The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 430 Filming Completed, The Pianist's Destination

Chapter 430 Filming Completed, The Pianist's Destination

How can this be?

The smoke is really on!
This shows that the temperature of the strings is very high now.

This also shows how fast Hong Chen's song was just now.

Off-screen, Johnson was also unbelievable. He was speechless in a daze, not knowing how to describe his current feeling.

He thought that no one could play this piece, but now, Hong Chen couldn't help playing it, and even dropped the smoke with the strings.


He didn't know what to say anymore.

The crowd, including the crew, burst into cheers from a distance!
Johnson felt that he couldn't stay any longer, so he said "I'll call back the reward" before turning his head and leaving.

He knew that here, he didn't need to be a technical consultant at all.

Hong Chen's piano skills are far beyond what he can match.

But how is this possible?

An actor with the pinnacle of acting, he beat Connor in fighting and surpassed himself in piano.
Is this man a monster?
Johnson looked back at Hong Chen, it was the first time he had such a big fear of a person.

Yan Chi was very excited at this moment, came to Hong Chen's side, and said: "Damn, you are too awesome, you can really pop up, why didn't you say it earlier."

Hong Chen rubbed his sore fingers, shrugged, "You never asked me, and besides, your hands really hurt."

At this moment, Hong Chen was already dripping with sweat.

When playing this song, the fingers need to move violently, sometimes too much will tear the hand muscles, and the pain makes him sweat a little.

Therefore, before Hong Chen could only spend money to solve it, he spent money to solve it.

Yan Chi looked at Hong Chen now, the more he looked at him, the more he felt that Hong Chen was a treasure.

Just when Hong Chen lit his cigarette, he almost didn't scream!

Seeing Yan Chi's appearance, Hong Chen glanced at him in disgust, frowned and said, "What kind of eyes are you looking at? I don't want to be gay, stay away from me."

"Haha, get the hell out of here, sir." Yan Chi cursed with a smile.

The relationship between the two is good, so it's understandable to complain about each other.

However, Hong Chen's move just now made Yan Chi admire him so much.

"You can't be an alien." Yan Chi looked at him and said very seriously.

"That's not right. If you were an alien, Ping An wouldn't be able to give birth." Yan Chi thought for a while and denied his own thoughts.

Hong Chen was speechless for a while.

However, Hong Chen played the piano and lit cigarettes tonight, but it was thoroughly circulated on the Internet.

Of course, because there is no video, many people don't believe it.

But more and more ensemble performers are talking about this matter, which also caused some sensation.

As for the video, this scene is the core of the movie, so the crew will naturally not let it out, and the audience will only be able to see it when the movie is released.

Then, shooting continued.

Hong Chen's last operation naturally completely crushed Jerry who came to challenge in terms of strength. He won the cheers of the people and became famous.

But he still did not choose to disembark.

Later, a businessman came to record his music with a phonograph, and said that his music would sell millions of copies.

But when Hong Chen heard the music he was playing coming from the phonograph, he grabbed the black disk and shouted: "My music can't leave me."

While playing music, Hong Chen saw a girl, a girl who made him fall in love at first sight.

That girl is very beautiful, with a somewhat melancholy temperament, like a flower that has just begun to bloom.

Then, this talented pianist, who hadn't been off the boat for 27 years, fell in love.

Hong Chen was trying to strike up a conversation in front of the mirror, his expression was very nervous, and his words were a bit jerky, like a middle school student who meets a girl he likes for the first time.

But he never had the courage to strike up a conversation.

It wasn't until the moment the girl got off the boat that Hong Chen rushed over and chatted with her about the past.

It turned out that the girl's father was once a friend of Hong Chen.

The girl also obviously had a crush on Hong Chen, and told Hong Chen's address before leaving, hoping that he would come to her.

From meeting to parting, two people are full of romance everywhere.

After the girl left, Hong Chen's fame reached its peak, but his good friend Mark could see that he was no longer as happy as before.

In this way, after several more trips on the cruise, Hong Chen finally decided to disembark!

On the day he disembarked, all the workers on board came to see him off.They cheered and congratulated Hong Chen on his success.

This is a beautiful scene, a huge cruise ship, a long gangway, Hong Chen is still elegant and generous, walking slowly down alone.

But when he was halfway there, he froze.

He looked at the country of tall buildings and the huge steel city, and he became suspicious.

