The road to becoming a movie star from the villain

Chapter 431 Welcome from the company

Chapter 431 Welcome from the company

"Sea Pianist" is over.

Excluding more than a month of preparation work, the shooting process lasted two and a half months, and now, it is already May.

This story touched Hong Chen the most because of a line in the play:
"Everyone has to walk a path that he has established himself, even if he is smashed to pieces."

The road he wants to take is the road to become the world's best actor.

In the past six months, Yan Yileng made a plan to take a break from the film, and wholeheartedly took care of Hong Ping'an and stayed with Hong Chen.

Hong Chen was very moved by this.

Because Yan Yileng is still one of the best actresses in China, she is like Gao Yuanyuan, she looks good when she smiles, and she is getting more and more attractive.

But in order to take care of the child and to be with Hong Chen, she chose Xiying.

During this time, Hong Chen would return to Beverly Hills whenever he was not busy.

After the filming of "Sea Pianist", Hong Chen stayed with Yan Chi for a few days, and then went back to Huaxia with his family.

It is worth mentioning that not long after, Yan Chi also sent a wedding invitation.

It turned out that he fell in love with the heroine of "Sea Pianist" who only played for about 5 minutes.

That girl is very simple, has a temperament unique to European and American girls, and is also very quiet.

After Hong Chen knew about this, he just smiled and cursed, "Beasts, even little girls will not be spared."

That girl seemed to be just 21 years old, and Yan Chi was almost 30.

Of course, Hong Chen still blessed him very much.

Hong Chen's family returned to Huaxia. Hong Chen didn't go to the company for a long time, so he went to the company to have a look.

When I went to the company, I found no one there, only one front desk.

"Hi, boss." The front desk lady seemed to be packing up, and when she saw Hong Chen, she immediately came out to greet him.She looks very sweet, looks extraordinarily dignified, and is very respectful to Hong Chen.

"Where are people?" Hong Chen asked curiously.

"Boss, today is Friday, Mr. Ge is doing team building, so he took everyone to the cinema."

"Movie City? What are you doing there?"

"Boss, your new movie "The Seven Deadly Sins" is released today. Many people in the company really want to see it. Mr. Ge listened to everyone's opinions and took everyone to watch the premiere together!"

After hearing the explanation from the lady at the front desk, Hong Chen finally understood.

He forgot about it.

Ge Chen sent him the news about the premiere of "The Seven Deadly Sins" a few days ago, but he put it behind him because he was focused on perfecting the final story of "The Pianist on the Sea".

"What about you? Why don't you go there?" Hong Chen asked.

"I, I forgot my mobile phone, come back to get it." The front desk lady whispered.Chatting with Hong Chen, the front desk lady was obviously a bit cautious, but she glanced at Hong Chen from time to time, her eyes were full of liking. '

There is no way, people in the company are discussing Hong Chen every day, it is normal for the little girl to have a spring heart.

"Okay, let's go there together." Hong Chen thought for a while, and he really wanted to watch "The Seven Deadly Sins", so he planned to go there with the little girl.

Hearing Hong Chen's words, the lady at the front desk blushed, she was a little cautious, but also a little nervous, and her heart was beating very fast.

Hong Chen didn't notice anything about this.

His bodyguard and assistant, Wang Ming, and a work assistant followed, so there was nothing wrong with bringing a little girl with him.Anyway, the star would have been surrounded by a group of subordinates.

Then, a group of people rushed to the studio.

When they arrived at the studio, the security guard saw Hong Chen's car early on, and immediately called Xu Lang, the person in charge of the studio.

Xu Lang is a genius, he told all the security guards Hong Chen's license plate number early in the morning, and gave an order to notify him as soon as he found Hong Chen coming to the studio.

So, as soon as Hong Chen parked the car in the underground garage, Ge Chen and Xu Lang had already come to greet him.

"Why did you come out?" Hong Chen looked at Ge Chen and asked.

"The company team building today, watching a movie, I didn't expect you to come back. Xu Lang has made arrangements here." Ge Chen replied.

It was Xu Lang who told her about Hong Chen's arrival just now, and Ge Chen naturally mentioned Xu Lang when reporting.This can be regarded as the cooperation between good subordinates and good bosses.

It would be inappropriate if Xu Lang didn't tell Ge Chen to meet Hong Chen alone, or if Ge Chen ignored Xu Lang after greeting him.

"I just came to watch the movie." Hong Chen nodded, and then walked forward.

Xu Lang was very respectful at the side, but he didn't speak, because it was Ge Chen who was reporting.Ge Chen is Hong Chen's true confidant, and Xu Lang also knows how not to talk nonsense.

