Chapter 45
Hong Chen had searched for the script of "Those Years" in the parallel world. In that world, the movie seemed to come from a certain province in China, and the accent was a bit strange, with a bit of a whiny taste.

Moreover, there are still many unhealthy fragments in the movies of that world.Fortunately, Yan Chi's script does not have those plots.

But overall the movie is pretty good.

Because the location of the selected school is relatively remote, and there are no good hotels around, so the crew turned the dormitory building into a lounge for actors.

The dormitories of students are generally not big, a room for six or four people, with a few beds, two tables and one chair. Although small, it can meet the basic daily requirements.

Moreover, because this high school is newly built, the specifications are relatively high, and each dormitory has its own toilet.

Of course, the room prepared for the actors is not an ordinary bed. The crew emptied the room and moved in a brand new double bed, dressing table, workbench, sofa, etc., which is also considered warm.

Hong Chen is very satisfied with this arrangement. Actors and filming are the most important, and everything else is secondary.

"What? Just let me live in that kind of place?" At this moment, a discordant voice sounded from the crew.

Hong Chen turned his head and looked over. It was a young actress named Bai Miao.This actress is very beautiful, but she is overdressed, wearing a luxurious brand, and the expression on her face is a bit arrogant.

She didn't hold anything in her hands. There was a woman next to her who should be her life assistant. She carried several bags and a suitcase behind her.

Although it was spring, her assistant was already sweating profusely.

Yan Yileng was also there. Both she and Bai Miao belonged to Times Media, but her position was much higher than Bai Miao's.

Two people are considered friends, of course, the relationship is average.

Bai Miao is the actor who was pulled by Yan Yileng to play the second female lead, playing the role of Yan Yileng's best friend in the play.

"Miaomiao, just let it go, there are no good hotels around here, and the dormitory is well furnished, and it's very interesting to live there." Yan Yi persuaded with a sneer.

"Leng Leng, I came to this crew because of your face. You can see that the salary is low, and the conditions are so bad. There are many bugs in this place, and there is no better place for bathing and beauty. What if you get injured? What to do? And if it is not well maintained, it will reduce its appearance." Bai Miao said softly.

Then, Bai Miao looked at her life assistant again, and said arrogantly: "Check for me, there are any five-star hotels nearby. Ask the crew to book a deluxe room for me there for a month, and I have to drive back and forth every day." Pick up the car."

Her request was extremely rude, even Yan Yileng frowned slightly.

This is the disadvantage of having a bigger cast than an actor.

Naturally, Yan Yileng wouldn't be like this, and neither was Hong Chen.But many entertainers in the entertainment industry are self-proclaimed, and as long as they feel that the director of the crew can't hold him down, he will make a lot of excessive demands.

For example, Bai Miao, she believes that although the director of this film is Yan Yileng's brother, he is a new director after all, and he is not well-known, so she is definitely needed to lead the lineup and help increase the box office.

Moreover, I was invited here after being persuaded by Yan Yileng for a long time, so I already have an advantage in status.

The scene fell into embarrassment for a moment, Yan Chi rushed over, and after hearing about this, he pondered for a while.

This is not easy to handle.

If this kind of service is provided to Bai Miao, then Yan Yilen and Hong Chen, who are bigger than Bai Miao, will naturally also provide it. This is not a question of whether Hong Chen and Yan Yilen are willing or not. rule.

Otherwise, some drafts would be detrimental to Hong Chen and Yan Yileng.

Fans of Huaxia have a strange hobby, which is to rank artists.Who will stand in the middle of the photo, who will be the first to speak, who will be the first to announce the list of actors, etc.

They can see the artist's ranking from it.

The market determines the demand, so artists also attach great importance to these rankings, which is the reason for "grabbing the C position".

If Yan Chi let Hong Chen live in the student dormitory and Bai Miao lived in a five-star hotel this time, the news would be bad for the crew and Hong Chen.

Moreover, he also needs to pay a huge amount of expenses.

These are all secondary. The most important thing is that the nearest five-star hotel is far away from here, and it takes about 40 minutes to get down.

If the time delay is counted, two or three hours of shooting time will be lost every day.

At the same time, many production crews have had the phenomenon of all members waiting for actors.

Looking at it now, it is very likely that this will happen to Bai Miao.