You know, at this time, it was the United States in the early 20th century.Just after World War I, the Industrial Revolution was at its peak.

The city was shrouded in black clouds, and the tall buildings looked like monsters. People were busy chasing their dreams of getting rich, and waves of crazy dreamers poured into the city.

As for Hong Chen, he is an elegant pianist who has been at sea all his life, full of romance, and is out of tune with this world.

Hong Chen's performance here is still perfect, his pupils are trembling slightly, and the fear and hesitation in his expression are getting stronger and stronger.

It went on like this for a long time before he made up his mind and walked towards the boat without looking back.

He aborted the landing.

He still chooses to live on board.

The cruise ship is his home.

After that, Hong Chen continued to play on the Virginia.

The play is told from Mark's perspective. After Mark got off the boat, Hong Chen's story ended.

Later, after World War I and many years later, when Mark returned to the pier again, he found that the Virginia was scrapped, rusted and lost its original color.

Workers are installing explosives on the ship. It turns out that today is the day when the Virginia cruise ship was blown up.

Mark firmly believed that Hong Chen was still on board, so he brought the only music disc that Hong Chen had recorded that year, bribed the person in charge, and came to the cruise ship.

This place is already in a bad shape, and there are dilapidated traces everywhere.

After so many years, the bustling cruise ship in those days has been completely left with a dilapidated shell.

Mark took the phonograph and played the music played by Hong Chen in one place after another.

This is a very bleak scene, and people can't help feeling a little sad when they see it.

Finally, in the cabin, Hong Chen appeared as Mark wished.

He is still elegant, still in a suit, still like a gentleman.

Seeing him appear, Mark burst into tears of joy, and there he began to cry.

Because until now, he may be the only one who still remembers the existence of such a pianist in the sea.

The two were chatting, and Mark said that the boat was going to explode, and hoped that Hong Chen could get off the boat with him.

Mark's narration is very good, he said that he can form a big band, that he still has many stories to tell, and this is his end and his starting point.

And Hong Chen looked at him, smiling reluctantly, his eyes full of confusion.

What follows is Hong Chen's longest monologue in the entire film.

This scene is a test of the actor's acting skills and line skills. Hong Chen is as good as ever, and after watching it, people can't help but be overwhelmed.

"That city, I can't see the end of it."

"On the gangway that day, everything was fine and I was really going to get off the boat. But it wasn't what I saw that stopped me, it was what I couldn't see."

"The city sprawls and eats everything, but it has no end."

"Take the piano as an example, the keys have a beginning and an end, and 88 keys are limited. But you are infinite, so you can create infinite music."

"But a city has thousands or tens of thousands of streets alone, like God's piano, with millions or tens of millions of keys, how can you play beautiful music? Obviously, you sit Wrong bench!"

This is actually explaining Hong Chen's long-standing experience and personality, that is, he is afraid of the unknown, afraid of what he doesn't know.

"How heavy it is in that world."

"I was born on this ship, and the world passed me by. There are dreams here too, but the dreams are between the bow and the stern."

"I just learned to live like this."

"Land? Land is too big a ship for me, it's a piece of music I don't know how to play."

"I can't leave this ship."

"But I can leave my own life."

Hearing his words, Mark kept crying.He knew that Hong Chen's destination was this ship, and now that the ship was about to explode, Hong Chen would no longer exist.

It was a muddled age, chaotic and full of desperate dreams.

In the end, Hong Chen was still on the cruise ship and disappeared completely along with the cruise ship.In this world, only Mark knows the existence of Hong Chen.

This is a sad story.

Those who empathize may weep over what happened in 1900.Of course, some people think, why didn't 1900 choose to disembark?
There is another interpretation of this film.

That is, Hong Chen is actually a fictional character created by Mark, and he is the state of the most dreamed musician in Mark's heart.

The most obvious evidence is that the cruise ship has been scrapped for many years, how Hong Chen survived in the scrapped cruise ship, and how he still maintained the same posture when he appeared.

"The Pianist on the Sea" is the same as "Titanic", it is recalled in the way of telling a story by one person.Hong Chen's stories all come from Mark's mouth.

In Mark's eyes, the role of Hong Chen is perfect, elegant, and even dreamy.

Mark is the reality, Hong Chen is the ideal.

This story ends here.

(End of this chapter)

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