However, he glanced at the front desk lady indiscriminately, thinking about the relationship between this girl and the boss.

Hong Chen came all the way to the theater, but the movie hadn't started playing yet.In other words, I don't know where it was played, but when Hong Chen came, it would naturally be played from the same place.

Xu Lang arranged for Hong Chen to be in the back row in the middle. This is the best place for watching movies, and drinks and snacks have been placed.

After all, it is a large theater, so the conditions are just like this, Hong Chen really likes to watch movies with the company people.

Hong Chen came to sit in the middle, and everyone in the company turned to look at him, and whispered:

"It's really the boss."

"Isn't the boss filming in Hollywood?"

"I heard that he and Director Yan are filming a new blockbuster movie."

"Really? I'm looking forward to it."

Hong Chen discovered that both of his left and right were artists of the company:
Monk Lu Jia spoke up.

As the owner of an entertainment company, he must be most concerned about his artists.

Moreover, it is destined that each boss likes his artists to a different degree.

Ge Chen knew that Hong Chen's favorite company artist was Lu Jia and monk Yuyan.

An inappropriate analogy is that Hongchen Media is like a dynasty, Hongchen is the emperor, and whoever favors them will naturally rise in status.


"Brother Hong Chen."

The second daughter smiled sweetly and said hello.

Hong Chen glanced at them.

Lu Jia still looks youthful and beautiful, but she has a lightness and a sweet smile.

Shang Yuyan was still cold, with a little coldness, but after seeing Hong Chen, the coldness became a bit hotter.

The two of them are now the signs of Hongchen Media, and they also experience the body management necessary for stars every day, so they are both in good shape.

"Did neither of you go to the announcement?"

Hong Chen sat in his seat and asked a question.

"Boss, I just finished filming a movie, so it's rare for me to rest for a few days. I'll shoot a magazine cover the day after tomorrow." Shang Yuyan said with a smile.

"I'm currently participating in a dancing variety show, and I usually have some time." Lu Jia also said gently.

"Okay, let's watch a movie." Hong Chen smiled.

"Boss, what movie are you shooting this time?" Shang Yuyan asked expectantly from the side.

"This time I played a pianist." Hong Chen looked at her and said, "But in the end he was killed by the bomb."

"Ah, it's so tragic." Shang Yuyan stuck out her tongue.

"Haha, let's talk about it when it's released, that movie is still early."

"By the way, boss, you were so handsome when you fought that foreigner, we were all stunned. Especially that volley kick, you were so handsome!"

When Shang Yuyan talked about her excitement, she gestured happily.

Hearing this, Hong Chen flicked her head and said, "Let's watch a movie."

Lu Jia was drinking a drink at the side, looking at Hong Chen from time to time.Her personality is quieter and less ostentatious.

At this time, she envied Shang Yuyan's personality.

At least, he can play with Hong Chen.

Next to him was Ge Chen, who had no expression on her face.

Xu Lang moved a little further to the side. Although he was looking at the big screen without squinting, his mind was actually on Hong Chen.

Of course, Xu Lang just wanted to know Hong Chen's preferences through Hong Chen's conversation, but the distance was relatively far, and he couldn't hear anything clearly. He just knew that Hong Chen and the second daughter had a good relationship.

At this time, the movie officially started.

"Seven Deadly Sins", a thriller crime film, is another masterpiece of international movie stars Hong Chen and Freeman.

The plot is very compact, the plot is scary, interlocking.

There were a few horrific scenes, which made Lu Jia and Monk Yuyan pale with fright, sometimes relying on Hong Chen, but Hong Chen didn't react at all, and was completely immersed in the movie.

Making a movie and watching a movie are completely different.

There was no artistic process when making the movie, so I didn't have any special feeling at that time, I just knew what the plot was in my mind.

But watching a movie is different,
That kind of intuitive stimulation is also a kind of enjoyment for Hong Chen.

The production, cutting, light and shadow of the film are all Hollywood standards. David is also a famous director, and the director's level is indeed very strong.

When the final ending was reversed, the entire theater was full of exclamations.

They don't know how to describe the feeling.

The perverted pagan, who eventually killed Gwen, begged Hong Chen to kill him as punishment for his "jealousy".

And Hong Chen lost his soul permanently because of his "rage".

A sad ending, but also an unforgettable ending.

After watching this movie, I feel very uncomfortable. It doesn't make me want to cry, but I feel extremely congested.

However, it is undeniable that this is a very classic movie, and it is a type that Huaxia cannot make anyway.

Then, someone from the company started to applaud, and after that, there was a lot of applause.

(End of this chapter)

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