much about Yan Chi, but before signing the contract with Yan Chi, he asked Ge Chen to inquire about Yan Chi's performance in college. According to the data, Yan Chi's strength in all aspects is not bad.

Moreover, no matter what, behind Yan Chi is the Yan family after all, the relationship is not small, and the prospect of development is definitely good.

Therefore, he decided to invest.

At the same time, the public service promotional film "If Everyone Gives a Little Love" was screened on various public screens in Kyoto.

When waiting for the subway or train, boring people will watch the content of these public welfare films.

However, the public welfare films in the past are a bit clichéd, usually with cartoon characters, accompanied by happy music and backgrounds, which have a didactic meaning.

But this time, the Kyoto Municipal Publicity Department decided to add some new atmosphere, and asked an entertainment company to shoot this promotional film.

Of course, there is no salary for this kind of promotional film, and the promotional department didn't spend anything.But this kind of opportunity is more real for entertainment companies than tens of millions.

The promotional video started to play, the first scene was Xun Yuan, the background was a bus, he was wearing earphones and he was a little sleepy, at this moment, he saw a pickpocket in front of him stealing a woman's pocket.

He and the pickpocket looked at each other, and the pickpocket looked fierce, threatening him to keep quiet.

The audience couldn't take their eyes off when they saw this, and they didn't dare to breathe too much.

That look is too scary. When ordinary people encounter such a situation, it is definitely better to have one thing more than one thing less.

Xun Yuan patted the woman's shoulder and asked with a smile, "Auntie, your dress is very beautiful. Where did you buy it? I'll buy one for my mother too."

The woman chatted with him very enthusiastically, and in this way, the pickpocket's plan to steal fell through.

People thought the pickpocket would be angry, but at the next stop, the pickpocket got off the bus in a daze.

Xun Yuan glanced sideways at the back of the pickpocket and revealed a complacent smile.

The story was well shot and the audience was amazed.

After that, there are stories of the other three young artists doing good deeds, all of which are fragments of promoting the positive energy of society, which makes people feel deeply.

When they arrived at Hong Chen and Mu Qingxue's place, both of them were running in the morning in fresh outfits, and they kept doing good deeds along the way.

The scene of smiling at each other at the end is beautiful.

At this point, the promo is over.

The audience was deeply touched, the old people laughed happily, and felt that these young people were really good.

People from all walks of life also appreciate this.

And people who pay attention to the entertainment industry are even more frantic in calling for their idols.

But the highlight of this promotional video was Hong Chen and Mu Qingxue smiling at each other.

Fans also made various comments on Weibo.

"I think they have a sense of CP, what's the matter?"

"My God, there is a scene where Yinshan and Mu Qingyan meet in the modern age. My regrets in "Battery Fighter" have come to an end."

"Don't say it upstairs, it really is, God's comment!"

"Confess my little brother Hong Chen."

"Stop arguing, Mu Qingxue is mine."

"its mine!"

"Hehe, Mu Qingxue is lying in my arms, I see you are pretending to be B here."

"Don't stop me, my urine is yellow, let me wake up upstairs."

The fans are also having fun.

It can be said that this promotional film is very helpful to Hong Chen's career.Let him once again enter the public eye with the image of a public service promotional film.

According to one of the requirements for actors in the Film Association is to promote the positive energy of society.This approach fits the theme perfectly.

If there are movies with big melodies in the future, like "The Founding of a Country", if he can participate as a young actor, it will show that he has successfully entered the core circle of Chinese movies and truly has a strong right to speak.

Before that, he still needs to continuously improve his strength.

The benefits of his joining the entertainment company are also reflected.

Ge Chen is also very satisfied with the effect of this public service promotional film. With the support of the public service promotional film, Hong Chen will go further.

This is different from the path taken by those traffic stars.

The shooting location of "The Girl We Chased Together in Those Years" was set in Jiangnan, in a high school with beautiful scenery.The high school hadn't been built yet, and Yan Chi directly used the investment money to complete the construction ahead of schedule, which was also convenient for them to shoot.

In the second half of the semester, after the summer vacation, the high school will officially start to use.

Yan Chi didn't spend much money just to complete the project ahead of schedule, but he invested a sum in the school, which was not only the remuneration for renting the school, but also a contribution to education.

The crew was already in place, Hong Chen got to know more about it, and the crew that Yan Chi found were relatively professional, from Times Media, Yan Yileng's agency.

It is worth mentioning that the biggest investor in this movie is Yan Yileng, and most of the investment is Yan Yileng's money.

Yan Yileng debuted at the age of 14, and now he has become a popular star. Naturally, he has a lot of savings, and it is trivial to spend tens of millions.

Later, Yan Yileng told Hong Chen that her parents were rarely at home when she was young, and it was Yan Chi who took care of him, and the two siblings had a deep relationship.

That's why Yan Yileng supported Yanchi's career so much.

"Hong Chen!" Yan Yileng saw Hong Chen approaching, stepped forward and greeted with a smile, "I heard from my brother that you also invested in his movie, thank you so much."

Hong Chen said with a smile: "I like this script very much, and Director Yan is also capable, so I invested."

"You have a good eye, my brother will never let you down." Yan Yi smiled openly, she had a pretty smile, and her eyes were particularly charming.

There were still two days before the filming, so the two of them wandered around the campus together.

This scene is really a bit like a campus walk.

"I really miss the campus life." Hong Chen suddenly felt a little emotional.

Hearing this, Yan Yi Leng's expression became a little more disappointed, and he said: "Actually, I am quite envious of you guys having such an experience. I made my debut when I was very young. In order to match my schedule and let me not miss my homework, my parents, They are all private tutors hired for me to study at home."

A flash of surprise flashed in Hong Chen's eyes, he never expected Yan Yilen to have such an experience.

At the same time, he also understood why Yan Yileng was so interested in this movie.

This is her dream, but also a regret in her heart.

She wants to make her dream come true in movies.

(End of this chapter)

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