"Here, Mr. Bai Miao, you see it's too far away from the hotel, why don't you just make up for it. How about this, I'll finish shooting your clip in advance, it will only take half a month, okay?" Yan Chi stepped forward Said.

Bai Miao glanced at the student dormitory building, a trace of disgust flashed across his eyebrows, and said, "No, it must be a five-star hotel. I usually have to take care of my whole body, take a milk bath, and it doesn't work here."

The scene was awkward for a while.

The surrounding crew members also showed displeasure, shook their heads, and thought to themselves:

It's really hard to serve a big name, especially a big name with good looks.

Hong Chen heard Bai Miao's words, and he also walked over, and asked Yan Chi, "Director Yan, what's wrong?"

Yan Chi said helplessly, "Teacher Hong Chen, blame me, the crew's conditions are too simple."

"No, the room is very warmly decorated. It can be seen that Director Yan has put your heart into it. Yi Leng and I are very satisfied." Hong Chen said with a smile.

Hearing this, Bai Miao's face changed.

Hong Chen's words are to stabilize Yan Chi's position in the hearts of the crew, so that everyone can see that he and Yan Yileng support Yan Chi.

The crew is also a place of power.

At the same time, Hong Chen also made it clear that neither he nor Yan Yilen said anything, and that Bai Miao, a second-tier actress, has no right to boss her around here.

Bai Miao gritted her teeth, turned her head, and snorted, "Director Yan, my conditions remain the same."

Then, Hong Chen pulled Yan Chi aside, and the two talked alone.

"Director Yan, I don't think you handled this matter rightly. As a director, you should check the actors well before letting them join the group. And you should persist in this situation." Hong Chen said in a low voice.

Yan Chi nodded, now he found that his ability in this area is not enough, fortunately there is Hong Chen.He explained: "The main reason is that Yi Leng brought him here, and I thought that he could also contribute to the box office."

"Director Yan, sometimes traffic is not that important, it's more important to make a good movie. And, Director Yan, you have to understand that the director is the boss of the crew, no matter how big the actor is, he is the most important in the crew. You have the final say, even if we don't perform well, you can scold us as you please." Hong Chen said again.

Hearing this, Yan Chi's eyes lit up, imperceptibly, he gained some confidence in his heart.

He is not a person who is vain and submissive, but for the sake of the movie, he swallowed his anger, and after being enlightened by Hong Chen, he suddenly understood.

As a director, you must adhere to principles and have your own opinions.

The entire crew is centered around the director.

The director must take the lead.

"Fortunately, I haven't signed a contract with her yet, so there is still room for maneuver." Yan Chi made up his mind, turned and returned to Bai Miao's side.

Seeing him coming, Bai Miao thought it was a compromise, so she couldn't help showing a victorious smile.

It's not like this hasn't happened before.

She has a lot of authority in some small crews. No matter how many demands she makes, the directors are not trying to curry favor with her.

After all, she can increase the box office, which represents a huge benefit.

But she didn't expect that this time, Yan Chi said with a strong attitude:
"Bai Miao, that's the condition of the production team. What you said is definitely not acceptable. If you really disagree, then I can only ask you back. Of course, I will reimburse the travel expenses normally."

"You!" Hearing this, Bai Miao raised her eyebrows, a little angry.She looked at Yan Yileng and complained, "Lengleng, why did you invite me to such a crew?"

Yan Yileng was a little stunned when he heard Yan Chi's words, but immediately smiled in surprise.

Yan Chi is tough, she naturally supports it.

"Miaomiao, he is the director, he makes the decision, it's useless for me to say it."

Hearing this, Bai Miao's face suddenly turned ugly, she raised her head and snorted coquettishly, turned around and left without looking back.

Behind her, the life assistant hurriedly followed her with big bags and small bags, looking a bit sad.

When the crew members around saw this scene, they all smiled, and looked at Yan Chi with a sense of respect.

Yan Chi nodded gratefully at Hong Chen.

That night, Yan Chi and Hong Chen had dinner and drinking. Yan Chi was so drunk that he said to Hong Chen: "Hong Chen, you are my friend. Thank you so much today. Brother, I don't know how to repay you. There is also a sister, you see"

Hearing this, Hong Chen and Yan Yileng looked at each other, and Yan Yileng's face turned slightly red.

(End of this chapter)

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